Thursday, 15 December 2011

More Advent antics

Sorry for the lack of blogging, I have been rather chasing my tail lately, trying to get Christmas sorted, me sorted, cards and newsletter written,plus toddler minding It all takes up time. Monday of last week I went to the Doctor about the blood tests that had been recommended. she took my BP the gave me the necessary forms. At lunchtime I looked after Nathaniel whilst his mum went to the annual staff Christmas lunch. afterwards I went to pathology for my blood tests, parking at the local Asda, as it's cheaper than the hospital. the phlebotomist left me with a nice bruise.
 On Tuesday I tried to catch up with things, but never quite succeeded. Wednesday was Weight Watchers, I had stayed the same. Better than going up though. I did the Sainsbury's run, buying sweets and extras as one does at Christmas, and using my substantial nectar points to reduce the bill somewhat.
Thursday I had Nathaniel, and when I took him out for walk he fell asleep, Great!  I could now hope to get to Women's hour, which was the Christmas one. Nat behaved fairly well, but being held very tightly on my lap seemed to help. He had his usual run around afterwards. I rang the Doctor's later and have to have some of my blood tests repeated, full blood count in 2 weeks and thyroid is borderline, so 6-8 weeks. that could explain my constant tiredness.
On Friday we didn't do much as the weather was not so good, just the usual walk. Last week we had some pretty heavy frosts. Nathaniel's Mum says he has to sit still for his snacks, so I've been experimenting with him sitting at the table on a cushion. Not so good on Friday as he smeared yoghurt all over the tablecloth.
Yummy snack time
On Saturday we did the usual shopping. lunching in Marks and Spencer as we had to go back to the garden  centre. The fibre optic tree I bought for husband's office wasn't really big enough, and one of his colleagues had fallen in love with it and asked to buy it. so we bought another, plus a taller one, which was on offer. The later that day I asked to borrow husband's shed key as I needed to top up the compost in my Christmas tree pot. I had mislaid my house keys, but when I opened the shed door, there they were on the floor. I had a feeling that was where they might be. After dinner I brought the tree in, and went up stairs for the decorations. I found things as usual that I had forgotten we had. This is the finished tree:

I found Nativity baubles at the garden centre
Last years treetopper was top heavy, so I used the one we bought in St Ives
Close up of some baubles.
I used the Sainsbury's star lights and they seem quite effective.
Our Son and his wife were visiting Grandma on the South Coast, Daughter and Son in Law were in Kent at his parents, as he was going to have a Birthday. we had a quiet relaxing Sunday, 2 excellent sermons, a few unusual hymns, and some nice roast pork for lunch. Ovaltine helped me sleep for a few nights, but then I started with a cough again. To be continued

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