Monday, 12 September 2011

A new month and a new role for me.

The beginning of the week was fairly unremarkable, getting reorganised after a weekend away, washing, ironing, the usual boring stuff. I rang the car seat people as they hadn't rung me back. The lady apologised and said they had been mad busy, she would however ring the suppliers, (the seat was imported from Germany). Later she rang me back to say that it would be in at the weekend. I said that I needed it by Wednesday at the latest, she said that  she would see what she could do.I got online to check another company, and she rang me back to say that it would be in on Wednesday, now that is what I call service.
At the weekend when we went away, at the last moment I remembered my phone charger. I grabbed it and as I shut the door it got caught in the door. As I tried to charge my phone at Mum in Law's, it wouldn't charge, and I realised that the wire was partially cut, a result of  being caught in the door. So on Monday I did go into town, to T mobile  to get a replacement. After waiting ages whilst a woman went all through the sales 'patter' on phones, and then walked out without buying anything, I was  eventually attended to. Unfortunately the replacement did not work either.
I was a bit cross with the postman, he left a parcel outside the front door, didn't ring the bell. We used to have some tableware called Spring Fields by Jenny Rhodes. Since husband had been successful in tracking down dinner plates to match the 2 that we still had, I had been nostalgically trying to recreate the set. I managed to replace the tea plates. and had tracked down cups and saucers through 2 suppliers. When I unpacked the first 2 they were perfect, looked unused.  A couple of days later 3 more arrived, again left outside the front door, this time with my glass recycling basket upended over them. I haven't seen the postie to remonstrate with him, our front door bell is not broken.The new batch also look unused. they were supposed to have sent 5, but found 2 cups damaged, so had to ring me and offer me a refund. I have managed to track down 2 more, this is when the internet is most useful.

On Wednesday I set off for my Weightwatchers meeting, full of trepidation. I need not have worried, I had lost 4.5 pounds. This was despite having been tempted by a tiffin in Costa Coffee, on the way to Mum in Law's; It turned out to be a whopping 12 propoints! The good thing is, now I have 49 weekly points for when I make bad choices, so I like that safety net; or they will be handy if and when we eat out. Also I like the fact that fruit is 'free'. I stayed to the meeting, then zoomed off to Sainsbury's. After lunch I drove over to the baby equipment suppliers and picked up the car seat.
 I then drove back into our town, and went back to T Mobile. I had mislaid the receipt, but figured that as the charger was faulty, they couldn't refuse to change it. They tested it in the shop, declared it faulty, tested one from a new batch, and I came out with the new one. I then went to Vodaphone to top up my spare phone. I arrived  home exhausted, to a message saying that the car seat people had found a piece of plastic that had dropped off the leg of the car seat. It was not vital, so they said call in when you can. Husband fitted the seat in his car when he got home, I had  put my car through the car wash, so at least the outside looked clean. Although dashing along country lanes as he does, will soon dirty it again.. I was hoping for a good night's sleep, and took some cough mixture. However I developed a pain, in one of my foot joints, which came like a mini electric current every 30 seconds. Very disgruntled, I got up and took paracetamol at around 1 am, then bliss! I slept. I was up early, showered, dressed and arrived at daughter's for 8 am. A quick discussion about routine, and she was off.
After a while I decided to bring  Nathaniel home, but then had a struggle with an unfamiliar car seat trying to get the straps to fit him. It was a muggy day, and I got a bit panicky, but eventually figured out how it worked, and he was safely strapped in.  Later we went out for a walk using the buggy I bought, I gave him lunch, then put him in the travel cot for nap. He wasn't happy, but I hardened my heart and he eventually settled.
He had an appointment for a jab, so I took him to the new surgery, where all the consulting rooms are upstairs! That was one reason why they quit the old surgery in our area 27 years ago. However they now have a lift. As I backed out of the lift and turned with the buggy, I backed into a wall. Ouch! bad design I think. A lady helped me open the door to reception, and I announced who I was and why I was there
One of the receptionists was very rude, told me Nathaniel couldn't have his jab as they only had one nurse, and she could only do 8. I said 'well he has an appointment' and she snapped 'nothing to do with us that has come from County'. 'Well, what am I supposed to do?' I asked. 'You will have to bring him back next week when there are 2 nurses here'. The other receptionist who is more experienced, was apologetic and said 'it is all  bit of a muddle'. So I will have to get there really early next week, as there will doubtless be more poor deluded souls thinking that they also have appointments. I had missed Womens' hour too, mind you it was a prayer meeting and I'm not sure that N would have stayed quiet. I am reluctant to report the receptionist for her rudeness, but having done reception work in the past, I know rudeness is not acceptable. If it happens again though I might reconsider. I did hear once that years ago the Doctors sacked all their receptionists as they seemed to think it was their job to prevent patients from seeing the Doctor.
Much later after I had given N his tea, I took him back to his home. He played quite happily, and we played chase, but he kept forgetting when he was supposed to be chasing me, his chuckles were a joy to listen to. Just as I was on the way upstairs there was a tap on the door, It was husband, calling to see how I was getting on, then Daughter arrived. After a chat about her day, and N's day we left her to bathtime.
Dinner for us was easy, pork steaks, and I managed to get an earlier night, with no pain.
Friday was fairly easy, I took him to the ladies' dance class, but they weren't there. As I could see that he had fallen asleep I took him for a drive. When I got him out of the car eventually, he settled on my shoulder and stayed asleep till his little body touched the mattress of the travel cot! Oh well, it was time for his lunch anyway I had experimented wiith poached chicken. He seemed to enjoy what I gave him, and I had the other half of the chicken breast in a sandwich with pesto. I took him back home for his nap, and had a little doze myself. Then he played quite happily, toddling up and down with a huge grin. He seems to think that life is for living to the full, and naps are an insult (till he falls asleep).
Husband arrived even earlier, saying he had left early thinking it was 5.15, when it was 4.15. He enjoyed playing with N, I nipped up to the shop for some milk. Daughter made it home slightly earlier, and we left her to it. Saturday and Sunday were pretty normal, but the weather has been a bit peculiar. Our pastor is on holiday, the sermon was shorter, and Sunday dinner was on the table in record time. Husband had persuaded me to get corn on the cob, so we had those as a starter. They are very nice to eat, but play havoc with my insides.
Unfortunately we have had an infestation of  Indian mealy moths, I will spare you the details, but I have had to redo the spring cleaning of the cupboards, one of which I had missed, and lots of food has ended up in the bin. We are still catching the moths, but hopefully there is now nowhere they can lay their eggs. Husband has also bought some plastic containers for opened packets. He told me that he once discovered the creatures in a new packet of muesli (shudders). Oh well, must go and shut that window, it seems the tail end of the hurricane has arrived.

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