She was quite pleased to see that my sideways lift and front lift measure abut 75 degrees, I could get my hand onto the back of my head, and my behind reach was as far as the coccyx. She gave me some new exercises to inprove my range.
Later that day we had news that my cousin V who has MS had been taken into hospital after fitting and becoming unconscious. She was admitted to HDU, where later pneumonia was diagnosed.
On Tuesday morning I got up and husband had the teapot in his hand, I had to say 'No thanks', and remind him I was fasting for my annual blood tests. I had a few sips of water with my meds. For some reason I was later than I planned in setting off, and I put a banana and an apple in my bag. On the walk down I met H and her twins, they have moved to another part of town and it is too far to get to our parent and toddler group, so we had a quick catch up. She was taking the twins to a paeds appointment later. I arrived at 9.40 am in pathology, only to see that the waiting room was full, and people were standing in the doorway. I asked a member of satff if everyone was there for blood tests and she said 'yes and we have a clinic on too'. When I explained I had fasted, she said 'well you won't want to do that again, you'd better wait', so I took a ticket from the machine, found a seat and pulled out my newspaper. At 10.20 my number came up, and the deed was done. As I left I scoffed the banana. I checked the hospital cafe, no toast. I wandered all over town looking for tea and toast, but no one seemed to combine the 2, so I got the bus back up the hill and made my own tea and toast.
Wednesday I seem to remember I had regained the half pound I lost, not surprising really, as I'm finding it hard to concentrate on propoints counting since my op. I didn't stay to the talk, instead going to Daughter's, who was running late. Again by the time we got to Sainsbo's it was time for lunch, so mindful of Nathaniel's needs we had lunch before we started the shopping. I spent a bit more, as I loaded the trolley with some Easter treats. Back home I packed everything away before sitting with the paper, which in turn caused me drop off to sleep.
Last week husband discovered that the temperature in the small fridge had been accidentally turned up. It's a wheel type control, and is easily knocked. this resulted in the type of thing that we saw when I was young in cold weather. it also gave an interesting crunch to my 0% fat Greek yoghurts.
Sadly the milk bottle had cracked as i discovered when it leaked everywhere during defrosting.
Frozen pinta |
Later I went to Women's hour. I had been offered a lift, which I accepted, not wishing to overdo the driving. It was our anniversary service and we had a very good speaker from another town in our County. This time I fell asleep after I had got home, waking just in time to greet husband as he came home from work. At least the evenings are lighter now.
On Friday morning I decided to visit C&C. If you remember, the wife had been in hospital with a broken ankle, only being discharged at around the time when I went in. She is still mainly housebound, has a large splint on her ankle, but is having home visits from a physio to try and get her some mobility back. We had a coffee, chatted a lot, giggled over some daft things, and hopefully she felt better. I certainly did. I felt I had achieved a lot as driving there on the other side of town was a milestone in my recovery.
Saturday was the usual trip into town, getting the weekend shopping, and home for a good perusal of the Saturday newspapers. We had started watching some of the Miss Marple DVDs which I had for Christmas. I earlier in the week had watched some of the series Broadchurch, which is filmed in West Bay and Bridport, places we have visited in Dorset however I found the constant interruptions for ads a real pain, and the swearing was not a pleasant addition to the script.
Sunday was a normal Sunday. We had a visiting speaker, who was quite good, but his sermon in the evening was a bit long. We had to leave before communion, as husband was threatening a nosebleed, which he gets from time to time. I phoned Mum in law as usual.
The weather hasn't been brilliant, very cold, lots of rain, and a few snow flurries. It seems that winter will never lighten its grip. I have one daffodil out, but as it snowed on Friday night this week, the poor daff is somewhat bowed down.
On Monday we went to the dentist for our treatment. My filling was difficult, it is an awkward shape, in an awkward place, left upper 8 buccal distal. It is right on the gumline and nothing seems to stay in. He was going to leave it at first, then decided on a glass filling, to see how it goes. He also tidied one up which I'd had done a couple of years ago, when he sent me to the endodontist in Borehamwood. Husband had treatment too, and we popped into the old High Street for a browse in the antique shop, then into town. Late I took husbands' car to the local car wash, as I've been ashamed of it's messy exterior for ages.
On Tuesday husband's car was due for its MOT, so I took it there, and as I waited, walked round to the nearest paper shop. They used to supply newspapers for customers to read, but must be cutting back. It was finished sooner than expected, and I asked if they could bring it round. I explained about my operation, and not wanting to reverse a long way, as is sometimes necessary due to their limited parking space. Even better, they had realised that the place was a bit full, and had driven my car out to the front so I could get in and just drive off. Now that's what I call service.
I rang about my blood test results and was told they were all normal. I nipped upstairs, only to have to answer the upstairs phone. It was the surgery to say that one blood test, the full blood count had to be repeated in a month. she couldn't quite work out what was raised, but I had something similar about 8 years ago, when first the white cells were up, then both, then the white. This went on for about a year, before everything went back to normal. There was never anything sinister, so hope that this is something similar.
Wednesday was a busy day too. At WW I was a pound down, I stayed to the meeting as I hadn't for a couple of weeks, then drove myself to Sainsbo's for the first time since January. I had to remember not to lift bags with the right arm, and coped fairly well. It was so cold I got changed out of my weighing clothes immediately I got home. Then after lunch off to parent and toddlers, where I again did refreshments, but someone else carried them through. Later at home I got a niggling pain in my shoulder which made me wonder if I had overdone the driving.
Husband was off again on Thursday, I went to collect the prescription which I had forgotten on Wednesday, nipped into the supermarket for something I'd forgotten from there, thus getting alonger walk. We were tad late leaving for the physio, and because all of the lights were against us in Harpenden, I rushed in, leaving husband to lock the car. Gill was just coming up the corridor to look for me, thinking I may be stuck in a queue at reception. She was very pleased with my progress, up to 125 degrees on both side and front elevation, and I can now slide my hand over my head to the back of my neck.
She thought that the niggling pain was a protective muscle, and gave me some ultrasound before working on the area, then said my appointment booked for Monday was too soon, so I had to go and try and change it, and book a fourth at the same time, not easy as they are very busy.
Friday was fairly unremarkable, we heard that my cousin had been moved to a ward.
On Saturday I overslept as I hadn't had a good night, I realised the chicken for Sunday was due to go out date, so I cooked it. We went into town and lunched in M&S. As I am still very tired since my op, we decided to give the fellowship day at church a miss. Just as well, as before 4pm we were both totally zonked, now had that been during a talk it could have been really embarrassing. I just need to try and add some pics of my gorgeous Grandchildren, which I took earlier that week.
Lydia loves peter rabbit |
Big blue eyes |
banana |
me tease my sister? never |
Nat has lunch |
The pics have come up in the wrong order, but never mind