Sunday, 29 January 2012

Sneezing, sticking and stickiness

Last week now seems to be a bit of a blur. The bed inspector called at daughter's where the bed is at present, photographed the bed, claimed it was unusual to see one break, and said I would hear from J L in the next 10 days. I went out to get some filler and glue, and started the task of putting filler down. Not such a difficult job as before, but still quite messy. I would disagree with their label which says 'no sanding required'.  I managed to get it hardened enough to stick down a couple of tiles. On Tuesday when I was out I bought a brush, as I thought it might be easier to spread the glue on the tiles, and yes it was. I managed to do a whole pile of ironing too, but have resorted to the tumble dryer as I was running out of space on airers.
At Weightwatchers, whilst I thought I had done well,  in fact I had regained half a pound.. I did see Daughter briefly, and had a cuddle from Grandson, before I went off to Sainsbury's. N was a bit quiet as he and Daughter both have another cold. I rushed back home form Sainsbury's and found a message on the answering machine which stated mum in Law had sent a parcel, then went into the hall to discover  a card to say they had tried to deliver the 'signed for' special delivery parcel. I warmed some soup, and then off to Parent and toddlers forgetting to take the card for me to collect the parcel.
It was very exciting at Parent and toddler's, H had given birth to her twins on 28th December, about a month earlier than the planned C section She still had a section, but had to wait 14 hours for what was supposed to be an emergency section. The girls were a good weight, and once they got to 5lb she was allowed to bring them home. She turned up with one single buggy, at the moment they both fit in! She seems to be coping quite well, has 2 older children, but is absolutely radiant. She even got 5 hours sleep! I held one of them for a while, and it was like holding a doll. I've never held such a small baby before, my family don't have anything less than 7lb 11,and some are 9-10 lb. Afterwards, I collected the card and went to claim the parcel. Despite my producing ID they would not let me have it because Mum in Law being old fashioned had addressed it to Mrs M (husbands initial) and mine is P. I was quite fed up, but she did say they could re deliver it. The point is that they will give it to any old body who is in at the time, as long as they sign for it.
Husband and I have been watching some of the Michael Portillo train journeys on iplayer, and are thoroughly enjoying them. We also watched Call The Midwife again, although sometimes husband had his back to the screen , 'Just' looking at something on the computer, usually during the labour scenes.
 I found our first snowdrops this week, and last week a crocus or two.

 On Thursday I called to collect Nathaniel, and Daughter was in a flap. She had lost her car keys, but what concerned me more that she was coughing and sneezing, and really seemed most unwell. I got Nathaniel dressed, and then advised her to stay at home and call in sick. Really she was in no fit state for work, so she stayed at home with Nat and had a bit of a doze when he napped. I waited in all morning, then after lunch rang the post Office and got an answering machine. So I went back into town, taking my marriage certificate, to try and collect the parcel but was told 'it is being delivered tomorrow, and is locked up' maybe I did get the day wrong. I took an Argos catalogue from a young man who was handing them out in the almost deserted town centre. I decided I would buy a booster seat, so I don't have to lift N in and out of the high chair. I couldn't find large table mat for him however, and I will probably need some material to cover the chair seat. Then I collected more filler as most was used, and it will come in useful for another job on my list.
On Friday Daughter dropped N off, so that I would be at home for the postie. He didn't come very early, but then infuriated me by telling me I didn't need to sign for the parcel. I insisted! N and I went for walk with N in the buggy, but he didn't fall asleep, and when we got home he was ready for lunch. He soon got the hang of going to the chair with the booster seat instead of trying to unfold the high chair. He ate a good lunch, then I had to put him in the cot as I needed to get the car out to be able to take him home later When I came back in he was fast asleep, but woke up crying. I think he had a blocked nose. He was soon asking for a cuddle, so I was quite happy, as on Thursday I had been noticing the first signs of a cold, and although I used Vick's first defence I don't seem to have stopped it.
As I was  getting ready to put him in the car, I saw him waving at someone. Husband was home early, so he helped me get Nat in the car,then came with me to Daughter's as he hasn't seen much of them for a while. We waited for Daughter and she chatted about her day and N had a good old run around and seemed a little better, must be that dose of Calpol I gave him.
Friday night I was adding a dash of lemon squash to my hot blackcurrant, but as I shook the bottle the top shot off, and I ended up mopping the kitchen floor at 11.30 pm.  Next day I kept on finding sticky patches everywhere, on the working surface the cooker and a few utensils. I did sleep better, but felt really unwell as the day went on on Saturday, so we took the car into town to do the shopping, and came home and had the old Jewish standby, chicken soup.
Last night I hardly slept at first, alternately coughing and choking. This morning I didn't go to church, I dozed from getting up till nearly when husband went out I downloaded an old sermon of our pastor's from sermon audio.I will probably listen to another soon. we haven't had snow yet, just  hard frosts.
Frosted terrace

Frosted pot
Still if it did snow now at least winter wouldn't last too long. I must download that sermon.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

A car service, a funeral service, and normal service hopefully resumed next week!

This has been an odd week, I have been busy but don't seem to have achieved much. On Monday I got down to the task of removing more of the floor compound. I also  managed a walk, and in the afternoon a visit to takes some shirts and bed linen to be ironed.  I met two people whom I haven't seen for a while on Monday, so had some catching up to do. Then I drove down to the hospital path lab for my thyroid blood test. I also had  a phone call from the John Lewis furniture inspector to make an appointment to inspect the broken bed.
On Tuesday it was husband's car's turn for a service. it was bitterly cold, so in view of my near collapse in December, I had breakfast before I left. I still walked into town, but as the air was so cold I did not walk as quickly as usual. I also remembered my camera.
The sun was coming up through the the trees near the roundabout

This gate always amuses me

The 'Country Lane' which is yards from the main road

The old railway house

The housing estate where the maternity unit once stood. I had been there exactly 28 years ago
Our local landmark building, now expensive flats which they can't sell, and the new bridge

When I got home, I got stuck into the job of lifting the floor compound again. It is very slow work, but after a break to collect the car, I managed to get it completed. I couldn't fit the cooker back in, as the floor is now uneven, so that is the job for this week, to use some ordinary filler, as I used under the washing machine, then to stick new tiles on a (hopefully) level floor.
I was up early on Wednesday morning, I did some housework before setting off to Weightwatchers. I had lost a further one and a half pounds. Afterwards I skipped the Sainsbury's run, came home and did some packing, then after lunch I checked my tyres, picked up the Satnav which I bought 2 years ago and have never used, and set off for  Son's home in Cheshire where I had begged a bed for the night. I remembered the way to their house, so didn't use the Satnav, but it was harder to find the correct house in the dark. Daughter in Law was out walking their newly acquired dog, but soon came home. Son had been working in Llandudno where they are short staffed. He gets very good expenses, and it frees up a few of his hours for another member of staff.
I quickly made friends with Tom the border collie, who is sadly a 'failed' sheep dog. He is as soft as butter, a little nervous, and they began to regale me with their escapades with him whilst Son cooked a chilli.

Son coaxes the fire

Afterwards they had a Christianity Explained meeting in their home, so the evening passed quite quickly. Son complained of a headache and dizziness, so went off to bed, and we didn't stay up late either. I had difficuly sleeping , and was woken by a crash, I thought the dog had been up to something, and when I heard another noise got up to investigate. It had been daughter in Law closing the door as she went out then came in with the dog. I couldn't get back to sleep, so got up and made some tea. It was Son's day off, and as he was still dizzy, I didn't want to disturb him too soon. The shower ran cold, so I had to finish off as a wash.
I made myself breakfast, then boiled a kettle to wash up, then disturbed Son. I think they have a problem with their boiler.
He directed me to a car wash as my car was filthy.  Husband had used one of his alternative routes to work, which involve country lanes. The men there did a wonderful job in getting my car clean, but one thing troubled me. They are all Eastern European, and they have almost no  grasp of the English language. I do not want to appear xenophobic, but I would have thought that one of the criteria for coming to a country to work would be an ability to speak English.
I went back to Son's house got changed, plugged in the Satnav and set off for the small village where my half sister's funeral was to take place. It was a pretty church on a hill, where she had been married and a friendly young woman helped me with the gate which was on a slope of slippery cobbles. We couldn't figure out how to open the lych gate, but we discovered later you just push it. It is a special design to keep animals out. Once inside someone came to sit by me and soon we were chatting like old friends.  It was a fairly ordinary Anglican service, but the coffin came in to 'Welcome to my World' and went out to Gene Kelly's 'Singin' in the Rain'. It was so typical of Edna. She was always the one to get the party going, I  can remember her heading up the 'Conga' line at family weddings when I was a child. By the time I was born she was in the WRAF, and one of my earliest memories of her is when she came home on leave with a friend. She was a gifted pianist, only ever had lessons for a year, but could play almost anything
The vicar's graveside oration had to wait whilst a plane went overhead, we were on the flightpath for Manchester airport. After the burial I spoke to both of Edna's sons, and they made me feel really welcome. they invited me to  the hostelry in the village where Edna lived, where I drank orange juice, and met family members I hadn't met before. Everyone was fascinated by our complicated family history, and some want to keep in touch. After partaking of the buffet, I said my farewells and headed home. A longer journey than on the way up, I stopped at Sandbach services to change clothes. There had been a lot of congestion, but once we left Cheshire, the pace was faster. I used the M6 toll Road, stopped for petrol at Corley and then went slowly through the roadworks, which were congested, due to a broken down car.
I arrived home at about 7.30, but by the time I had phoned various people and cooked a meal, didn't want to eat it.
On Friday I had Nathaniel, his Mum had taken Thursday off so I could go to the funeral. I did the Sainsbury's run with Nat in the trolley, by the time I got him back here he was fast asleep. I got the results of my blood test, this time normal, played with Nathaniel for a while, then when I took him home collected the ironing. We were out early Saturday, as there was a meeting at the church for all involved in Children's work. Then I met husband in town, he'd had 2 new tyres fitted, as recommended by the guy who did the service. We now have all weather tyres all round; still no snow though! We shopped, then bought a M&S Chinese takeaway for later.
Today we had just arrived at church when I realised I hadn't put the chicken in the oven. I'm so glad I have a combination microwave, it cooked in just under an hour, so we weren't too late sitting down. Afterwards we both zonked out for quite a while, but managed  to recover in time for the evening service. Phoned mum in law this evening, she is still not well, but is learning that she must rest in order to recover. Me? I'm off to bed soon, it's been a tiring week. Hope all is well with you and yours.
ps , Son has labyrinthitis, which he has had before. He saw the GP and got more tablets, so is improving.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Flotsam and Jetsam

I'm sorry, I seem to have got a bit behind here somewhere. The layout of my blog has changed, perhaps I clicked the wrong button, however, here is a summary of what has been happening. Bank Holiday Monday husband and I walked into town to deposit our Christmas money in the hole in the wall.We did a bit, as with being away so much, we didn't have much food in. We waited for about 15 minutes for a bus back up the hill, and husband managed to connect to something on his phone which told him 'No more buses from this stop today' Great, it was supposed to be a Sunday service, so he hitched up the shopping bags and we walked up the hill.
Tuesday he was back to work and I was rubbish. I couldn't get started or motivated, the general lack of sleep over Christmas was catching up on me, but I did manage to pull myself together and did a huge pile of ironing. I was shocked to get a huge electricity bill, (excuse the unintended pun) and vowed that the tumble dryer only goes on once a week, back to drying clothes on airers in the spare room, difficult when guests are here.
We had the high winds last week but fortunately our fences stayed up. At Weight watchers I learned I had put on half a pound over Christmas and the New Year, but with my tiredness I am struggling to stay motivated. I had Nathaniel on the Thursday, and had to take him for an appointment to check on his hernia. I set off in plenty of time, but managed to misread a sign, and ended up going the wrong way round a one way system. When I reached the hospital there were no spaces on the main car park or the overflow. Conscious that the time was ebbing away, I pulled out onto the road, and at that moment someone pulled out of a space on what appeared to be a layby type parking area. I strained to see the sign on the wall, but all it said was 'no fly tipping' and as I had no flies to tip.... I bundled Nat into the buggy and set off to trek across the hospital site in search of outpatients. I made it just on time, but the receptionist was unfazed, as they all obviously realise what a huge problem they have with one hospital covering such a huge area.
One wonders if the Labour vote will ever recover in our town after the massacre on our hospital services. Nat was examined twice, once by a student and once by a consultant or registrar. He was a bit subdued, obviously it was all very strange to him, having his navel prodded and poked by strangers. After a promise to check him again in a year, both left the room, and I distinctly heard him say 'Gone'
He was unwell when I collected him on Friday, had been sick. he didn't eat much all day. I wrapped him up warm to go out and he slept in the buggy, then in the afternoon, when I was desperate for a doze, he asked to be picked up, and put his head on my shoulder, so we dozed together for a while. I'm still having trouble sleeping, had some late nights, why go to bed when you can't sleep? But am now trying to get earlier nights. I've had something on  my mind, maybe that didn't help.
On Saturday I slept till very late o'clock and we were chasing our tails all day. Got to town late, so decided on lunch in town. 'Our' veg market stall had sold out of some things, so we had to go to M&S for Bananas  and Cauliflower. We got the bus back up, then I realised I hadn't got potatoes. As I had mislaid my Aero Chamber, and was badly in need of a new one, I called in at the late chemist to buy one, on my way to Sainsbury's to collect potatoes.Of course the next day I found the one I had mislaid. I also stripped the Christmas tree on Saturday evening. Sunday was good being back in our usual church with our usual minister, and he was on form as usual.
On Monday, I was still trying to find the receipt for the guest bed which has broken after only 3and a half years. Then I started a horrible job, removing some floor levelling compound from under the cooker. we had some broken tiles and a few years ago I was advised to use floor levelling compound, which actually raised up the floor under the cooker. I have started looking for a new cooker, but am limited by size of gap in kitchen units. Internet research led to me using a hand held steamer, but I have found a wallpaper steamer does a better job in removing the compound.
Daughter rang to say the Doctor thought Nathaniel might have had tonsilitis, but was getting better. She called in on Tuesday to collect his little gift from toddler group. I've had 3 phone calls this week, one from the wife of the pastor who married us explaining why she hadn't sent a card or phoned me, another from an ex work colleague to whom I haven't spoken for 30 years, explaining the lack of a card from her. She had collapsed before Christmas, and now has a pacemaker. The third was to tell me that my half sister in Cheshire had another fall, broke her hip, and sadly died on Wednesday in the early hours. The funeral is next week, I would like to go, but will have to see. Edna would have been 92 next month. She was grown up and in the WRAF when I was born!
No Weight loss for me this week sadly, I thought I had been rather good, perhaps it's the lack of sleep.
I had Nathaniel yesterday and today, he is now capable of getting in and out of the rocking 'horse' although sometimes he gets stuck  I made it to John Lewis in Watford today, it seems I may be able to get something done about the broken bed without the receipt. Nathaniel slept all round Watford. I was just about able to keep my eyes open this afternoon to watch him playing.  He is very helpful. I decided to wash some stuff in the bath  and as I threw the stuff in, he threw in the shower squeegie, bath cleaning mitt, and travel soap box. Oh well I suppose it's better than his other trick of taking the clean wet stuff out of the washing basket and feeding it back into the machine! Happy days! I would have posted a pic of him 'reading' a Christmas newsletter, but he grabbed the camera and managed to delete it. Hey ho!
Husband came home feeling unwell, refused dinner ( he must be ill!) and took himself off  upstairs. I must go and check if he needs anything I hate to boast, but I have a yellow crocus out in the back garden. Hmm! here come the frosts.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

More travellers tales

Actually, I forgot to mention that before we left Son's home town, we  popped into the town centre (again) to see if the antiques place was open. it wasn't, but we did browse the home store and I bought some cut price crackers and replaced a dish which was cracked. I also forgot to mention that I bought the Christmas episode of Downton and watched it one evening, so now am up to date.
On Friday we packed again, smaller cases this time, and headed off to take Grandma back to her home on the South East coast. We arrived at the services quite late for lunch, and as we entered it seemed as if the world and his wife were travelling either home after Christmas or away for New Year. We lunched in Costa, again, not much choice as the ravening hoards had obviously been in. Then we shopped in the small M&S for food for the evening meal, bananas, milk and other things that husband can't seem to live without when we go away. We had a fairly good run and arrived at Mum in Law's bungalow at around 4 pm.
We gathered up all of her post, put the heating on, and made ourselves comfortable. As I unpacked I realised that I had intended to go back to packing more stuff, but had in fact forgotten, and had no spare trousers or tights for church on Sunday. I helped Mum in Law with the partially ready meal, then afterwards felt like veging out. I checked the TV pages, and found that New Tricks was on. Good! just the sort of untaxing stuff I needed. Before Christmas I had been genuinely bone weary tired, and although I can't sleep well in strange beds, I was feeling less like death warmed up and a bit more human. Obviously having nothing at all to do over Christmas had helped.
We had a very slow start on Saturday morning, husband put the TV on. Fatal! We watched an episode of Poirot, then an old Frost, both of which we have on DVD. It was getting very near lunchtime when we were actually going out, and Mum in law decided to go to the shop in the village instead of coming with us.we headed off to Hastings for a change. I located M&S, bought tights, and we looked in a few other shops. There was a temporary ice rink in the square, and we suddenly realised that they had a machine pumping out snowflakes, the weather was very mild so it was a bit surreal. We found our way to the sea front, and then the little lane full of small shops and cafes which leads away from the seafront. we stopped for lunch in one of the small cafes, then afterwards continued up the lane and into the road which is the start of old Hastings. This is the area where  Foyle's war was filmed, and we spent a happy time browsing the old antique/junk shops which proliferate there. I found an oval tablecloth, seemingly unused and as they are hard to come by asked the price. At £2.80 it was a bargain, and good enough for Nat to smear yoghurt on. At sometime on Saturday I sat on the sofa, realised there was card there, moved it and discovered it was Son in Law's Birthday card. The one that Mum in Law couldn't understand why he hadn't received.
The evening was spent reading papers attempting a crossword, and running Father in law's old computer to check all was well, and I used it for facebook. I also managed to log on to certain parts of the Weightwatchers website that I can't access from out home computer, and managed at last to register my weight loss. We also caught the 10 o'clock news on TV.
I was in bed before midnight, fuddy duddy that I am, drifting off to sleep, when my phone began to vibrate. A new year message from my niece, then the fireworks began, not too many, it is the Costa Geriatrica after all. The last lot started at 12.20 am, but were soon over. On Sunday we were up before Mum in law. She rushed around , getting ready, and husband drove her to her 9.30 am service. Soon she came back, the service had been altered to 10.30! She walked round there the second time, and we left for the 11 am service at the church we attend when down there.
It was communion at the end of the service, but we had to leave as I had booked a table at the Eastbourne Hydro for 1 pm, to save Mum in Law having to cook for us. The weather was foul, the car parks full, but we managed to find a space on the road. The restaurant was not quite as full as last time we were there 3 years ago, that time there were 8 of us. Since Father in Law died we no longer congregate there as a family at New Year.  Mum in Law wouldn't be able to cope as well these days.
It was a lovely meal, we all had a different starter, and all settled on the roast beef. I had to leave some of my enormous Yorkshire pud, and wondered whether I had room for pudding, but in the end I gave in to the pear upside down cake with raspberry sauce and ice cream. Mum in Law had the same, but with custard, and husband had a sundae. Oh well 2 more days before weigh in! 2 days to redeem myself.
Once back at the bungalow we resisted the urge to doze, packed up at about 4 pm, packed the car, and set off for home. I hope Mum in Law doesn't miss us too much, she has had so much company for the last 2 weeks.We had a shorter stop at the services for a drink, and made it home a at around 7.40 pm. The weather had improved slightly on the way home, less driving rain, but it was pretty obvious that we had had some here. originally we planed to stay till Monday as it was a bank Holiday, but I thought husband needed a day to recover from all the driving before returning to work.
Well that just about brings me up to date, so I will wish all my blog readers a Happy New Year, may you know God's blessings in your life.
PS later than I intended sharing this, was going to upload some old pics of old Hastings from my mobile, but can't quite work out how

Travellers tales

So on Christmas Eve at about 10 am, we set off for our Son's new home in Cheshire. It had been decided that we would visit them this year, as they had very little time off after Christmas.  So for the first time in 32 years I would not be cooking a turkey! It had been touch and go,as they only moved in to their new home on 14th, at one point we were envisaging Christmas in the rented house. They had pulled out all the stops so to speak, and got everything ready for our visit. They had provided a new bed for Grandma, and had even had to get a door fitted to her room.
Despite the fact that we had heard that there would be an estimated 18 million cars on the road that weekend, we had a surprisingly good run, once past the roadworks. Daughter and her husband had travelled to Kent  late on the Friday evening, and also had a fairly good journey.
On arrival we were shown around the house. I was green with envy at the size of the kitchen, plus a cross between a utility and a larder, not to mention a downstairs loo! We were shown the upstairs, and unpacked, then back down to chat and admire the Christmas tree and try to light a fire in their open grate. There was a tantalising smell coming form the kitchen, and Son revealed that they were keeping up our family tradition of gammon on Christmas Eve.
I felt a bit of a spare part with nothing to do, but I had brought my Christmas cake, and a pudding made by M&S. We had a lovely meal, and even Grandma felt like a spare part as they have a dishwasher, so she could not indulge in one of her favourite tasks. Son's wife had baked some lovely chocolate cookies, which we had for afters, and I began to wonder whether I had been wise to say I would only not  count points on Christmas Day..
We were up at a reasonable time on Christmas morning, opening stockings. Husband grumbled that he hadn't dared put chocolate in mine. Son had to be early at church to set something up, so we were the first to arrive. Once someone had opened the door the place quickly filled up, and we had a very pleasant service with 4 traditional carols. Afterwards we were introduced to various people, and I found at least 2 people who knew folk in Chester that I knew.  It's a small world in  evangelical circles!
Home again to Son's and I was given the task of handing out the presents from under the tree. We sat down to stuffed turkey breast with all the trimmings, and there were no leftovers of turkey to be used up. Son had made a pudding they had had in South Africa as an alternative to Christmas pud, which he dislikes. The sauce sounded so calorific, but then I can't say much as I had smuggled along some clotted cream to go with the Christmas pud!  Some of the afternoon was spent dozing, and no one felt like much tea, except trifle and/or Christmas cake, or cookies. Son, Daughter in law and I walked round the block to blow away the cobwebs, being nosey admiring the Christmas lights as we walked.

Grandma and Daughter in Law

Husband engrossed in something

On Boxing day husband and I decided to walk into the town centre, as we were both in need of a walk. Initially we called in at a local shop, but they didn't have a Telegraph, so we walked on into town. there was not much open, and as usual, I needed the loo. The market place toilets were closed, Waitrose was closed, so I headed off to Homebase, used theirs and then bought a couple of every day items to ease my guilt. As I left, husband texted to say he was in Costa, which was open, (and they had a loo!) I joined him, had a drink, used their facilities, then we set off to walk back, admiring houses as we went. We could afford something decent up there. Son and Daughter in law had been to Homebase with Grandma and then a few miles to a B&Q as they were trying to put up a small wire fence. It was husband's turn to be envious when he saw their double garage with power and light, he has wanted a workshop for years.
The fire building wasn't going too well, it is a French style fireplace, so Husband arranged bricks around it to help. We decided a fire basket was needed. There is an antique shop in their town, so on the Tuesday, after Son had gone back to work, we went into the town centre by car to show Grandma around and see if the antique shop was open. We went into Costa, again. there were not many shops open. The antique shop wasn't. However they did go into a home store whilst I went into Boots, and they found fire baskets in there. I also discovered that there was park with toilets, but whether they had been open the previous day I didn't know. We  also took Grandma to show her the posh rented house
saxon crosses

very old pub

Unusual church entrance

Back home Son came home early, they had had a fairly quiet day, with some people cancelling. He and Daughter in Law nipped into town, but the home store had closed.  We had another evening meal cooked for us, more unfinished desserts, and a relatively early night as both of them had to go to work in the morning. I was up in time to see both of them before they left for work
We packed,. loaded up the car and left, but when we reached the motorway, there was more traffic than we had had on Saturday. It became very slow due to accidents, so we diverted and found the A41, then picked up the A5, so that we could use the M6 toll if necessary.  It wasn't too bad so we stopped at Hilton Park services, and once again found a Costa for lunch. We managed on the M6 without using the toll road ., and arrived home at around  4. I soon had the washing machine going, and we had a much needed drink.
At about 7 we went to Daughter's she had invited us for a meal. Her husband was sent home early, so that was nice. However Nathaniel was a bit unwelcoming to us, he had had a very tiring over excited Christmas racing around with his Kent cousins; irregular meals and irregular bedtimes. However once he was offered some food his mood improved somewhat. We had a very nice meal, and didn't stay too late as husband was tired from driving.
Thursday morning, I was up early, and collected Nathaniel. I brought him here and he was playing quite happily. At around 10 I got a phone call, Daughter had been sent home as she felt really unwell, could she have a sleep before collecting him? We said of course, and husband and I went to Sainsbury's to stock up a bit. It was good having someone to help lift Nathaniel into the trolley. Daughter came round later on, and said she felt a fraud as the severe nausea had passed. She did suffer from low blood sugar for a while in her university days, so it could have been a recurrence of that. I think I will break the story now, and continue later