Sunday, 13 November 2011

Drizzly grey November, The year is winding down,(copyright Winfield Clark)

One of the things that I dislike about November is the weather. It is grey and miserable. We have had rain. mostly overnight, fog in the mornings too, but mostly unrelenting grey skies. so I was quite surprised to hear on the radio the other day that T shirt weather was to return. It has been pretty mild up to now, the coldest weather was when we were away about 5 weeks ago. Today however the sun has been shining, and this afternoon I was tempted out for a walk.
On Monday I went for my final appointment with the physio over at Harpenden. On the way I dropped off some stuff at the charity shop and bought newspapers. I was not with the physio long, she talked to me about my exercises, checked the strength in my shoulder, and then gave me a quick massage to relieve my 'tight' back. I had to be home for 12, but was pleased to see that it was only 11.16 as I was leaving. I went into Harpenden, deciding that if I could find a place to park I would nip into Sainsbury's and buy some bananas.I soon found a space, (free for one hour) and got the bananas. I also found the DVD of the new series of Downton Abbey so got that as well.
I was home before 12, I had been told that my second chest of drawers was to be delivered, between 12 and 3. I had cleared coats from the hall to allow easy access to the stairs, so all  I to do was wait. I had lunch and then sat for a while with the newspaper. I went into the kitchen at one point and saw that a van had pulled up outside. This time there were 2 delivery men. They carried the chest upstairs and left it in a bedroom doorway as requested , as I had to empty the old one first. I had a cup of coffee then armed myself with scissors, and a couple of plastic boxes. I had already moved a couple of drawers into the front bedroom, as the runners no longer worked, and they had collapsed onto each other. I set about emptying the remaining drawers into the plastic boxes sorting as I went, some for the bin, some for the charity shop bag, but most still wearable to keep. The carcase of the old chest was heaved over the bed, with some difficulty, space is so tight there is no room to go round, that went into our Son's old room temporarily with the drawers piled on top.
I then hoisted the Dyson over the bed to clear up the accumulated dust, and continued to vacuum the rest of the upstairs rooms, and down the stairs. After a short break to rest my back, I went back up and cut the packing materials off the new chest. It is all good solid wood. I took all of the drawers out then proceeded to drag the chest to our room. Getting it over the bed without hurting my disc was a bit of a nightmare, but even worse was trying to get it so that I could lower it into place. Eventually I got it at the right angle and there! It fitted beautifully. I was just glad that husband hadn't been there to see me, he would have thought I was trying to give myself a heart attack, although I suppose another pair of hands would have been a help.
Another break, then I set about slotting the drawers in, and putting things away. The bedside lamp and my radio alarm on top, and my collection of  bears having had a quick going over with the Dyson were also restored to their normal place. I left somethings for another day as I was pretty exhausted by my efforts.
Husband and I watched the first episode of Downton after dinner. The scene changes in this series seem to be quite sudden, and I was disappointed that there was a bit of mild swearing. I suppose that they are trying to make the trench scenes 'authentic'.

 bedside light and alarm

My bear family, although one may actuallly be a monkey

On Tuesday I was debating walking into town, when I got a phone call from Daughter. The petrol warning light on her car doesn't work and she had discovered she was out of fuel. I said I would call round later, but then decided to go  before I went into town. I went to the local Sainsbury's petrol station and used my can, managing to spill petrol over my hand as I tried to get the nozzle in the correct place. I duly delivered the petrol, put it in Daughter's tank, and went in for awhile for a hand wash,chat and a sly cuddle with Nathaniel. I had to play a game to get the cuddle, he was so busy.
Back home, I abandoned the car and set off for town on foot. I bought a card for a  friend who has recently had a baby, and a small gift. She has also called her boy Nathaniel. Home then by bus, and a soup lunch before falling asleep whilst reading the paper. Later I dismantled the old chest, loaded it into the car with the drawers and took it to the dump. someone had left piano there, and no one could resist plonking a few notes. I bravely tried the right hand first line of 'The Entertainer', but then beat a hasty retreat in case the staff thought I could really play and demanded a concert.
At Weightwatchers on Wednesday I had only lost 1lb, that left me half a pound short of a stone, how maddening is that?  I popped in on Daughter, but then that made me late for Sainsbury's. so I was running late for a while. however I didn't have to go to parent and toddler's and Nathaniel has been taking afternoon naps so is unable to get there. I did some ironing and changed our bedlinen. It's been so warm that I haven't got the winter duvet down from the loft yet.
I woke with a start on Thursday when husband came in to tell me it was time I was up.  I was in the middle of a dream. Uuurgh, when I wake like that I feel dreadful all day. I had been sleeping better than earlier in the week, having gone back to a nightly Ovaltine.  I took Nathaniel for a walk, via Sainsbury's and Dunelm Mill. we ended up at the playground and he enjoyed the swing, a few short goes on the slide, and toddle round in the leaves.Home for lunch, then a nap, so I missed Women's Hour again, as he was asleep when we should have gone. At some time on Thursday he found an old radio belonging to Husband tucked down by the armchair. He had great fun pressing the buttons and making odd noises.
On Friday when I collected him he was still in his pyjamas. They had had a terrible night with him, he may well be teething, as his upper premolars are overdue. I washed and dressed him, and took him to my house, taking his favourite toy with us. The car tyres were due to be changed over, if you remember we now have 2 all weather tyres, which needed to go on the back. I left the car at our usual place, got out the buggy and walked to the paper shop. By the time I got back the car was ready.
When we got home I defrosted a beef dinner and began helping Nathaniel to eat it. I suddenly noticed that his eyes were closing between mouthfuls, so I took him out of the highchair and he nestled into my shoulder. As Soon as I put him in the travel cot however he protested with a yell or two. I turned on the baby monitor, and when I got downstairs all I could hear was the soft music that it plays.
The internet had packed up for the second day running, so I had a doze then got on belatedly with making my Christmas cake. I had left the fruit soaking overnight. Suddenly I realised that I had no soft brown sugar, only demerara. When Nathaniel woke after 2 and a quarter hours I gave him his snack, and added the yoghurt which he had missed at lunch. At one pint he was trying to cram 4 mini breadsticks into his mouth at once!
Then I bundled him into the buggy using the cosy toes I bought, and we set of for Sainsbury's for sugar. I meant to get white bread for N but forgot. When we got back I boiled up some pasta bows and for tea he had those chopped up with a stir in sauce, and grated cheese on top. He absolutely loved it. He seems to have gone off satsuma, so I substituted blueberries. At the same time as he was having tea I was also trying to mix the cake and prepare herb crusted haddock. I gathered up his stuff to take him home,and missed a call from Daughter. However when we got to her home the lights were on, she had left work early, so she was able to get him out of the car seat, he was delighted. Husband called round, but we didn't stay long and when we got home I soon had the haddock and the Christmas cake in the oven. Fortunately I have a double oven cooker. Friday evening we relaxed with more Downton, and husband gave up on the internet. it was still accessible on his netbook. On Saturday wehen i got up he was already working on it. He took a break to walk into town with me for the shopping, we had lunch in M&S, I tried their Christmas soup, and was able to point it afterwards as they had it in their fridges. The propoints value is not too horrendous. Husband tried the Irish stew soup.
After getting the bus back up he continued trying to fix the internet whilst I tried to doze and read papers. Not much success at dozing as he was using a hand held Vax on the computer, and he actually cleared his desk.
By early evening he had fixed it, and after a chat with both sisters on the phone we settled down to gammon and eggs, with parmentier potatoes.
This morning we only just made it for the Remembrance service, at one point we had plenty of time, but then we were running late and had to go the long way round due to road closures for the local parade. We were pleased to see some visitors, and hope that they enjoyed the sermon too. After church this evening I phoned mum in Law.  Her friend has been moved to a hospital nearer home, but her husband doesn't think that she will walk again, and she keeps saying odd things, ie that she is expecting a baby (she is 70). She told another visitor she had been in a car crash, and doesn't even seem aware of her surroundings, she is  in a new hospital now in a single room. Poor lady who knows if she will ever recover her memory. Must go now as I'm tired and my back is aching. Have a good week all.

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