Usually though I am out when he calls so I have to send in a 'self reading'. The only thing is that it costs to have the meter moved, my neighbour paid £700, she had hers moved when she had her kitchen done. Hers wasn't in a cupboard, but it was finished by a different builder as the first one went bankrupt; probably through the cost of having to put in extra deep foundations because the ground is so poor. Of course we found all this out after we had bought the house, but when we had the back porch built the builder told us he had dug down to the required depth and could see no bottom to the house foundations. Just to be on the safe side though he built the upper part in white UPVC panels, much lighter.
I had a trip into town, and caught the bus back up, as I was running late.
The moths are still coming. I looked them up again and discovered that the pupation time is 20 days to 300, so we could be coming to the end of them, or we could have along way to go. Apparently they pupate in tiny crevaces in the ceiling or high in the walls, Sadly I found two more grubs off to pupate. They didn't last long. Apparently they can survive on the teeniest tiniest scrap of food. In desperation. I pulled everything out of the bottom of my larder cupboard, all the polishes, cloths shoe polish, brushes sprays etc, and had a good clean there. The back of the cupboard has never fitted properly (MFI), so I shook that, and pulled the plinths off again. I found a solitary Waitrose mini bakewell tart and binned it then vacuumed as much as I could without being able to find my crevace tool. I then washed under the cupboard with bleach. It is a wonder I don't have nightmares. The moths are very easy to kill, and husband has now invested in a zapper which looks like a tennis racquet, but actually fries them to death. In fact he bought 2 and the assistant in Dyas asked if we were going to play tennis, which is the same thing I asked when I saw he had got 2.
I had been going to have Weetabix for my breakfast, but had found a moth inside the plastic container where the Weetabix are now kept, so I binned the Weetabix.
I also had a recorded message on my mobile about some furniture which I had ordered online from They wanted to deliver between 7am and 9 am. on Wednesday. I rang back to confirm. I then made sure I had an early night and reset my alarm for 6.30. Husband leaves home at about 7.20 am, so I had to be ready and dressed just in case they came early. As I came down the stairs after dressing husband was opening the front door, at 6.55am!
There was only one of the two items I had ordered, a chest of drawers for my kitchen diner. For several years now we have had a table top fridge in addition to our fridge freezer. When I bought a bigger Hotpoint FF about 6 or so years ago, I threw the old one out, as I had more room. However Hotpoint let me down by selling me a faulty fridge freezer, so as it was playing up badly in a heatwave I had to rush out and buy a new table top fridge. We eventually moved this out of the hall where it had been on the carpet, and I had bought a self assembly storage unit with wicker drawers to stand it on. This had been a bit rickety all along, and I wanted something solid.
The new chest |
I got to Weight watchers well in time, having emptied a few drawers, moved the unit cleaned the floor underneath and installed the chest in its place it is good and solid. I am less solid having lost a further 3.5 lbs. and obtained my first silver seven, I didn't stay to the meeting as I had a heavy day, off to Sainsbury's, then home and a quick early lunch before the electrician arrived. He cannot do exactly as I wanted, claims that one thing would be a huge job 'and would never look tidy', but would see what he could do to tidy it up.
Her went away promising to call me back, and I rushed off to do refreshments at parent and toddlers. Fortunately there were fewer this week, as there were only 3 helpers. H came she is a young Mum who already has 2 children 5 and 3. Over the Summer she discovered that she is expecting twins. She has been told by Watford that she has to go fortnightly to Queen Charlotte's in London for a scan as the girls are identical. We have a scanning unit in our town ,so the whole thing seems ridiculous. Most Mums, including Daughter are scanned there. H is a childminder so going to London is a great inconvenience to her and the families she works for.
Afterwards I came home and finished off the changeover of stuff from the unit to the drawers, binning some stuff no longer needed, and.when I had finished was pleased with the result. I also broke up the unit into manageable bits to take to the dump
On Thursday I went to collect Grandson, and discovered he had a cold. Daughter and I chatted for a bit, then she went out to her car. I called after her, 'As he has a cold do you want him to have his jab?' Remembering how poorly he had previously been after a vaccination whilst he had a cold. 'Oh! Good point Mum, would you like to cancel it?' so I phoned the Doctors and cancelled. I took him back to my home and after a while we went for a walk to Sainsbury's, we saw a cat and he seemed to say 'cat'. Then as we approached the canal bridge he appeared to be saying something that might have been 'dog'. There was a chap on the bridge with a beautiful black labrador puppy, which was not on a lead, the owner appeared to be trying to control it with a stick, not by hitting I hasten to add. Before anyone could do anything the pup had bounded over, put his paws on the buggy and licked Nathaniel soundly three times. The chap was apologetic, but I was just grateful that the pup had been friendly. I hope that the dog will be on a lead in future. Nathaniel did not seem unduly upset by the encounter, but I wiped his face with a tissue and then washed it when we got home.
After lunch he went down quite easily for nap, then I took him to Women's hour. He played with the other little boy again who also had a cold, at one point he spotted the open piano, and before I could reach him had played the bottom notes. No one seemed to mind too much, but I grasped him quite firmly during the final hymn. I then went and parked in town and walked around a bit till it was time for my hairdressers appointment. Unfortunately she was running late so I had to keep him amused for a while with tickling and raspberries on his foot. When It was my turn he complained a bit but then fell asleep. It was my regular lady, she hadn't cut my hair last time, and we were talking about how the other lady's maternity cover had cut my hair, not taken enough off, and as I said, it didn't feel right form the start. She said 'I've heard that from lots of people', so it's not just my imagination then. This lady took plenty off, and I felt shorn but better for it.
Later N wouldn't eat much of his tea, so I took him home and waited for Daughter to come. Husband came round again and we had a pleasant time watching N play and chatting. That evening I checked my pedometer and I'd done nearly 12,000 steps!.
Friday was not quite so hectic, which was just as well as N was a bit feverish. We walked into town via B& Q, I was looking for brackets to make the safely gate easier to use in our difficult doorway. As we left B&Q N went to sleep, so I continued on my way via shops and various banks and building societies. He woke up just as we left W H Smith. As I entered the bus shelter, I saw J the lady whose youngest Daughter had terminal cancer. She knew my face but had to ask my name. She was very confused, but I managed to glean that E had actually died, fairly recently. J's bus came in before mine, so she was off. I got a seat near the' buggy stand' and held on to the buggy as I'd forgotten to put on the brake.
A lady got on whom I only know as 'Ben's Nan'. She is the grandmother of our son's best friend from primary school, so I had some one to chat to all the way to my stop. N enjoyed his pasta bows with bolognese sauce, and again went down quite easily for his nap. The baby monitor arrived and I put in on charge. hopefully I will now be able to hear him straight away when he wakes from a nap.
When he awoke I gave him a snack, then took him up to Daughter's house. later he wouldn't eat his tea, kept dropping it on the floor. I wonder if those oaty bars I give him for a snack are just too filling? Eventually I took him into the living room and he played and brought me books to read, I said, 'I'd better clear up the mess you made' I got out the dustpan and brush, and he helpfully grabbed the broom.
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Nathaniel lends a hand |
Grandad called again, and we had another pleasant time chatting and watching him play. when I got home I phoned friend from J's church and got the full picture, I then phoned C&C, who had been away and not heard the news.Saturday was a fairly normal Saturday, walking to town for the market etc, except that I went down to the church to take some harvest gifts, then off to Wickes where I managed to locate some decent sized brackets.
Today was the harvest festival, in the morning all the children brought their gifts to the front of the church, then we had harvest hymns , and an excellent sermon on Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar. The thought suddenly struck me, it is the women who have these bright ideas, the men go along with them, and look what trouble it causes. Adam and Eve, and now Abraham and Sarai. So much for women's lib!
I forgot to mention I have caught Nathaniel's cold, so was in real need of snooze after lunch. I also lay down flat on the sofa, as my back has been niggling. I must watch how lift N, as if my disc goes again we will be really stymied. We had a good sermon this evening too, and then I borrowed husband's phone to take this;
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The harvest display |
Must close now as I have to be up in the morning to help distribute the harvest stuff.
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