Monday, 23 August 2010

A week on the tiles

I am a little late blogging this week, We were away for the weekend, so that is my excuse. The week didn't start too well. I decided that I needed to tackle the corner of shame again, and when it was clean thought I must do something about the washing machine sticking out. This was due to the washing machine man pushing it back and in the process pulling up at least one vinyl tile. He muttered something about me needing to pull everything out to redo it, and I did manage to replace the visible one with one of the original self adhesive tiles.
The problems mounted one by one. I got the machine out and remembered to switch the water off at the wall, not easy as the cold fill is extremely stiff. There were scrunched up tiles there and others that had shifted sideways. A real mess.
Marley doesn't exist any more, so the tiles are no longer made. However I recently managed to locate a supply, (good old Google), but when they arrived they were without adhesive.  I have contact adhesive so no problems there. Having disconnected the water I was able to start pulling up tiles. I had forgotten though, that I had used the contact adhesive on some of the tiles and they refused to budge.I tried my hand held steamer, no joy so got out my hair dryer, this worked but also melted the adhesive on the thermoplastic tiles underneath, so they  broke and came up with the vinyl tiles! I ended up with a two tile hole.
It was going to be decision time soon. Did I try to patch up the floor, or start afresh, pulling up thermoplastic tiles and replacing them as I went with ceramic tiles?. I knew that the latter would take me months as our house is so small that one cannot just clear a room, unless one throws everything away. Actually we did clear  a room when we had the new living room carpet fitted about 5 years ago, but it was hard work and I popped a disc carrying a box of books upstairs. I was in pain on and off for two years. We were fortunate that day that it didn't rain and some of the stuff had to go on the back lawn!
I spent part of the week wandering round DIY stores looking for solutions. Floor levelling compound is sold in big bags, far too much for my needs, and needs to be mixed. I did find out from my local Wickes that Wickes in Aylesbury stocked the ready mixed that I had found on line. So, I think it was Wednesday, I set off for Aylesbury armed with a map from Google maps which purported to show the location.
Where the map showed Wickes was a huge boarded up area, so after driving who knows where in my search, I decide to go into Aylesbury town centre and ask.
I parked and headed for the library where I hoped to find a phone directory- no joy. All assistants too busy to ask, but  I managed to find a leaflet for the tourist information office. Once I had located it, I explained I wasn't a tourist, but the lady couldn't have been nicer. I set off after a quick look at some shops, armed with maps and duly found Wickes. However the 'ready mix' contained 10kg, far too much again for my needs, so I eventually found a ready mixed filler which I hoped would do. I also bought a kitchen  wall cupboard which is the nearest I can find to match the existing cupboards. This is so I can move some stuff off my working surfaces and so reduce some clutter.
Unfortunateley I was later leaving than I had planned, and hit the rush hour, plus a torrential downpour on the by pass, which ended in non -moving traffic about 2 miles before my turn off point. Being at a standstill, I quickly phoned husband to explain why I wouldn't be in when he got home. Eventually the traffic moved, and just as I left the bypass I saw a police officer clearing away cones, so presumably there had been an accident near the junction.
On Thursday I set about filling the hole, then Friday I laid some tiles, reconnected the machine, but kept it mostly pulled out, and did 4 loads of washing, The weather wasn't good so I resorted to using the tumble dryer. Husband came home just as I was unloading the last lot to put on an airer in the spare room.
We finished off our packing and loaded the car and set off for the South Coast to visit Mum -in Law. This was our last weekend before Daughter's baby is due, and next weekend is a Bank Holiday too, so travelling to be avoided.
We were going to get her a new phone, but she insisted that blu tack was helping keep it on the hook, and the mower problems were caused by  next door's extension lead being dud when she had tried to mow next door's lawn for her. So no mower to be bought, nor visit to the dump, but a trip to Eastbourne, more compost and manure from the local garden centre for her, and then lunch out and a quick look around the shops.
I was very good and only bought a half price knitting bag to keep my knitting tidy.
We went to the local evangelical church Sunday morning, then left at about 4.45 pm. The weather had not been good, quite a lot of rain, but as we came up country it cleared up, only to start raining heavily here at about 9.30 pm. Daughter said it had been glorious here.
Today is D day for returning washing machine into its slot. I left it out all weekend so that everything could dry out and stick. I had a nasty moment last evening when I thought the machine had stuck to the tiles, but I think the wheel was just a bit stiff. The cupboard is still in the boot of my car. They are coming to service the gas boiler on Wednesday, and I want an electrician to sort out a couple of slight problems before I put the cupboard up next to the boiler. After last week I don't want to stir up too many problems for myself. Must go and get on with the day. The title for this post was an easy one to think up!

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