Sunday, 12 December 2010

Advent adventures part Two

Well last week seems a bit of a blur now, I continued with the ironing pile and moving the junk and dust around as usual. I visited daughter and had a cuddle with Baby,whilst she went shopping. I went to Sainsbury's and spent a small fortune, but redeemed £72 of Nectar points, so the damage wasn't too great.
The thaw happened, it got warmer, but the water barrels are still frozen up. The bird bath thawed, and I have cut back on the suet sprinkles on the bird table. I had a lovely 'close encounter' with a blackbird earlier in the week whilst it was all still frozen, as he patiently waited for me to fill up the table.
The avalanche of parcels arrived, so I started wrapping. Bizarrely I seemed to have ordered 2 of 2 items, so I had to repack some for return. One item hadn't arrived and I was beginning to panic. I wrapped everything else, and prayed. On Wednesday evening our Son and his wife arrived, but they were not staying with us as Daughter has been unable to return the guest hide a bed, due to lack of transport. I did take up  a mattress topper as the bed is a bit hard and I am told it helped. Daughter and I went to parent and Toddlers, I was very tired, not always sleeping well and didn't doze during the day, but I had to keep going.I thought of missing Women's hour, but it was our Christmas one, so I went, but don't feel that I listened very well. I had my fist mince pie of the season. I gave a lift home to our German lady, and she complained that we don't have a Christmas tree with lights in the church at Christmas. I tried to explain that the Christmas tree is not really a Christian symbol, but it probably came out ungraciously as I was so tired and she had been talking non stop all the way home. I must pray for calm again!
On Thursday evening the family came for dinner, baby was a bit fractious, but I manged to get him to sleep, and he slept whilst we ate. It was good to all be together again. Son and his wife popped round on Friday morning, he wanted to borrow his Dad's tools to do something to the car. Providentially, the last item arrived in Friday morning's post, so I was able to pack up the parcels and give them to Son, as we will not now see them before Christmas. Son is on a course in Birmingham this week, to do with his new job. They stayed a while and chatted but I had to go out, so they left. As it was I had missed the end of term nibbles at my old dance class. Someone had invited me earlier in the week, but family comes first. I was sad to hear that the dance teacher's young son, about 20, has a brain tumour. Poor J, her Dad died recently too.
I did manage a doze after lunch, and then went to the garden centre. I had some vouchers to spend, and was very tempted to but a new tree. Last year's has survived , but is a bit tatty, so I gave in to temptation, then found that my garden club vouchers were out of date.
One grouse from this week is that our Homebase candle bridge has lost a bulb.I visited the store and was told they are available online. Got home and looked on Homebase site, no joy. Back to Homebase another day, and told, 'oh no you look at the spares site.' Why couldn't they tell me that the first time? I got home looked at spares site, no joy. Rang number, eventually spoke to a human who said.'Oh, they are not coming up'.  I  asked why, but she said 'I don't know' So much for customer service. Husband has managed to locate some on ebay. Are candle bridges going out of fashion?
On Friday evening I remembered I had an unwrapped gift for Son in Laws parents. they were off to visit them on Saturday, so I had to go out hunting for ribbons, wrap the parcel, and take it up there, quite late I might add, as they had all been up to Oxford Street to see the lights and were late coming back. Son and His wife were very late leaving for their Cheshire home, but arrived safely. I expect Son was tired at work on Saturday.
We treated ourselves to a M&S meal deal for yesterday evening, and had lunch out , so I was able to relax a bit. We had 2 very good sermons today and I started writing Christmas cards. I will get there eventually, but this week will be hectic. I forgot to phone Mum-in -Law this evening, we must make arrangements for her stay. Must get to bed now, no wonder I am always tired. Hope you all have a good organised week

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