Monday, 3 January 2011

'Confused' goes shopping, and wanders into 2011

I am afraid I left off on Thursday, as I was running out of time and space.  Friday was not very exciting, I went out and got the newspapers, and bought some new cushions as mine are a bit flat and tatty, and a couple of weeks ago,I had discovered the permanent marker I had lost, underneath me. Some was on the cushion and some on the leather. Hairspray got rid of most on the leather, but the cushion cover is doomed.
After lunch I went to collect some ironing that had piled up before Christmas whilst I was sorting cards letters and presents. I had taken it to the ironer's, and it was lovely to collect it all done.
I thought husband wanted to come into town with me, as I had to collect a repeat prescription and deposit some more cheques.  He suddenly decided not to come, so I was later going than I had planned. When I got to the Doctor's they said 'Oh you are just in time we close at 4 today. For once I wasn't wearing a watch but reckoned it was no later than 3.30. I collected my prescription from a pharmacist friend who only works at our Boots occasionally, but I seem to go in there every time she is there! The Abbey were open so I deposited a cheque, but Nationwide had closed at 3. I realised I didn't have my card anyway, so deposited the second cheque elsewhere.
 I wandered down to M&S, and realised the market stall I usually use was closing up. They are not normally there on a Friday. I asked if they would be there on Saturday and was told 'No'. I wandered around the food section in M&S, then bought a couple of items for the Baby. As I paid I asked what their opening hours were for Saturday. 'We are not open tomorrow Madam' came the reply. As I tried to leave by the exit into the shopping centre, I was told it was closed. 'The shopping centre closed at 4 Madam'. Ok, but I could go out of the front door of M&S, and then into the main shopping centre through the glass doors, which I did to retrieve the car.
Pardon me for saying so, but surely Friday was only New Year's Eve?. Why does everyone need to close early, especially as retail profits were down and shops were supposed to be recouping their lost profits, and why does the GP surgery have to close early, is no one allowed to be ill on New Year's Eve?
 Was there to be a huge party that I knew nothing about for which everyone needed hours and hours to prepare? I came home and said to husband, 'We will have to shop at Sainsbury's tomorrow for the fruit and veg'. We then had a quiet evening and I prepared dinner from a recipe I have been wanting to try for ages, Haddock crumble. Very nice it was too. After the quiet evening husband went off to bed, but I stayed up a bit and went at about 11.45. No point in going earlier as the fireworks are going off from midnight till at least 12.45 am. Husband slept through it all, but when I awoke at 5.30 he was not there. I found him in an armchair, he had woken at 3.30 and could not get back to sleep in bed, so was sleeping downstairs. I went back to bed.
We shopped on Satrurday morning at Sainsbury's and husband wandered over to Homebase. My cough seems to be improving, I have found that a small amount of mulled wine stops me from coughing at night. There was to be a 'social evening' in the church hall, but our little excursion had tired us out, so we skipped it and I caught up with Mum-in Law and my Sister on the phone.
Om Sunday I cut a small piece of beef from the large pack I had bought, but when we got home for church was shocked to see how much it had shrivelled. We had 2 good sermons on Sunday, both with a New year theme. Both quite challenging. I do not think much of New Year these days. For me all that changes is the date. People will soon forget their resolutions, I make mine every day, and still fail.
These holidays seem endless, and husband is working from home tomorrow as he has a dental appointment. We have also booked him a 'flu jab at Boots, as he has been so unwell recently, and going back to work with people bringing new germs in, we really don't want to risk it. A young woman from our town has died from swine 'flu, only 26.
Well on that happy note, I will wish you all that you wish for yourselves in 2011,and that you may find happiness too.

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