Sunday, 5 June 2011

Flaming June? well yes in parts

Well I'm on time this week, it's pouring with rain at the moment, much needed rain, so I decided against a walk. I got the bedding plants in gradually over the week, I have to do a few at a time as one of my my knees is a bit dodgy and I cannot kneel for long periods. Our Daughter and her husband returned from the Bank Holiday weekend with his parents, but they had not had a very good time, as the baby had been unsettled the first night, and the second night Son in Law was ill with D &V. As you can imagine they were both shattered.
Last week, whilst reversing my car into my rented garage, I was distracted by a car coming  through, and forgot to look to my right. Clunk dunk, there was my door mirror hanging down. I felt really stupid. I rang on Tuesday this week, and managed to get it booked in for Wednesday.
I was up fairly early on Wednesday, I'd had a better night, and was in Sainsbury's for just after 8.30 am. This is the time I always used to go, after I'd dropped the kids  off at school. I was amazed at how quiet it was. I must make that a regular time again, instead of trawling round at around 11 am. After lunch I took the car, and waited. I read a magazine, and was about half way through the Telegraph when they announced that it was done. I duly paid up and drove to Daughter's. She was sitting in the garden with baby. Poor baby, when we took him indoors he had red patches on his skin. I think he must have a grass allergy. If I lie on grass I end up with a pinprick itchy rash.
On Thursday morning I walked along the canal to Sainsbury's, no camera, no phone, a pity, there were 2 swans with 6 cygnets resting on the bank.  Later I was ploughing my way through the to do list, when I got a call from daughter, she was in need of  company, so I slurped my coffee and went up there. I think basically she was overtired.  We organised ourselves and went out, and I think that did her the power of good. I fell in love with a lovely globe shaped candle holder in turquoise in Habitat, but looked at the price and promptly fell out of love with it. We spent time in the Galleria, but didn't buy much, we stopped for nice cuppa, and Nathaniel had a snack. Fortunately they had high chairs. He seems to be getting on well with his food.
We were late getting home, but I had pork steaks to do which don't take long. The next day I heard that Daughter and husband both fell asleep all evening and missed dinner. They obviously needed the sleep and felt better for it.
I have been having lots of salad, as the weather has been fairly warm. I checked the packaging and it was all grown in Britain. I dislike cucumber anyway. I know that the Spanish cucumbers have been cleared, but am troubled that there was an e-coli bug found in them. So much for a healthy vegetarian diet!
On Friday I did a huge pile of ironing, I still have more to do, but at least have now changed our bed linen.
Yesterday we walked into town to get the shopping, bought lunch, hopped on a bus back up the hill, ate lunch, then got the car out and made another trip to the garden centre. We bought yet more bark, and just a couple of plants and a pack of verbena. We called in at another garden centre for another plant, and when we got home  after a short rest got on with more gardening. I at the back, he in the front. Actually as he had unloaded the bark, a neighbour asked if we had shares in the bark company. It was very hot, and I got uncomfortable, I was dealing with brambles that had sneaked in amongst the loganberries. The ground at the top by the patio was rock hard, hopefully the rain will soften it. We were both exhausted by the heat and our efforts, and husband proclaimed, 'Right , that's it, the front is finished for this year'. He has decided to see how the garden goes over the next year and then see if we need to add more next summer, God willing that we are all still here. I must hunt for a 'before' photo. I must have one somewhere.
I had remembered promising to  babysit for Daughter, and after checking the time needed to find out how to speed up the proposed chilli for dinner. I found a recipe in my pressure cooker book, and managed to get it on the table for about 6pm, unheard of for us. Husband was still tired and needed to water the garden, so I went off to babysit alone. I did the bedtime routine, bottle, story, then bible story and prayer. I let him  crawl around for a bit and took pics and a video, then hauled him off to bed. Oh the indignity! He did NOT want to go. I forced myself to be heartless and after checking a few times on him, I found he had settled down to a whimper, and was almost off.  His eyes had been closing with tiredness, before but, he would not give in, preferring to roar his fury.  Only a slight murmur after that, and after about 2 hours a cough, but otherwise peace to read the Telegraph supplements and attempt crossword and Sudoku. On returning home however I discovered husband still up having had an upset tummy, and for once not going to bed till after midnight.
I set off for church this morning in bare legs and sandals, but this evening put tights and shoes on and hunted out my old Telemac. I even needed  a brolly when we got home. Oh well the vagaries of the British weather! Two excellent sermons to set us up for the week, we are so privileged to  such a man of God as the pastor

Nathaniel and Mummy


It's a serious business learning to toddle!

The finished terracing

The other side

My planted troughs

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