On Wednesday I was up late, so realised that even if I managed to get the bus I probably wouldn't get to WW. Feeling frustrated, I called the mechanic again only to be told that he was busy for more than a week. I quickly phoned someone else, who promised to be with me in a couple of hours. Meanwhile I printed out my shopping list. He duly came, pronounced that I needed a new battery, went to buy one came back, fitted it, locked my garage and came and presented me with the bill. Not too bad I suppose, considering the labour costs and VAT. So I got to Sainsbury's, did the shopping, then later I walked Tom up to Daughter's house across the field. I didn't take the ball thrower because of my shoulder, but we found an abandoned tennis ball, so I did a few underarm throws for him.
Nathaniel was overexcited to see Tom again, and was eager to play. Lydia took notice of Tom, especially when he licked her hands and tried to lick her face .He didn't attempt to eat her, which was good! Eventually for Tom's sake, I left and walked him home.
On Thursday I had my bi annual check at the optician's. It was a late morning appointment. There was only a very slight change in my vision. When I mentioned my occasional double vision, he did a thorough check, and pronounced that the muscles in my right eye are a tad weak, and said when it gets tired it wanders off on its own. Delightful! One eye on the pot and the other up the chimney, as the old song says. If it worsens I may have to have distance glasses to correct it.
One of my pairs of glasses had a wonky arm, so I really needed a new frame. They found one and fitted it whilst I shopped elsewhere. After collecting the specs, I tried a locksmith to buy a new cylinder. As I had managed to block the cylinder on the front door, all week I had been unable to lock the front door, from the outside, so every time I went out had to walk around the block to go in the back way. The locksmith was busy, and as my parking ticket was nearly up I got into the car and drove to B&Q, where I found what I was looking for, a stronger split proof cylinder, which hopefully will make us even more secure.
By the time I got home and had lunch it was too late to go to women's hour, so I kept Tom company instead, and took him a walk along the canal, then back through the 'village'.
On Friday it snowed again, all day, non stop. I had decided to fit the new cylinder, but it was very cold work, as I had to have the front door open whilst working on it. However I managed to get it done, and was able to lock the door as I took Tom out, then came in the front way too.
When I brought Tom home after his walk, I had to rub him down with a towel. He loves that and rolls onto his back,which isn't too helpful when I'm trying to dry his back. Husband came home early because of the weather, and later we watched the Christmas episode of Downton Abbey. One wonders how many more series they can do, with so many of the young stars with their sights on Hollywood. On Friday I also rang the hospital as I'd had nothing in writing about my admission, I as worried I may have missed a pre op assessment. I was told the letter was in the post and no pre op appointment booked.
Snow dog |
Out the back Friday evening |
As I walked Tom along the canal bank later the snow was compressed so hard that it was quite slippery, I walked to the side of the path, not the canal side,where the snow was a bit softer. It was difficult getting up the slope near the bridge,which is quite steep, but I managed it.
We were expecting to go to the airport. to fetch Son and Daughter in Law, but received a message to say that because of the problems at Heathrow, the plane was late leaving for Cyprus, so the flight was delayed by about 3 hours. Husband tracked the flight online and we left at about 10.30 pm. They were waiting for us more or less where I had dropped them the previous Sunday. We got home at around midnight, sat up chatting and looking at holiday pics. Tom was delighted to see them, prancing around, unsure of who to go to first. After he had greeted both of them, he came to me as if to say ,'thank you, I don't want to leave you out'; They produced a gift of Cyprus delight for me, and wine for husband, and there was also some Cyprus delight from E's parents. That one was stiffer, and less sweet, but still yummy, oh dear guess who fell off the WW wagon?
We woke to more snow on Sunday, it snowed all day. We had been invited out to lunch, so they were going to daughter's. They have keys, so could get in to collect thier stuff and Tom after church. we had a lovely time with C, and were relieved to get a text from Son to say that they were safely home. We went to the evening service, and a drunk came in presumably to get out of the cold. However, he objected when the Devil was mentioned, and very noisily decide to leave. In true British fashion, most of the congregation,and the preacher carried on as if nothing had happened, although 2 men did go to the door with him. We left before communion as we were so worried about the snow, but got home safely and phoned Mum in Law who has been fairly housebound because of the snow although she hadn't had as much as us.
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