I must confess to having been fairly inactive this week, partly because of this horrible cold. I felt the familiar itching as the infection travelled down my trachea, and it seems to have settled on my chest. I was still sneezing up to a few days ago. Monday I had to go out to take my repeat prescription request in, then I walked to Dunelm Mill, then to Sainsbury's. I was tempted to call in at Homebase too, but it suddenly seemed a very long way, so I came home, had a soup lunch, and spent most of the rest of the day coughing and resting. We watched 'Call the Midwife' on iplayer again. Daughter asked me later 'Mum is it true to life for the 50s' and I said 'Oh yes', Things were so much simpler then. we didn't have as much, but we were happy. Afterwards we watched another Michael Portillo railway journey.
On Tuesday I walked into town, I can't quite remember why, only that when I got back I felt exhausted, but at least I had called in at the hairdressers to make an appointment to have my somewhat straggly hair cut. Wearing hats in the cold weather doesn't help. On Tuesday evening we started to watch one of my Christmas videos, Garrow's law.. I pondered for a while whether to ask for this series, as Garrow was a fairly amoral man in his relationship, but having watched a recent episode on iplayer decided it would be ok. It is interesting to see what the law courts and the 'upholding of the law' was like in those days, the early 18th Century I believe. It was Garrow who coined the phrase 'innocent until proven guilty'. in fact he changed the way in which the courts operate.
When you consider that the penalty for fairly minor offences could be hanging or transportation, Garrow did a lot to remedy things.
Wednesday morning I was taking my very last thyroxine out of the packet when it shot through the air, and landed I knew not where. Great! Ok, I was getting some more, but I really had to try and find this one as I dread to think what it could do to a toddler if picked up and swallowed, so I grovelled on the floor a few times, went over with a dustpan and brush, no result. Late I examined a plastic bucket, and discovered it had landed in there. Phew! panic over.
On Wednesday it was bitterly cold, and I really felt the Siberian wind round my legs as I went to Weightwatchers. I always wear the same clothes for weighing, just thicker tights, however I had managed to lose 2lb, and now have my 10% keyring. I am now at a weight with which I have struggled in the past, I seem to hit a plateau. We will have to see how I go, after all this time I had no 'event ' to lose weight for, so in sense haven't lost my motivation. After a trip to Sainsbury's I put my feet up for a bit. I was in a bit of a quandary, exhausted from coughing at night, so needing sleep, I have been trying various methods to stop the nighttime coughing.
Being asthmatic I'm not really suppose d to suppress a cough, but if I can't sleep I am like a zombie, so when I collected the prescription, I asked the advice of the pharmacist. I was told just to avoid pseudoephedrine.So the Benylin I had been taking was ok.
Husband arrived home sounding groggy, and announced he would not be going in on Thursday. He has got this lurgy too now, so I have competition in the coughing stakes. Actually, it was very handy having him home as I was looking after Nathaniel, so I could say, 'could you just watch him whilst I nip up to the bathroom?' .Nat still has a hacking cough himself, I suspect that is where mine came from. When I took him out for a walk, I made sure he was wrapped up well.
Snug as a bug |
He fell asleep in the buggy before we even left the house, but as I got to the checkout in Sainsbury's he woke up. I came the long way back, and when we got in I reheated some cottage pie for him,and did some veg, which he seemed to enjoy? He followed this with a yoghurt. He had managed to wet his vest, which I'd had to remove and rinse, and put on a radiator. I tucked him up for a nap, with a blanket, and came down. He seemed to spend the nap time playing with a toy, and chatting to himself, eventually he cried, so I went up to find he had taken off his nappy and socks, thrown both out of the cot, plus the toy with which he had been playing. He played for a while, and we discovered he sure knows what to do with a camera.
We let him watch one episode of in the night garden, then eggybread, beans and fruit for tea before taking him home.
On Friday husband went back to work, I went to collect N, he'd had a bad night and wasn't up, and his Dad came home as he couldn't get in to London, there was a derailment, so he saw to brekky, and let me go home and catch up on some housework, as he wouldn't be able to get on to the office system for a couple of hours. I came home, gave the kitchen a good clean, vacuumed, then took the filter out of the Dyson to wash it, and also washed out the cylinder of the Dyson. When I got back to collect N, his Dad was starting a conference call. I brought hm home, then later walked into town with him snug in the buggy. We missed a bus back, so I took him to M&S, where he dissected a ham sandwich, leaving the bread, and munched on fruit salad. He swigged most of the apple juice too.
When we got home he quite happily napped for a couple of hours, but wasn't so keen on eating beef casserole, perhaps I should have chopped the meat as it may have been tough. He did eat a yoghurt, Grandad was home early, and after a while informed me that Nat was back at the table obviously wanting more food. I quickly scrambled an egg, which he ate, and he gobbled down several blueberries. Husband came out to help me get him in the car seat, the modern seat catches need 2 hands,and it's horrible trying to do it in the dark. I deposited hm with Daddy and gave a quick resume of his day.
Yesterday, we drove into town, it was bitter and I had dug out my walking thermals. we both seemed to be exhausted with the effort. Just after dusk as forecast it began to snow, and continued till at least 1 am.
Husband didn't feel up to church as he would have coughed all through. He managed to clear the path, we had 4in of snow in total. I struggled to open the garage door, and then had a job getting out of the garage area, but the all weathers tyres seemed to do their work. It wasn't easy driving as I had my North Face Boots on. They were great for walking in the snow though. I arrived during the first hymn, having had a problem with the ticket machine. It wasn't our pastor he is away, but I had to go and get a drink of water as I coughed so much. I stayed for communion, and had a reasonable journey home, but decided to stay put tonight, rather than cough through yet another sermon. We may download one from sermon audio later. Well I'll just post some snow pics, then be on my way. have a good week
Christmas tree decorated again! |
Tree out at the back |
Pots at front