Monday, 24 May 2010

Not very lazy sunny days

Why does the weekend fly by so quickly? The weather has been glorious, but we haven't been sitting out in the sun.
I was a bit concerned last week, despite having paid the balance on our summer holiday, I had not received the promised confirmation letter. So I rang the company only to be told the info had been sent by e-mail. A quick scan of my e-mails showed this not to be so, so the lady said she would 'do it the old fashioned way', ie by post. I looked again at the confirmation of booking, and saw it was addressed to husband. I remembered he had booked it this year, first time ever, so I checked his e-mails - nothing. I thought this is most odd so started checking the 'Junk' file and found it nestling quite happily in the piles of spam. So we now have the details twice over!
On Friday morning I decided a  visit to the GP was necessary as I had a very bloodshot eye. It had started quite small, but the way it had spread had alarmed me.Plus the fact that the endodontist had asked me about it and so had a friend who is an optometrist. I walked to the doctor's which is in the town centre, and she was actually running to time, so I didn't have a long wait. I explained the problem, and told her my eye had started to become sore. She examined it and said it was just a small burst blood vessel, they become much more common as we get older! She then took my BP, as that can be a factor, but it was fine. I was really chuffed at this as if I know it is going to be taken it is sky high.
I had a good walk round town bought the newspapers and some flowers and got the bus back up. I spent the afternoon ironing and generally tidying. Husband arrived home early, and we set about packing for our weekend away. We set off at 7, and arrived at Mum -in law's at around 10pm, having stopped for a drink and sandwich on the way. Mum-in-Law was pleased to see us, and we caught up with general news, getting to bed rather late. I couldn't sleep at first as there was a  clock ticking on the windowsill. The next day we discovered this clock had never worked very well, but she had given the key a turn or two to see if it would work. Thankfully it stopped after a couple of hours.
On Saturday we went into Eastbourne, and decided on an early lunch, to beat the crowds. The cafe is in a shop which sells materials, wool, gifts etc, and after lunch I visited the wool dept and came away with a book of baby patterns and two balls of wool. I can't believe how little wool it takes for a baby cardigan but then I haven't knitted one for years.
Afterwards we took Mum to a garden centre as she needed compost and has no means of transporting it. She is forging ahead with the gardening, determined to cope alone. A visit to her favourite Tesco followed, and she bought one or two things she cannot get in her local Tesco, which friends take her to.
In Tesco I was quite amused to see several people wearing shorts, and with a bright red stripe down the front of their thighs and one down the back. I am glad I am not the only one who never manages an even all over tan!
We went back to the bungalow, unloaded all the purchases, and then dozed or read the papers.
Yesterday we went off to the local Free church, who were pleased to have us, as some of their own members were away. Afterwards we went  back to the bungalow, picked up Mum-in -Law and took her to the Eastbourne Hydro for lunch. It was four courses, and very reasonable.
Back to the bungalow and we all dozed off! I had a shock to wake and find it was 5.30! Husband was already awake, and we quickly packed our stuff, the got Mum to get out the cake which I had brought. We put figure candles on it and got her to blow them out. She will be 86 today! Sadly we had to leave, so, set off at about 6.30. Traffic was fairly heavy once we had passed Brighton, I think that the world and his wife and family had been to the coast. we stopped for a while for loo and drinks, and  eventually arrived home at about 10. Daughter had also been visiting in-laws but not so far afield, and arrived home at about 10.30. It is hot and sunny again today, I am trying my Mum's method of keeping the living room cool, by keeping the curtains drawn, but it's already 80 f in here! must get the fan down from the loft.
I hope everyone had a good weekend and enjoyed the lovely weather.

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