On Tuesday I managed to get a Doctor's appointment, time for my annual review. I saw the Doctor with whom we are actually registered, and I told him about my shoulder problems. He said that I needed to see a physio, but there is a 4 month waiting list. I told him that last time I went to a local clinic, and he said 'We aren't sending patients there any more because of the cost'. I told him that HSA had reimbursed me, so he said 'Well if they still will, go ahead'. I was fortunate to get a cancellation. The doctor also sent me for my annual blood tests but I didn't have to have cholesterol this year, so I went straight to pathology.
There was a poor little chap there whose Nan had to have some sort of test or consultation in a private room and he ran out in terror. It transpired that he had had an op himself a while ago, and had been traumatised. The staff tried to placate him till his Nan reappeared. He obviously thought that the appointment was for him. I walked back through town having walked down, and then got the bus by Debenhams.
Wednesday was quite a quiet day, no parent and toddlers as it was half term. For some reason I was running late for Sainsbury's. I also popped into Dunelm Mill for a couple of cushions, and some everyday tablecloths. Husband thinks we need to keep the new table unmarked as we paid a lot for it.
Th replacement drawer front for my washing machine arrived, so I cleaned out the area around the drawer, and then fixed it on. We live in such a hard water area that if it isn't cleaned regularly it gets full of gunk and sticks, then the handle pulls off. The fitting is a bit flimsy too.
I have been trying to sort out our summer holiday, but the properties in the St Ives Holidays brochure seem to be getting fewer, in the part where we usually stay. The rest either are too expensive, i e £900 a week or more, or have no parking or are really pokey. So I started looking elsewhere.I had contacted the lady whose flat we used to stay in when we first went as a family, and which we outgrew when the family got older, but she rang this week to say that their flat is now a permanent let. I have been looking at Yorkshire and have found a promising looking cottage inland from Whitby, which is very reasonable. Must send off an enquiry.
I am sleeping better at nights, but am still catching up in the daytime too, so missed Women's hour again. I have however started spring cleaning the kitchen cupboards.
I visited the physio on Friday, and she thinks my shoulder has become a bit frozen, so I have got exercises and an appointment next week. She checked that there was no referred pain from my spine, but most of my spine is tender, so I suffered a bit from that. I bumped into Son's best friend's Mum, from when he was at primary school. They were born about 5 hours apart, so had known J since then. I wasn't 100% happy with the friendship at the time as B was quite naughty and a dominant character, and Son was quite happy to follow him. Fortunately the primary head split them up in year 5, so the mischief was confined to the playground. J is doing what I once did, working for the hospital clerical Bank, but in the complaints dept at Watford, so I suspect she is rather busy.
I went to collect my repeat prescription later and also got my blood test results. Everything is ok, which is good. I also bumped into C&C, my old friends and we stopped for a chat. I must arrange a date for taking Daughter and Baby to see them. On Friday evening we watched a DVD called 'From time to time', a family DVD, with Alex Etel and some of the cast from Downton Abbey. I counted at least 4. The story is based on The Chimneys of Green Knowe, and is a bit spooky in parts. It is set in wartime England and as in The Waterhorse, the boy has a father who is missing. It was quite enjoyable. I usually enjoy stuff with Maggie Smith.
On Saturday I received a letter form a company from whom I had ordered online to say my credit card had been declined. I was puzzled but sent off a cheque. We went into town and husband disappeared into
a)too expensive, ie £5.99,or
b) unsuitable pictures on the front, or
c) the verses were so soppy you would need the sick bucket.
How unromantic you might say, but I have been married long enough to know that love is not just about soppy sentimentality that ignores the other person's faults, but more to do with sticking together through good times and bad, and caring for that person whatever comes our way.
When I met husband he told me that his credit card had been refused in Maplin, much to his embarrassment.
We went in Marks for lunch and Daughter and Son in Law had the same idea, so we all got round two small tables and Baby sat in a baby chair and sucked on bits of bread roll and butter from those of us who had soup. So we had a happy family time.
When We got home I phoned MBNA and they checked and they said our card had been blocked. I asked why, and was told. It may have been compromised in a fraud, we were not the only ones and this happens from time to time. I said 'It would have been nice to have been informed' and he said ' There is a letter on its way with a new card and explanation which you should get by Tuesday' Great!! For two pins I would look elsewhere, but it does have a small money back, so am reluctant to lose that. He was however apologetic.
A while ago I bought some Seville oranges to make marmalade, but had almost forgotten them, and had borrowed the lemons for other things. I checked them and found 2 oranges had gone mouldy. I scrubbed the rest and after going out after dinner to Sainsbury's for more lemons, set out to make the marmalade. Sainsbury's still have Seville oranges in stock. I used the pressure cooker to speed things up, and was late to bed. The set looks a bit soft, but I did use a thermometer, and the 'Drip test'. My last batch 2 years ago was a bit disastrous. I boiled it and boiled it and it would not set.I ended up using pectin, and it was so dark it looks like Olde English, however it tastes ok.
This time last year we were in the Lake District, a pity we can't afford it every year, but I don't think the scales would look too good after the lovely meals we have there.
Some of the finished product |