Well, I'm really behind with blogging this week, we didn't do much apart from gardening on Easter Monday. We did have a walk to the supermarket though. On Tuesday daughter had a dental appointment and I offered to look after Baby. She dropped me off at the home of our friends C&C. Although Daughter attends the same church the congregation is so big, and parents tend to sit in the balcony, so I decided a personal visit was in order. C, the wife suffers from poor health, but seemed to brighten up no end, as she dandled baby on her knee and sang to him. Daughter appeared soon afterwards to say she was told she hadn't got an appointment, the dentist wasn't even in, and she wasn't the first that day to think she had
Having worked for a dentist when I lived in Wales, I reckon that they had made appointments, then the dentist said he would be off that day, and they forgot to cancel some appointments. We stayed chatting with our friends for a while, then went to Sainsbury's to get some shopping for Daughter. I helped keep baby amused , he doesn't like shopping, but then what male does?
Back to daughter's for lunch, then I collected my car and came home. The ironing had piled up, and I've been trying to get on top of it. Every time I think I have succeeded, I find another pile of washing to do.
My appointment at the private hospital in Harpenden was at 10.30 on Wednesday. I set off later than I intended, stopped to buy papers, then had an awful job parking. I got in there for 10.30, but had to wait for the receptionists to deal with others who were leaving. I didn't have to wait long, and was soon called. The consultant went through the usual checking my shoulder mobility routine, then sent me for an x ray, he said he also wanted me to have a scan. After the x ray, I was called back in, and he called up my x rays on his computer screen. There is definitely a bit of bone where there shouldn't be, so he said he could give me an injection there and then, but I would be back in 3 months. He suggested an arthroscopy using keyhole surgery, then gave me his secretary's number to ring her and be pencilled in.
I booked my scan, which to my dismay turned out to be an MRI scan. My GP had said it wouldn't be MRI. I then drove into Harpenden to look at shoe shops, as always my quest is for comfortable summer shoes, my old ones are increasingly worn and tatty. No joy in Harpenden, so decided to go to The Galleria in Hatfield. I didn't have enough cash on me for lunch, and their machines charge £1.50 per withdrawal. I did find one pair of shoes, not in a colour I wanted. As usual, they fitted really well in the shop, but when I tried them on at home, they were quite tight. Out came the shoe stretchers. After lunch I printed out my Sainsbury list, and went off to do the shopping. I met someone n there who I don't usually see, because I usually go in the morning.
We were packing shoeboxes for next Christmas at ladies' meeting on Thursday, but not many people were there, we soon got them done though, and gathered round a table for a natter and a cuppa, then a bible reading and prayer.
Friday morning husband was finishing some of the terracing in the front, he needed to cut a slab, and a colleague had very kindly lent him a cutter. We walked to Sainsbury's at around 11 am. the streets were deserted, and few people were in the store, everyone was watching a wedding, so I am told. At home as I made the salad for lunch, I realise I only had one small tomato, so nipped in the car to the other Supermarket, which was likewise deserted. AS I left however, people were beginning to stream in. I looked at my watch, and decide that the wedding service must be over.
Later in the afternoon I popped up to see Daughter they have been trying to straighten out their garden. Baby was a bit miserable, he still has a cough. Whilst I was there, there was a sudden really heavy shower. Daughter was very tired and fell asleep. I helped give baby some food, then came home. After husband had gone to bed I did watch some highlights of the wedding on iplayer, everyone seemed to look very nice, but no way could I have been in that crowd, although one family from church had travelled up in the middle of the night.
On Saturday we went to get some new tyres fitted. Husband opted for 2 all weather tyres, which we have to get swapped in October to the front. Hopefully they will be of help if we have another bad winter.
We then went into town for the shopping, bought an M&S meal for 2 for £10,and came home for lunch .We've had some very windy days, not good for eating out of doors, but it has mostly been sunny.
On Sunday we had the family around for lunch, but later Daughter went to visit a friend who had a 30th Birthday. Baby fell asleep on me for one and a half hours, and by the time I had woken him, and given him something to eat, it was a bit late for church, husband had woken up groggy from a nap, so no one made it to the evening service. I believe it was a good sermon on the wedding invitation, must get the CD at some time.
I had realised that my scan appointment clashed with my parent and toddler duty, so was frantically trying to arrange a swap. Everyone said not to cancel the scan, but in the end I had to hand over the problem to the session leader, as so many people were away or otherwise occupied. Monday was another Bank Holiday, more gardening for husband, more ironing for me. We did however get to the garden centre, for bark chippings and a couple of plants. The bark chippings were on offer, not suprising as they really pong.
Back to work for husband yesterday, a trip to Watford for me, mostly just browsing, but I found a cardigan I had dithered about in M&S, and then it had sold out in our branch. Ialso went to the card stall in the market and found some new toppers, there is another family Birthday next week, the young lady concerned will be 25. her brother was 21 on Sunday, where have the years gone?
Today was my scan day. I went to Sainsbury's this morning, got off quite light for once, then home, unpack shopping, quick scan through the papers, (pardon the pun) salad lunch, then a quick coffee. I set off in plenty of time arrived 25 minutes early, found a parking space under a tree, got an encouraging message from husband and then went in.I was sent from one reception to the other, then settled down with the Telegraph, but hadn't read far when my name was called. I put on my gown, locked my changing room and waited, all too soon I was called and positioned, and as I entered the oh, so narrow tube, eyes tight shut, finger on emergency buzzer, I felt the ectopic heart beats begin. Oh no, not so soon, but it must have been an adrenaline rush, because after about 5 minutes I actually managed to relax and was no longer aware of my heartbeat, I could hardly hear my chosen CD, just the horrible clanking and drill like noises. Then it goes quiet, then starts up again making you jump. It's like being put in a drainpipe and lying in the middle of roadworks. I lay praying, and just as I was thinking I could stand no more it was all over. Had I really coped with 20 minutes to half an hour? According to my watch when I dressed I had. I wonder actually how they fit the truly obese people in those machines, I'm over weight I know, and I seem to be a tight fit.
I decided to call in on Daughter on the way home for some sympathy, but her husband answered the door. She was out with Baby, and he was working from home. Fair enough, I made a pot of Assam, indulged in a slice of gooey cake, and took it into the garden to top up my vitamin D levels.. Oh and finished the Telegaph too.That was my comfort after my ordeal.
I forgot to mention earlier, our neighbours have had their house on the market for about a year, It hasn't sold, so at the weekend they had their patched up tatty wall demolished, and a new one built. The builders however came and built it on Sunday! is nothing sacred any more? They got it up pretty quick, but some of the bricks don't look straight. I wonder how long it will take the neighbours to realise that they also need to trim their overgrown shrubs, spray weedkiller on their paving blocks and clean the pvc frames of their upstairs windows. It is all very well having an immaculate interior, but first impressions count a lot. There was a viewing on Monday, but no sold sign yet. Oh well past my bedtime, must be off.
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