Daughter and I had planned to have lunch in Harpenden, but she had forgotten the pushchair, so we drove back to our home town and she took me to Sainsbury's. By the time I had unloaded the shopping we were both pretty hungry, so she suggested an eating place nearby. We unloaded baby from the car, and went in, only to be told fairly abruptly, 'You can't bring the Baby in here' . As we left we passed a sign which read 'No children under 14'. This is fair enough, as husband and I have had anniversary meals ruined by going to a cheap eatery on a Saturday evening and finding that there are uncontrolled children racing about, they even had a play area. This is at an hour when said children should be safely tucked up in bed.
Babies at lunchtime are however a different matter. I suggested two other nearby places, and we chose one, which actually welcomed babies, and provided a high chair.We discovered that 1) Nathaniel only likes plain chicken, and 2) he isn't the slightest bit interested in pizza! The old standbys of rice cakes and fruit proved useful. We weren't going to have dessert, but the hopeful waiter brought us menus, and I weakened when I saw Panna Cotta. However the rhubarb with it was tough and undercooked.
We drove back to Daughter's home and later on as she was busy I walked home,. It was a very pleasant walk home, except when I passed the home of our old friend Clive, and I felt sad to see the place looking unlived in. There are however flowers blooming in the garden. I expect his neighbours are keeping the front lawn mown. No sign of a 'For sale' board yet, I would imagine he left a will, he was a very practical person.
I still have difficulty thinking that he is no longer here, but he is in a far better place. On the Thursday, Daughter took me to our annual Women's hour lunch in someone's home in a nearby town. It was all very lovely and we sat in the suntrap garden afterwards, and others helped to capture Baby when he made his escape bids.
I knew that there had been some conversations going on between Mum in Law and husband, and Mum in Law and Daughter, but Mum in Law hadn't approached me. However she did eventually to ask if she could come and stay. The people who took over the church where Father in Law was part time Pastor were themselves retiring and going into part time work with Wycliffe. They were having a special farewell tea, and Mum in Law was invited. I said she would have to take us as she found us, but I managed to drag the vacuum cleaner upstairs, clean the room, and the other floors too. I moved some stuff around, and made up the bed
I had a hydrotherapy appointment on the Friday when Grandma was due to arrive, that went quite well and Daughter came round and helped me do some tidying downstairs. She then very kindly collected her Grandma from the station. Grandma was delighted to see Nathaniel, how he had grown, his progress with crawling (very fast), and his ability to clap. The Saturday was wet, very wet. It was church barbecue day too. we all went into town by car and did the shopping, stopping for jacket potatoes in M&S for lunch. A quick trip home to unpack the shopping, a quick blimp at the papers, then out to take Grandma to her tea. On the way home we went in two garden centres looking for the elusive plant to 'finish off' the front. It took me several days to realise that himself had chosen a very delicate pale fuchsia!
Husband went out later to collect his Mum, and I had a doze, the first for 2 days. She came home buzzing with stories of people whom she had seen, and an offer of a lift back to that church for the Sunday morning service. That gave me plenty of time to get on with the 'surprise'. When Mum in law could not make it here for Christmas , she had said 'we will have Christmas when I come up'. So I had bought Turkey breast for roasting, cranberry sauce, stuffing, and I did roasties as well. Daughter, Son in law and baby came too, and I dug out the left over crackers, and the Christmas pudding which was
I will pause for now and continue later
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