Thursday, 27 May 2010

water, water everywhere, and couple of mysteries too!

When we returne home after our weekend away, our bathroom radaiator had been leaking. I knew it had leaked before so  I had left a microfibre cloth down to see how much water came out. As I climbed the stairs I could smell the typical dirty, damp dishcloth smell, and yes, the microfibre cloth was full and overflowing.
On Monday I decided I'd had enough of the mess in the bathroom and started to sort it out. I also thought I would tighten up the bleed nut on the radiator. It wouldn't turn one way so I turned it the other and whoosh! Big mistake! the bleed screw came out altogether! I stood for a while like the boy with his finger in the dyke, thumb pressed to the end of the radiator, praying and wondering what to do.
Eventually I draped a towel over it, then more towels on the floor. The radiator wouldn't turn off. So I ran downstairs, grabbed mobile and rang a bemused husband. He could not remember where the pipe was to stop the water to central heating, but with the aid of a wrench I managed to turn radiator off. In the meantime the bleed screw had gone missing.
When I went downstairs, there was a puddle on the kitchen diner floor. Some of then water had found its way through and was dripping down the side of the fluorescent tube. Oh joy! More mopping. Then I set off for B&Q in search of anew bleed screw. I found one and refitted it, but there is still a slight seepage. The area round it is rusty, so I expect we need a new radiator.
So once again I will ask around for a good plumber. the last one was recommended by the local bathroom and plumbing suppliers, but I didn't rate him too highly, plus the fact that despite being asked twice he didn't send receipts.
It was too hot to do much, but in the late afternoon I decided I must do the lawn. Our lawn space is much reduced, but I got the strimmer out, then the mower and it began to look decent again. Unfortunately, I had used my housekeys as the shed key is on the ring, but come Tuesday I couldn't recall where I had put them.
Another thing that happened at the weekend was that most of our plants died off, those grown from seed and some bedding plants I had bought, so on Tuesday afternoon I went to the garden centre to buy more.I do have spare doorkeys on my car key ring, so managed to lock up. Afterwards I called on my neighbour whose daughter is to be married on Saturday, and we chatted over a cuppa. A couple of weeks ago D couldn't find an outfit, but she settled for one less than perfect, as you have to sometimes. It is a hotel wedding as the family are not church goers. I'll have to try and get a glimpse of them going off.
 Yesterday was Sainsbury's day then parent and toddlers, so it was an in and out day. I also went to another nearer garden centre to replace a plastic trug which had mysteriously gone missing from our garden. I bought even more bedding plants!
Today, I popped out for the papers, but most of the time was spent fretting over and hunting for doorkeys. I cleaned out the porch, and vacuumed all round. Then I said. 'Lord You know where they are, please give me a reminder.' As I worked I suddenly remembered I had been wearing an apron with a pocket at the front. there it was hanging up and there were the keys in the pocket. Phew! when things like this happen I do worry, especially as a friend and former elder at our old church has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Well husband will be home soon, I must put my Dyson away. I wonder what I will lose tomorrow? Hope it's not my marbles!

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