Monday, 26 April 2010

A load of old junk

I've just realised it is week since I last blogged, I didn't mean to leave it so long. I had to go to the endodontist in Borehamwood on Wednesday, my appointment was 10, and I have such a horror of being late that I set off just after 9. The rush hour was over however, and I sailed along. I arrived so early that I popped into the local flea market to use their ladies' room and have a coffee.
The dentist was running late, and I went through the poking, prodding, cold sprays etc, and the consensus was, yes we will do the root canal filling, but it may not entirely cure the problem. Why she said that I don't know.
I got back in about 19 minutes and went straight to Sainsbury's for my weekly shop.
On Wednesday night I hardly slept, too hot, too uncomfortable etc etc so when I eventually woke in the morning I decided it was time to bring down the summer duvet from the loft. I did so and unpacked it but decided it needed a wash in case of dust mites lingering.
After my morning walk, lack of sleep, and lunch, I fell asleep and missed ladies' meeting. They were filling Christmas shoeboxes, so I hope that there were enough people there. Afterwards I bundled the duvet into the car and set off for our local launderette. I took a couple of magazines with me (and a Kit Kat), and passed the time quite pleasantly, with interspersed chat from the launderette supervisor who was bored as it was so quiet.
I then brought home a lovely fresh duvet, which I spread on the line to air. I swapped it for the winter one and slept really well that night.
On Friday I decided to get my newspapers from somewhere else, so walked up the hill across a playing field path to the shops near to the primary school which my family attended. There are more signs of Spring, and everywhere is looking  so fresh and green. I used to do that walk every day, only using the car to bring them home as they were often tired. Or if we ran late I would bundle them in the car to go up the hill.
I had a chat with Son on Friday evening and he said they might pop over on Saturday.
We didn't hear from them, his phone was off when I rang, so we decided to pop to the garden centre for more slabs, only to get a text to say they were on their way over. Fortunately they still have keys.We spent time chatting and they returned something to husband. They wanted to borrow something. However it could not be found, so eventually I went to the garage to look.I thought that it might be behind the old trailer, which stands on end, so summoned help. The upshot was that we didn't find it, but are throwing out 2 old dog guards, and 2 or 3 roof racks for cars we no longer own. We haven't had a dog for about 6 years, and our estate car went about 5 years ago. Guess who is going to the dump today?. Whilst I'm at it I will get rid of some old shelving that has been standing in a corner in our bedroom for about 8 years.
However not much gardening was done.The back is looking quite good although my daffs are dying off, must go and get some bedding plants soon, although husband has some seedlings coming, but he forgot to label them.
Yesterday we had a visiting preacher  whose sermon was shorter than our pastor's, so we were home earlier. we had a lovely bit of beef, from M&S, which didn't shrink much in cooking. Couldn't eat al fresco as the promised hot sunny day turned out patchy rain with bright spells. I had to come home during the evening service as I forgot my inhaler and was wheezing. Got back in time for most of the sermon. My asthma is not good and my catarrh awful. I have a pain over one eye, but couldn't find any Olbas to do a steam inhalation.
Daughter and Son in Law came after their church service so that was lovely too, Daughter had been to a 'hen' weekend with uni friends. She is quite an old married woman these days, nearly 4 years, but is the first in her group to have a baby, all being well.
Well I must get on. I will try at some time to upload some pics of our old dog, he was a funny old mutt.

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