Sunday, 18 July 2010

I could sleep for England.

Last Sunday evening we had a little get together in the manse after church. Our friend who is a a retired specialist, the top man in his field, was going to be 80 on Monday. We wished him Happy Birthday, and Bon Voyage, as on his actual birthday, Monday he was flying to his home country to attend a conference on the disease in which he specialised. We ate cake and he was given an ipod, so that he can download sermons to listen to, and music as well.
On Monday and Tuesday I was trying to catch up on housework, so it wasn't terribly exciting. On Wednesday I was busier. Last week whilst cleaning my teeth, I dislodged a filling, and as the tooth had begun to ache, made an appointment.
Wednesday morning I was out fairly early to Sainsbury's, didn't spend much, what did I forget? Then home, a quick unpacking of shopping, and off to the dentist. I insisted on an injection, and he refilled the tooth then and there. He did a bit of drilling, and had said decay was getting into the root, so I'm sure I made the right decision.
 I popped into Tesco for some soup, the weather wasn't hot, so I felt it was the best thing. Then after a quick lunch of soup and yoghurt,was off to the final parent and toddlers' of  this school year.
Afterwards, I popped into two local garden centres, but left empty handed. As I drove up the hill leading to our road I thought there is somewhere else I should be going. then I remembered I had taken some ironing in. There were 2 lots of bedlinen and some shirts, and as I had a lot more to do, decided to get those done for me.
Thursday was our last ladies' meeting, quite fittingly a prayer meeting.
Our son and his wife have been debating whether to return to their home about 150 miles North of here. Their house has not sold, and he has been unable to get a job worthy of his talents. Daughter in Law applied for a job near where they lived in the North but had been interviewed and turned down. They were thinking this might be a closed door, but out of the blue, the hospital rang and said they had another vacancy that had come up, and it is what she wants, so has accepted it. Son will get whatever he can. We really feel this is an answer to prayer, as the move had not produced a good post for him, and they were not happy in the area they had moved to, and had not found a church which really appealed to them.
I did my weekend shopping on Friday, after going to a coffee morning for pilgrim homes. I bought some home grown gooseberries, and home made jams.  The hosts  have a model railway in their garden, but it was a bit windy to sit out. I also  posted cards to my niece who will be 50 tomorrow. My sister is a few years older than me, but it still feels odd to have a 50 year old niece.
Having said that though, technically I was born a niece. My father was married twice, and was a lot older then my Mum, his second wife. My half sisters were in their 20s when I was born, and one had a daughter. We do not really see anything of that side of the family though, as one sister died, her family emigrated, and the other sister must be nearly ninety. We no longer get Christmas cards from her. I ought to phone her really but last time I'm not sure she knew who I was.
Yesterday was the church barbecue. We went to Wendover Woods where they have barbecues for public use. It was quite crowded there, but a lot of people from our church came, and the children from our children's club and Sunday School. It was spotting with rain when we arrived, but later on the sun put in an appearance. Fortunately the wind had dropped. Then went into town and bought a garden table and chairs for daughter and Son-in-law. the idea is that they use them indoors till they can get a dining table.
The day of the coffee morning I was pretty tired, so had caffeinated coffee before I went. I had two more caffeinated coffees whilst there, and later a cold coffee drink, which most probably contained caffeine.
That night I did not sleep till 4am. I think I have a slow metabolism, certainly caffeine doesn't kick in for several hours after I have had it. So now I am doubly shattered, and found it hard to stay awake in the service this morning. It's a good thing that the pastor doesn't have a monotonous voice.
I will really try to get to bed early tonight, although I did doze this afternoon, and when I should have been out walking I was working on this blog. Have a good week all.

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