Saturday, 10 April 2010

Of leaks landlords and lodgers

I am really enjoying the spring sunshine, and have twice sat in the garden for a while, simply in the interests of topping up my vitamin D you understand. 'Our' Blackbird has been in our garden a lot lately, singing away, looking for food and scattering soil onto the path as he scavenges.
We had a very brief visit form our Son on Thursday evening, he and wife were on their way West as they were going to a wedding, the next day I think, he wanted to borrow something from his Dad, but it was a very brief visit. We had a much longer visit from the other two.
When Son-in-Law arrived home on Thursday, their boiler was leaking so badly that he had to turn the water off altogether. Eventually their landlord responded and sent a plumber. The plumber decided it needed a new part or failing that a new boiler, but it was too late in the evening to get it fully sorted, so I offered them a bed here for the night. It was bad enough them being without hot water and heat, but to not have any water, they would not even have been able to flush the loo. So I quickly made up the double in the spare room, and I think they slept. At least they had the use of the loo and a hot bath or shower whichever they preferred. I did not sleep too well, overtired I think.
Yesterday the plumber came back, the new part was not successful, so there was a 3 way discussion going on, the plumber who said it was easier to fit a new boiler, the landlord who obviously didn't want to pay for it, and Son-in -Law who just wanted to get something done. They decamped to ours again and lodged here for a second night.
Today daughter had to go into London to meet friends as someone had a Birthday. Son-in Law volunteered to stay in for the plumber, a different one, a friend of the landlord.  The last I heard the boiler had been stripped down, descaled and a new part was being fetched form Luton. Oh well the bed is still made up if this all doesn't work.
We have been otherwise leading our usual quiet lives, I have been trying to step up the walking, and have succeeded a little better this week. I have my appointment booked for the cardiologist, plus a 24 hour monitor beforehand. I got the appointment for the echocardiogram, but realised it was the same day as my appointment with the endodontist in Borehamwood. When I rang up they seemed to be short of appointments, so I now have to have the echocardiogram 15 minutes after having the 24 hour monitor removed. I have had these monitors before, the only painful bit is when they use an emery board on the skin to make sure the electrodes will stay on!
I have finished, (or should that be Phinnished) my Gervaise Phinn book, not quite so many funny stories this time, and one that he told has been doing the rounds for several years as an 'urban myth'. Daughter has borrowed it. We also finished watching 'Our Mutual Friend' on Tuesday; quite enjoyable. When I went to the ladies meeting on Thursday I was able to take 3 scarves I had knitted, but they are now short of men's hats. I don't have a men's hats pattern, I wonder if there is one I could download?. I should have looked on the market stalls today, but men's hats might not sell too well in sunny weather.
This morning I dragged all of the summer clothes out of my blanket chest and put away most of the joggers, sweatshirts and winter skirts and pyjamas, keeping a few back just in case, so if the weather changes you know who to blame. We did our market shopping then bought M&S sandwiches and ate them in the water gardens, quite pleasant apart from the constant beeping of the Pelican crossing.

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