Sunday, 14 November 2010

A not very newsy week

The last week hasn't really been terribly exciting, no major upsets, no irritating phone calls and the weather has been so Novemberish I quoted Thomas Hood on Facebook. One thing that I forgot to mention last week was that whilst in town, on the Saturday, I met J, whom I have known for a very long time. She did not remember my name, so I told her, and then asked about her family. She told me that E, her youngest Daughter, aged 44 has inoperable liver cancer. She is receiving treatment, and is remaining cheerful, but nevertheless it is a huge shock to everyone. There are some treatments that she cannot have, but J was a bit vague about what treatment she is having. J has had memory problems for quite a while, but she says that this news has made her even worse.
E was baptised as a believer, but a while afterwards began to question her faith, in the same manner that her Father did. Her Father had been a minister of the gospel, in Wales, so this was difficult and he remained in this state up till the time of his death, also from cancer.
We may ask why does God allow such things? But we are living in a fallen world, and  once Adam and Eve disobeyed in the garden of Eden, things like disease, and disappointment came along and sin took a hold. God can use this illness to bring E back to Himself, and I know that many are praying that this will happen, also that the treatment might work, and she might have more time with her husband and children. One good thing is that her husband who was opposed to marriage has changed his mind and married her. Please pray for E. You do not need to know her full name, God knows who she is. Later in the week I broke the news to my friends C& C, who had invited J for lunch a few weeks ago, but she had not turned up. I explained to them that she had so much on her mind she must have simply forgotten.
I made my Christmas cake this week. usually I soak the fruit overnight in lemon juice and brandy, to give a moist cake, but this time I soaked the fruit during the day, and baked it in the evening, so that we went to bed with a lovely spicy smell pervading the house. I had mislaid my lemon squeezer, and only found it after I had walked to Dunelm and bought a wooden lemon reamer. I blame it on having such a small kitchen, although I suppose if I had a bigger one then there would be more room to lose stuff....
I had 2 really bad nights last week, and decided it was time to change to the winter duvet, so when I changed the bed yesterday I enlisted Husband's help to turn the mattress, then made up the bed with the winter one. My feet had been getting cold, and the bed was feeling cold when I got in.
I was on duty at parent and toddlers on Wednesday, but Daughter didn't come.She had a friend from church visiting. In Ladies' meeting, on Thursday, we were writing Christmas cards for missionaries, and we had a prayer time too. The card writing was slightly chaotic, and I ended up signing one twice. Afterwards I called in on Daughter as I hadn't seen her since Sunday. I got plenty of cuddles and smiles from baby. He is now able to grip  a rattle if it is offered to him, but his coordination is still far from perfect.
Yesterday husband saw the optician, he has to go annually because of his Mum's eye problems, and gets free examinations. There is a slight problem with his left eye, but nothing too serious, I expect they will keep an eye on it. ( sorry, awful pun I know, but it just escaped) Afterwards we treated ourselves to lunch out, one less meal to prepare and wash up!
Mum in Law has been unwell, she is blaming it on her IBS, but she had a routine blood test this week, which should show up any serious problem. I must phone her later to check that she is recovered and eating properly again.
I tracked down some more of that tablewear on ebay, and now will soon have the full set again. I must get that new kitchen cupboard put up, it's been in the boot of my car for weeks, but now has the road salt for company.  I have to rearrange the boot when I go shopping. My half price crackers from Sainsbury's ended up on the back seat. First though I want to get a socket sorted out, so need an electrician. Must phone the plumber too, it is better to get the new radiators before the snow comes.
I found the Downton abbey DVD in Sainsbury's, and have heard such good reports  that I bought it.we have watched 2 episodes so far, and apart from one scene in the first episode, which wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, have enjoyed it so far. Fortunately I have a husband who doesn't mind costume dramas, I know some men don't like them.
I hope your week was good and not as boring as mine.

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