Sunday, 19 December 2010

When the snow lay round about

Phew what a week! on Monday I went to Berkhamsted, looking for Christmas text stickers, I went in a shop called Temptation, and got tempted into buying stocking fillers. On Tuesday I went to St Albans and bought Grandma's present, went into the Christian bookshop and the Abbey, but no one had gold text stickers. Those I bought in Berko were red, and some of the cards I made were red....... However I had a chat with an old friend Jane who is quite bemused that I find time for Facebook. I thought I'd better not mention the blog. Part of Monday and Tuesday mornings were spent part sanding then varnishing our over large pine dining table.
We have been debating for a while whether to buy a new table and chairs with the table being drop leaf, to take up less room. We had been looking at some in Clements, and last time I was in there I'd phoned husband and told him that if we bought before December we could have them at a reduced price, but after then the price would go up, then that would add the new VAT. He had allowed me to order one, and choose the seat coverings. We were told we could get it before Christmas.
I got a phone call Tuesday to say that it was in, and arranged delivery for Friday. On Wednesday after Sainsbury's and between doing our news letter and sorting photo's to go with it, I contacted 3 charities to see of they would like to have the old pine set. One couldn't collect till January, another till Wednesday, the third I had to leave a message. In the end I decided it would have to go in my lock up garage for the time being.
On Thursday I went to the osteopath for my regular treatment for my disc. I confessed to the shoulder problem and he diagnosed a tendon problem, said he could treat it, but not till after Christmas, even then it would get worse before it got better, it might not work and I might need an injection. He told me to rest it (hollow laugh), and use ice packs to reduce the inflammation. I felt a bit stiff and sore after the treatment and decided to forgo the ladies meeting, which was a carol service, at the old folks day centre. We had been warned that some of us could have to stand as they were expecting 60 old folks for their Christmas dinner.
Instead I concentrated on the cards and news letter. I got a huge pile done and paired with cards, and spent a while sticking stamps on We had some snow on Thursday, but not very much. I took the chairs up one by one to my garage in my car, but when I dismantled the table I could not even lift the top. Husband and I carried it up very slowly, through the snow, and neither of us had a heart attack. Then we had our evening meal from trays. The base is still in the kitchen diner. The third charity phoned and offered to pick up the old table and chairs next Wednesday and I gratefully accepted.
I cleaned the dining area floor thoroughly and the skirting board. The old table had been so heavy it rarely got moved; the radiator got a good dusting too. They arrived well before the 'No later than 11.30, and when I had peeled off all the wrappings I decided that I just had time for a quick trip to Sainsbury's. I was due to babysit at lunchtime as daughter was going for a Christmas lunch with workmates in St Albans. I took the cards and posted them. By this time the snow which had started up again had become a mini blizzard.
As I continued on the level road my foot slipped on concealed ice. I tried to grab a fence, but went down on to my knees and cut the right one, that's the knee which has Osgood Schlatter's disease so is misshapen anyway. A concerned lady motorist stopped and offered me a lift, but I said I would be ok. On the way back from Sainsbury's daughter rang, she was concerned about the blizzard, and we both know how snow affects St Albans. Suddenly my feet shot from under me, I fell onto my back and my head whiplashed onto the ground. Ouch! I recovered my phone and told Daughter what had happened, she had however guessed, probably as I yelled in surprise. She offered to come and collect me, but I said 'No 'I'll be ok' then she said she would cancel her lunch date. I looked down and realised I was sitting on a sheet of ice, which again had been concealed by the snow. I got up very gingerly, as I didn't want to go down again, and cotinued on my my home. After lunch I took painkillersand rested abit. Then I saw that we had blue skies and brilliant sunshine!
I wrapped some parcels and was going to take them to the post office up the hill, but realised I was running out of time. I gathered some things together and went out to my car. It had thick snow on and was frozen. I managed to get the door open after a struggle and got in . The courtesy light wasn't working and it was like getting into a snow covered cave. I found a can of de-icer, but couldn't find my scraper. I found an old hairbrush and de-snowed the car enough to let me be able to see to drive to Daughter's. She was off to meet her Husband in London, they were going out to celebrate his 30th Birthday. She left me instructions on how to use i player and DVD player, most of which I almost instantly forgot. The next few hours were spent eating a microwaved meal, then having a coffee, and seeing to the needs of my Grandson. Daughter had left some formula, and I discovered that he can hold onto the bottle himself, and grab it and pull it towards his mouth. Part of the time was spent entertaining him, part rocking him to sleep. Not being sure how to operate the DVD I spent a lot of time watching or trying to watch Downton Abbey as it was in the player.
I had a bad moment when Baby woke up screaming, red in the face, and seeming to want feeding. He would gulp, then refuse the bottle. Suddenly I sat him on my lap and he burped long and loud 3 times. He drinks formula so fast that it gives him wind. Afterwards he was happier, and then content to lie on my shoulder gazing into my eyes. The wanderers returned at 11.30, and I de-iced the car and went home.
As I got into bed I realised where I was hurting - all over!  I had put 2 heat pads in the bed to warm it and spent the night lying on them

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