Another late blog, but this time I have an excuse, I have been away in Wales. I went to the ladies' meeting on the Thursday before I went, the pastor spoke on Mary Magdalene in our women of the bible series. I also managed to get organised with checking my cover for the shoulder 'op', and ringing up to fix the date. It is booked for July 1st. I am having keyhole surgery, so hopefully will just be in for a day. I have to be there for 7.10 am
On Saturday 7th we set off for Wales, leaving behind the warm sunny days and going into cooler unsettled weather, with lots of showers, wind and some sunshine. We had a terrific hailstorm one day too.The noise on the conservatory roof was horrendous. We stayed at the cottage in Gwaenysgor again, as it was the only one not booked up. We went over to Upton BC on the Sunday morning to catch up with old friends, then after lunch went to visit my sister and some of her family. Monday we went down into Rhyl and had a look around. Husband went for a haircut, and I got caught in a shower, so popped into a cafe for coffee. I rang husband but he didn't want to join me for lunch, so I had lunch there alone; a very nice ham salad. There wasn't much to attract us in Rhyl, so we went back up to the cottage and husband had a snooze, whilst I had a wander around the village, and walked up to the viewpoint.
Golden chain across the path |
stormy weather |
up at the viewpoint |
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village pond.
The stairs in the cottage are rather steep, and I always come down them carefully, However, on the Tuesday morning, as I left the last step, my right foot hit the ground and my ankle twisted, I went sideways and fell on my back on the quarry tiles,ouch!; I just managed to stop my head hitting the floor. Undeterred we took ourselves off to Llandudno, where I ate yet another salad in Tiffany's whilst husband had Lasagne, with salad. I then did my usual tour of the shoe shops, trying on about 10 pairs in one shop. Every time I expressed interest in a pair, she brought another 2 out. However they either slipped at the heel or were too tight. In the end I went in Stead and Simpson, who were closing for a refit, and found 2 pairs of Van Dal that fitted, and had £20 off!
On Wednesday, my other sister and her husband were coming up to see us all, so I went to Sainsbury's for some food, made up baps, cooked a cheat's version of smothered chicken. with veg for the two of us, and then cooked a pizza. We put all the food in the car after our meal,and set off for my sister's house.
They all arrived, my other niece and her son were there, and my sister's son popped in later. My eldest sister arrived wearing a striped cotton trouser suit. She was teased unmercifully about pyjamas, mattresses, and deck chairs, and all in all the jokes were flying thick and fast and we had a hilarious time. We haven't all been together for ages. All too soon it was time for tea, I had over catered as usual, but better too much than too little. My eldest sister had brought a cream cake too, which went down well
The above is me and my two sisters
The Birmingham contingent left at about half past five, and the others soon after. we stayed till just after 8, then went back to the cottage and out in search of a decent sunset, over the fields.
On Thursday we went to Chester, arriving quite late, and I browsed several shops, but only bought stuff in Lakeland. Friday I visited Mum and Dad's grave, and took flowers, then after lunch we packed up the car and set off for Macclesfield. Son cooked us a curry, then we chatted and had an early bedtime. Next morning Son was off to work, so we sat and chatted with his wife, then walked into the town centre, explored the shops, visited Son in his place of work, then had lunch. More browsing, then walked back to their home, badly in need of a rest.
It was getting on for 4 before we set off home, and we drove through more bad weather. After sorting through the post I went out to get some food for the rest of the weekend. Two good sermons today, but the day was somewhat marred by a phone call this evening to say that a friend we had known for about 25 years, slim, fit, had had a stroke and died they day we went to Wales. He lived alone, was about our age, and we will miss seeing him around, but he has gone to a far better place. I will do my best to get to the funeral on Wednesday. As my Mum in law has said, he won't have to face growing old alone.God is good. Well it's past my bedtime so I must go
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