Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Coughs and sneezes spread diseases

Well another week has passed so quickly, still not sleeping to well due to the combined problems of the sling and increased cattarh, which made me cough and cough. Tuesday Husband worked from home and took me to my first hydrothrapy session. I managed to get into my cossie without too much of a struggle and was soon walking into the really warm pool. I was amazed how easily the arm which had been held  so close to my side for so long was able to float up to the surface, only giving a twinge when I moved wrongly. Husband afterwards suggested we had lunch in Sainsbo's cafe, I noticed they have calorie contents up on their menu and discovered that their chilli jacket was less than 300, so  I had that.
I felt pretty tired in the afternoon and had a doze. I did some washing and husband  called from the kitchen to say that the washing machine was leaking. Oh no! I'd noticed a lot of water on the floor the other day and wondered what was going on. I grabbed the very large box of Persil with my left hand to get it off the floor, too late, the bottom fell out and Persil went all over the wet floor! I rushed upstairs to grab a plastic box and husband scooped up the dry stuff with a dustpan. I also put an old bath towel down to absorb the excess water. What a lovely gooey mess!
On Wednesday I got the bus to WW, half a pound off, then I walked home again, it was very cold with only a few flakes of snow, unlike the flurries we had been having on and off. it didn't settle much though thankfully. Later Daughter collected me, and we went to do our weekly shopping. Lydia appeared to have conjunctivitis, and Nat had his usual runny nose and cough. I didn't spent too much again ,and Daughter helped me in with the shopping. Thursday morning was hydro again. Husband was keen to go back to Sainsbo's cafe again, this time I had goats cheese and leek tart.
I wasn't feeling great, my coughing was getting worse, and my voice was beginning to go, so I declined an offer of a lift to women's hour. Lydia was taken to the GP about her eyes, but he said they were clearing. We called in on Daughter for a while, but didn't stay too long as husband was supposed to be working from home. I did get a nap later.
Friday I did get  a walk, but it was such a cold miserable day. I spent time dozing, but then later couldn't get to sleep till after 3.30 am for coughing.
I was up early on Saturday, as I had an appointment with my consultant at 9.35, am. I was told he was running late by 20 minutes, but the seemed to be seeing people quite quickly. He was very pleased with my progress, gave me another exercise to do, explained how he had put a post in the bone to anchor the sutures, and said I could leave the sling off at times indoors. He wants to see me in 6 weeks. We were getting into the car at 9.55 am, so he must have been catching up. We popped home for the shopping bags, then arrived in town much earlier than usual.
Daughter rang me in town to ask if she could pop round with the children to keep them out of the way whilst they had garden waste cleared. Husband and I both dozed after lunch, but Daughter didn't appear. We learned later that the men had cancelled. Much later as I was doing dinner with a bit of help from husband, she rang to say Nat was most unwell, not eating with a high temperature. I said she must take him to the urgent care centre. Later they rang to say his Daddy had taken him and tonsillitis had been diagnosed, poor mite,  no wonder all he would eat was Weetabix and yoghurt. Fortunately there are a couple of late pharmacies in our town, so they were able to get one dose of the antibiotic into him before bed.
 By Sunday my voice had almost disappeared, I went to church and mimed the hymns! I was going to go for a walk, but the weather was so miserable I just did the GK crossword and dozed. After the evening service I phoned Mum In law, she seems to be doing quite well, but is tired like the rest of us. She is also complaning of shoulder pain. I had to abandon the call as I coughed so much.I tried a cocodamol to stop the cough, but awoke feeling really dry. Monday morning I made an appointment with the GP, then cancelled my hydro appointment for Tuesday. They insist you are really well when you use the pool, and have strict hygiene rules. The Doctor examined me quite thoroughly, then gave me an antibiotic, as he said there was an infection. I may well have picked something up from daughter or the grandchildren.
I had managed to track down the washing machine engineer who had closed his shop and gone mobile. He promised to come and look at the machine, which had a chunk out of the door rubber. I surveyed my kitchen, which hasn't had a real good clean since before my op, so had to get stuck in. The dried on bits of washing powder helped get the floor clean, and before he was due at  1pm I was sitting down to a bowl of soup in my now tidy kitchen. Husband is good at putting stuff away if he knows where it goes, but doesn't seem to do working surfaces, I had cleaned them, but now they were cleared and clean, I'm getting quite good at one handed stuff. The engineer said he would turn the door seal top to bottom to save me money.
Afterwards I walked into town to do a bit of shopping and recycle the water filters I had unearthed. I got the bus back up. The pile of washing is now reduced somewhat.
Today I waited for the bus to go to WW. It was due at 9.27, but didn't come down the hill till 9.31. I was dressed for weighing, was freezing and had tummyache from too much fruit yesterday, so I came home. In theory, I could have gone out again after a bathroom visit, in fact I did see the bus later, but I was so cold I got changed, then vacuumed the living room floor, then left to walk up to Daughter's. She wasn't quite ready,but we chatted for a while then she got herself and the children ready and we went off to do the shopping. By the time we had finished it was lunchtime, Nat was hungry, so we lunched there again. bad habits! Still I think daughter enjoyed it having been housebound till today. Nathaniel did eat more so is obviously improving; even the sun shone today. Perhaps spring will come soon.

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