Friday, 9 November 2012

Hints and tips, and goodbye to a friend

Oh dear late blogging again! Last week was a funny week, I spent quite some time looking for things. The previous week I had bought some books online. They were a set which we had when I was a child, but my mother had given away. These I bought are in beautiful condition, but must have been stored somewhere damp as they have a very musty smell. I needed to find something to get rid of the stink.
An online search came up with cat litter! I bought cat litter and 2 large plastic boxes, but was unable to find plastic boxes to take the books, as they are not supposed to come into contact with the litter.  I tried homebase, but they didn't have any big enough. I did buy some stuff for preserving fences ,as it is 3 years since our fence was put up,and we were told it would not need treating for 3  years.
Eventually I went online and bought some plastic boxes, these were also not quite big enough. but I managed to sit the books in the boxes, on top of the litter, then seal the outer boxes. They are now sitting in the back bedroom with the rest of the junk, where they have to stay for a month. I'll let you know if it works.
Then I had to wait for 2 consecutive dry days, one for the fence to dry off, and one to apply the gunk to the fence and pray that it would dry before the rain came. It's surprising how often the weather forecast changes overnight. I managed to lose weight last week, so at last am going in the right direction.
On Thursday I fully intended to go to Women's hour, but had been unable to get to sleep before 4 am, so I wasn't feeling up to much, then I got  soaked by an unexpected downpour. By the time I had lunch I felt so wretched and was running late, so I didn't go. On Friday I had a funeral to go to. for 3 years we attended a church which met in a local community centre. One of the members was a very old lady, she had died recently, a few weeks short of her102nd Birthday. So on Friday I dug out my dark clothing and put a few underlayers on, then went up to our local cemetery. I was glad of the underlayers,as it was quite windy up at the cemetery. Thankfully it didn't rain though. People who I knew were already there when I arrived, so I didn't have to wait in solitude, rather was able to catch up with people's news. Soon the hearse arrived, then a few minutes later the pastor. The undertaker suggested we took our cars round to the other side of the cemetery, where the burial would take place, but most of us preferred to walk, including a lady in her late 90s who was from the blind club which Ivy attended. It was interesting to see that the cemetery is fairly rule free, there were  photos on gravestones, wind chimes, which I find creepy at the best of times, and lanterns on sticks.
The service was scheduled for an hour after the burial, so I had time to nip home for my glasses, which I had forgotten, I also nipped up to the bathroom, and had a drop of hot coffee to warm me up.
The thanksgiving service was at the community centre, and again old friends were there to be greeted. The service went on for about an hour and a half, the sermon was a bit long, and one row of people left, which must have been disconcerting for the preacher.
Afterwards I said my goodbyes, I didn't want the temptation of refreshments as I'd had lunch, so nipped around the corner to daughter's, to see them and the children; my second visit of the week.
Saturday the weather was dry enough for me to put one coat on the fence, it didn't take too long, then we walked into town, which we hadn't done for a while. As we were running late, we bought stuff in town for lunch to take home. The rain held off, so the fence dried, there had been bits behind our shed and next door's shed that I couldn't reach, so decided to look for a sprayer. I felt I'd had plenty of exercise that day, so was only too happy to flop with the papers,till it was time to make a casserole and phone my sister, a proftable day all round.
Nathaniel, newly shorn plays with his Duplo train

Lydia, oblivious to the fact that her brother shares his toys

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