Monday, 13 September 2010

Baby on the move

Do you know, I don't think that I remember what I was doing most days last week, it all seems to have gone into a blur. There is nothing that stands out as particularly memorable, just the usual jumble of days keeping on top of the housework, going out for walks, my usual Sainsbury's trip and going up to visit our daughter and Nathaniel.
A big milestone for her was Wednesday when he husband went back to work.
She is still trying to establish a feeding pattern, and has developed mastitis, for which she has an antibiotic. One day I went round there and couldn't get in I had arranged with her that I should go, but couldn't make her hear me. I had to pop home for my key, only to find her fast asleep in bed and baby wide awake. I must admit I remember those tiring days.
I went round on Friday to do some housework for her, (and sneak an extra baby cuddle) As I had been sorting clothes and stuff in our bedroom and vacuuming upstairs, I felt I'd had plenty of exercise.
On Saturday her husband was home, so we left them to it. our usual trip to town for shopping, then home, lunch,newspapers, phoning sister and dinner. I made a casserole as the weather is turning cooler.  Yesterday the family came for lunch again, but the baby did not settle well, and when we got home from the evening service he was really crying. I wonder if her antibiotic is affecting him? I picked him up and danced around the room with him for a while, he seems to like being jigged. A few minutes later he was asleep! we had more crying later after a nappy changed, but as soon as they went through the back door he became quiet, I think he likes motion.
Today I went up to her home early as she wanted to go to a cafe for new Mums where they can discuss problems. We got there quite quickly, it was in Harpenden, in fact at YWAM, they have a huge place there. The land must be worth millions in today's market, I don't know how long they have been there. Daughter soon got chatting to other Mums and she got the details of someone who might be able to advise her. Then we had to take baby for a hearing test which he had failed on one side just after birth. We arrived where we thought it was just in time, but were then re-directed somewhere else. When we got to the second place, which was up a long zig zag path, (and we didn't have the wheels). we were told that the clinic was somewhere else that day! However the very helpful lady rang through for us, and we set off for yet another children's centre attached to a local school.
These places seem to have sprung up everywhere under the last administration, I didn't even know they existed. The hearing test was quickly done whilst baby slept. No, I don't understand the technology behind it, but he passed this time.
Then we came to my home for lunch after being fed daughter headed upstairs for a nap, and baby was kidnapped by his Nanny and whisked off to Sainsbury's in the car seat clipped to the buggy wheels. I did some shopping and he slept really well, however I didn't meet anyone I know, so we set off back for home by a longer route. It's good exercise pushing a pram/buggy, whatever.
Home again and when released from the car seat he settled down in my arms for a nap whilst I read the paper, not waking till 4.30, so his Mum had a good long sleep. By the time he had been fed, changed and fed again, it was nearly time for his Grandad  to come home, in fact he arrived just as we were showing a very wide awake baby to the neighbour who missed him 2 weeks ago. She was very impressed and reminisced that it doesn't seem long since our 2 were  that age.
I had to go home with daughter as my car was still outside her home, I unloaded baby,and carried him to her door then hopped in my car and came home. I used the remains of yesterday's beef for cottage pie, read the Telegraph, and then dozed a bit. I hope to sleep tonight as I feel quite tired after lugging the car seat around, hope I'm not stiff tomorrow, as we are off in search of this counsellor. Happy days, still its nice to be busy and have company.

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