Oh dear, sometimes I wonder if I will ever catch up on this blog. Monday the 15th of this month was a busy day. I had my 6 monthly appointment with my osteopath at 11.00 am, then after a quick lunch we went over to our old church in St Albans for yet another funeral. C had been diagnose with breast cancer a while ago, she had been treated, but the cancer had returned. After more treatment, she seemed to be doing fine, but then suddenly collapsed from a pulmonary embolism, she was rushed to hospital, but sadly did not survive, she was only 50. Being Christians does help in a situation like this, because we can see God's hand in it, although we may not understand it.
Her husband and 2 boys, the elder only 22, put out a statement that they believed that by her sudden passing, she had been spared further suffering. Pray for T, J and J. They will miss her so very much. The thanksgiving service was a testament to a life lived for Christ, and people spoke of her as a lovely friend and Christian. I knew her from being in the same area fellowship group and the coffee mornings we had. Husband was with her husband on the sound system rota, we still fondly remember the last minute calls asking if husband could fill in for him. It was a good service, but the music is far too loud, and we were sitting upstairs.
We didn't go to the commital, but caught up with a few friends Then we headed for Watford. Husband was a bit uncomfortable in his suit so left the jacket in the car, it was still so very hot. We discovered that J L have opened a mini Waitrose in their store, so we popped in to buy bottles of water.
Unfortunately, my HP camera had been refusing to work lately, it was emitting a horrible buzzing noise. I checked online to see about servicing it, but that would have been almost as expensive as the original cost, so I had been looking online for something similar. The staff in JL camera dept were very busy, and so we went off to the local specialist camera shop. I described what I was looking for, a compact digital with a viewfinder. They only had one in stock, which I found a bit too small, the reaction was 'Oh well that's the way that they are going'. No 'well we will see what we can find and order in', they attitude was more like, 'If you don't like what we've got-tough'.
We made our way back to J L, and I went in Lakeland, they had some Dr Who stuff, and I decided that one of the mugs was a must for Son in Law. In J L the chap on the camera counter was very helpful, he knew the type of camera I wanted, which had recently been discontinued, looked it up, checked if they had any stock, and gave me the model number, so that I could track it down. So very helpful.
So we came home via Daughter's, she was pleased to see us as usual, we gave her the mug, and she said she might swipe it herself. I reminded her that we had an appointment the next day, and said what time I would be round to her house. We had a cuppa, the came home. Later I looked up the camera on the internet, found there was an even better model, and paid for express delivery.
Tuesday, Daughter and I went to visit her wedding photographer, we had to take both of the children, and Nat had fallen asleep in the car. We transferred them to the double buggy, but couldn't get it in the door, so we had to find a shady spot to park Nat, as it was another scorching hot day. One of my photos had got water in the frame and spoiled and there were other copies we wanted too. However it wasn't easy looking at them in a small space, so we ordered and paid for some and the photographer said he would look into putting them on a disc for us.
Daughter wanted to go shopping, so I phoned husband and said I would go with her, to give her some help, it was lovely being in the air conditioned store, especially by the fridges and freezers! I pushed the trolley, and she picked the stuff, then as she had to go and change something, I loaded it all on to the conveyor belt, and she packed it. Home again and I helped her carry it all in, and the babes, then came home to a husband who was too hot for anything.
Wednesday we got a message to say that the camera would be delivered. I skipped weight watchers, husband stayed home whilst I did our supermarket shopping, more blissful wandering in air conditioned aisles. No sign of a delivery when I reached home, then got a message to say expect delivery between 19.00 and 20.00 which seemed a tad late.
8 pm and no delivery, I was so cross! Husband checked online,and we discovered that the driver had claimed no one was in, he has left a card, and had reported back to the depot at 19.59. The first was wrong, after checking with the neighbours,and my front door, no card had been left, no one was answering phones at the depot. I rearranged the delivery online, the next morning phoned to complain. I told the chap in the depot what had happened, he said he couldn't understand why we had been allocated such a late slot, when I pointed out that the journey from here to the depot was at the very shortest 56 minutes, he agreed that the driver hadn't tried to deliver, but said it was definitely out for delivery that day.
I went out for my usual walk to the shops, we had been given a delivery slot between 12 and 1pm. At sometime after 12, the camera was delivered by a delightful man who admired my front garden and said how lovely it smelled. Husband was quite impressed with my camera choice, and it slips easily into my bag, so I will be ready for photo opportunities. I was able to take it to to the women's hour lunch held at someone's home. another lovely house for me to admire. The lady even has a hobbies room how cool is that? Later that day, I got a call from Daughter. they weren't sleeping well, because of the heat, so when the children were both fast asleep, she decided to take a nap for herself, she was woken by an apparition, a little boy covered in what at first appeared to be paint, but then she discovered was food colouring.
some of the ladies who lunched, and the garden |
In her tiredness, she had forgotten to check that the landing stair gate was secure, and Nathaniel had woken, gone downstairs and got into the baking cupboard. Flour, brown sugar, biscuit moulds and food colourings had been liberally scattered over the kitchen floor,and there was an interesting new pattern on her beige sitting room carpet. She had scrubbed Nat clean, and he had promptly fallen fast asleep, exhausted by his artistic efforts. she wanted to know if he could have come to harm from anything. he had admitted to eating 'sand', (brown sugar). I said that the alcohol in the colourings was minimal, and the only real problem was if he had got flour on his lungs. He didn't appear wheezy, so that seemed ok. Fortunately his Dad was home in time to help clear up.
The next day, I answered the bell,and a delivery driver was just about to drive off, he said 'I've left you flowers',and sure enough there was a huge box. A lovely bouquet, sent from Interlink Express by way of an apology for the failed delivery.
Nathaniels' cake making efforts |
The bouquet, fully open |
We did most of our shopping that day too, so when the call came on the Saturday, asking if we could mind the little ones whilst the parents hired a carpet cleaner, we said 'ok', as we had sometime to spare. I gave Lydia some lunch, we played with them and later took them to the park. Apparently, the carpet came up quite well, happy days!
Lydia enjoys lunch |
Lydia asleep in the park |
Fearless Nathaniel climbs the slide (he's not even 3 yet!) |