Sunday, 20 March 2011

getting better by degrees.

This last week has been slightly better for me, as after Saturday night the night time coughing lessened. Whether it was due to two spoonsful of Meltus, I am not sure, but I felt better for it. Nevertheless I still kept falling asleep in the daytime, if I wasn't going somewhere. My voice also gradually returned. We made it to parent and toddler's on Wednesday, they had the musical instruments out, and it was quite noisy. Even Nathaniel joined in with some bells which he kept on dropping. I didn't attempt the singing.
Thankfully, we have had some sunny days this week. The constant greyness is beginning to really get me down. It is quite uplifting to see the daffs in the garden, and to see a female blackbird taking dead stuff from our garden to line her nest. I don't know what happened to the lovely blackbird who used to sing on next door's shed last year, it would be lovely if he came back.
I made it to the women's hour on Thursday, the pastor was speaking on Esther. I did attempt the singing, much to the amusement of the lady sitting next to me, as my voice wasn't quite up to it. I went into town afterwards to transfer some money into a savings account, then wandered round the town centre.Some of the empty shops are filling up, one annoyingly a Tesco Express. that is the 4th Tesco Express in this town, not to mention the huge one on the dual carriageway, for which they have been trying to get permission to expand. We already had 3 food shops in the town centre.
Another thing that has proliferated  is the pound shops. Still St Albans is quite a 'posh' city, and I noticed last week that even St Albans has its share of el cheapo shops. In our town two bookshops have gone, one a chain which overstretched it self, the other a Waterstones. I reckon that they were waiting for the lease to run out before transferring all business to the other, newer shop. It is a shame, because it has been there for years, it wasn't originally a Waterstones, but there have been so many takeovers in  bookshops, I can't remember what it started out as.
Friday was a busy morning for me, I went to the physio at 10.30, she does not seem very hopeful, and keeps saying I should decide what to do next, whether to have an injection at the GP, or see a shoulder specialist, who would give a correct diagnosis, and perhaps a shoulder injection. I really do not know which to say. If  I see a specialist I may have to wait months, unless it is covered by the insurance that husband pays through work  It would be nice to get it sorted  before September, when I should be starting looking after Nathaniel whilst his mum works. Lifting him aggravates the shoulder, as he is so heavy, and it is all Daughter's own work, (with the exception of the occasional bottle of formula). I digress, the physio was running late, and I had to rush to get husband's car to Ford's for its MOT at 11. I wasn't too pleased when someone in front of me started pootling along at 20 mph. However I got there in time but was unable to find a parking space, so gave up and parked in front of the MOT area. They didn't mind. I sat and read my way through 2 newspapers, and was well into the Sudoku, when the chap said the car was done. Exactly one hour as promised .It had passed, which is just as well considering the amount we spent on it for the service. Soon the tyres will have to be replaced, but we go elsewhere for that.
Later that day I called round to see Daughter, I was feeling a bit low, tiredness, grey skies, worry about my Mum in law etc. We couldn't get hold of Mum in law Monday evening, which was a worry, but she was there on Tuesday and explained she had been to a Lent talk by the local Bishop. I keep asking her when she is coming up, as she didn't come at Christmas, and we have been waiting for her to decide ever since. Maybe we should go down there, but if she does come here she can see the Baby as well. We must pray for wisdom. I have said one of us could collect her. Her sight seems to have deteriorated since the pressure release 'op', but she still can't get a date for a cataract 'op'. It was all so much simpler when they were just 12 miles away.
Yesterday evening Daughter and Son in law went to to an engagement party in London, all old uni friends. Baby was fractious when we arrived, he has just cut his first tooth. However he soon settled down and showed us how much he loves his bath. I got him to sleep with no trouble, and cooked our M&S ready meal, We then settled down, me with the papers and husband playing with his new toy trying out his new phone. He also flicked through iplayer, but rejected one programme after about 15 minutes.He had settled into Billy the Kid, (Black and white), when there was shout from upstairs. Baby had  rolled over and got himself stuck. I quickly turned him, but he didn't want to go to sleep, so I brought him downstairs and gave him some formula. He was still wide awake and grizzly, so I gave him a small dose of Calpol in case it was his teeth. He would not settle, but was happiest chewing on a bit of kitchen roll that I had used to wipe Calpol from his chin. He was still up when the wanderers returned at 11.30pm
Who, me?
whaddya mean?
Hooray bathtime
I'm zonked out
We left them to it, came home and fell into bed. A good Sunday so far, a third sermon on Psalm 33 this morning, the home to roast chicken. This time next week the clocks will have gone forward , so we will all be out of kilter again. Oh well must go nearly time for the evening service.

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