Sunday, 13 February 2011

Futher into February, forecast fickle

As I write this blog it is raining. Huge drops sit defiantly on the windows, and a large lone drop shakes on our denuded prunus, but clings on with no intention of falling. There are signs of spring coming; lots of bulbs shooting in the garden, one seems to have survived out at the front where we had the wall built 15 months ago.
This week we have had lots of wind, some drizzly days, the usual grey skies, but also some beautiful warm  sunshine. A mixture with frost thrown in for good measure.
I do get a bit tired of living in artificial light, but one has to actually be able to see what one is doing, not that I seem to have achieved much in the way of housework. I did however manage to dry some clothes on the line one day, or partially dry at least.  I am trying to cut down on tumble drying as our electricity bills are quite high. I visited my hairdresser on Tuesday, just for a cut. I walked down there as parking is so poor in that area. The lady who cut my hair is expecting her second baby, so there was no lack of subject matter, she was telling me all about her IVF. Like me she is an older mum, but because of her age had to pay for her treatment. I am pleased for her, she sounds a good Mum. She is Greek Orthodox.
Feeling much lighter, and pleased to have gone on the 'concession' day, I walked into town and bought a couple of things in M&S. Daughter rang and said she had been to a meeting in St Albans and was meeting a friend for lunch, but would be round later.  I had thought she was coming round the next day, as her water was to be off.  She had actually sent the text Monday evening, but I got it on Tuesday morning. When they eventually arrived I showed the Nathaniel the toys I had bought so that he has something to play with whilst here. He seemed to approve of my choice. I built a cup tower and he immediately demolished it, I did so again with the same result. He much preferred to chew on one of the plastic cups. They stayed till Husband came home as their water was off till 8 pm. Baby didn't get a bath that evening.
I'd had a phone call asking me to swap duties at parent and toddlers, and Daughter was to come and join the fun. However she didn't turn up and wasn't answering her phone. I called in afterwards to check on them and discovered that Baby had changed his nap time and she had her phone on silent so as not to wake him. He woke up just after I arrived so I got some fun time with him. He's not quite got the hang of rolling over, and was really surprised when I got down on the floor to show him how.
On Thursday I set off for Watford to look for a folding high chair. I had got an Argos catalogue, but wasn't impressed with their selection. I need one that folds, so that it is not in the way all of the time. The John Lewis selection was, I thought, poor. I had a look round M&S, and bought some undies, and bought lunch in their cafe. After a trip to Clements, and advice on how to stop a dining chair wobbling, our floor apparently, I set off for Toys R Us. I hadn't been in there for long when I spotted just the high chair I wanted, cheap and cheerful, but also safe. Afterwards I popped in to Hobbycraft as I was so near, I find that there is a dearth of card toppers for men. I didn't spend too much, they have a massive display of Easter stuff.  Home again, and I managed to put the high chair together.Brilliant!
I decided to visit the folk at my old dance class on Friday, but they were not there. I took a stroll round the old High street, of Midsomer Murders sword of Guillaume fame, and found a globe for our brass imitation oil lamp. The previous one got broken recently. I needed to measure the size however. When I got home I phoned one of the ladies from the class and discovered that it was cancelled as the leader J has a bad back. Her son who had the brain tumour is much better. I went to Sainsburys and met a lady whom I have known since our Daughter was at nursery. Then she seemed to have an enviable life. She had a huge house, a husband with a job which involved travelling abroad a lot, and she often went with him. They sent their Daughter to a local private school. I have met M several times since and she has been very up and down. Her husband tried working in England but could not settle. M is Nigerian. He started leaving her at home when he went abroad, understandable perhaps in view of school terms.
'Then he seemed to be drinking a lot. Now  she is getting divorced, he has revealed a new family in Thailand,but the woman wants nothing to do with his Daughter.  He has been a serial adulterer too. The big house will have to be sold.
I have often found that people whose lives I am tempted to envy turn out to be things which turn to ashes. I may have a quiet husband and a small home but there is laughter and love in our home. I thank God for my blessings.
We went to the garden centre yesterday initially for weed killer, but bought snowdrop, aconite, and tulip ready growing bulbs Our snowdrops and aconites had disappeared over the years, and I never have much success with tulips. I also bought bird food. They had childrens' books on offer, so I bought a couple. Later we drove back down the High Street parked and went in the antiques shop. I was armed with a tape measure
and decide that the  globe would fit. However, I need to buy a new chimney as the one I have is shaped and doesn't fit. Oh well Google will help I suppose.
The new folding high chair

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