The next day we walked into town to do a bit of shopping, we had lunch in town, and as usual got the bus back up. Then on the Wednesday, I managed to fit in my visit to Sainsbury's. I have had to stop going to Weight watchers, as I just can't fit it in. There are few morning meetings, and I wouldn't want to go to an evening one, as I'm always heavier in the evening.
We went to collect the children, but had to wait for Lydia to finish her nap, then we brought them to our home and gave them lunch. They played quite happily, every now and again bringing one of us a book so that we could read to them. All too soon it was time to return them home, our Daughter does 11.30 am till 3.30 pm on a Wednesday.
On the Thursday, we collected them, Lydia went up quite happily for a nap, I went to Sainsbury's and Nat came with me, He was very good and walked sensibly holding my hand. I was planning a afternoon visit to a park which has a splash pool, but Lydia didn't wake very early, I did lunch, and then was thinking what we needed to take for an expedition to the park, buggy, change bag, spare clothing for the after splash pool, etc. In the end I decided it would be quicker and easier to fill the cheap paddling pool I had bought in Sainsbury's. After a few false starts we managed to get it inflated, and filled with water. I dressed Lydia in a pair of pants and a t shirt, liberally applied sun cream, and she got into the pool. Nat didn't seem to want to get in at first, he was more intent on wetting his sister. I told him to remove his shorts and just get in in his pants as I had spare dry pants he could change into, T shirts would dry easily as it was so hot.

As soon as his pants became wet, he removed them, and it took us a considerable time to coax him back into them. How lovely to be 3 and have no inhibitions! I also gave them an ice lolly each, but then noticed that despite the heat. Lydia's arms were becoming mottled, and she was actually beginning to shiver. She was very grateful to be wrapped in a large fluffy towel. I changed her into dry clothes. Nat's were hardly wet at all, and they both settled down to watch the same old Thomas the tank DVDs.
Friday I needed to go into town again,and Saturday morning I got the shopping out of the way early. it was a very hot day,and we wanted to go to the local steam and country fair in a village near here. Daughter and family arrived before us, and had lunch there. I'd had salad at home but husband wanted fish and chips. We met a family we knew from primary and secondary school, so we had a catching up session. In addition to the steam tractors there were steam rollers, vintage cars, vintage tractors and fire engines, a children's fair, various stalls and refreshments, There were shire horse,and even birds of prey. It could well have been the hottest day of the summer so far.
Steam engine being used for splitting wood |
Some visitors |
Steam rollers |
The fun of the fair
I managed to lose both my new sunglasses and driving glasses, but thankfully as we made our way to the exit, someone had handed them in and they were sitting on a table just waiting to be claimed. Phew! When I had reported them missing I had been told that a few wallets full of money had been handed in. Glad to hear there are still honest people around.
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