Monday, 2 July 2012

One of those 'Oops!' moments

Not had much time lately to blog after last week's blogfest, however I realised I had forgotten to mention something that happened before we went away. I saw a neighbour in our garage area, he and his wife have a Westie, which has had some health problems over recent years.
The conversation went something like this, 'Hi J how are you?', 'Hi P OK,really, and you?' 'not bad' J, how is your dog I haven't seen him for ages?' 'Oh he passed away last week' Me, 'Oh I'm sorry to hear that,  although he had been unwell for a while hadn't he?' J: 'oh yes for a few years now'. Me: 'was he put to sleep in the end?' J with a guarded look, 'well he was on morphine for a while'. Me 'Oh dear but he was a good age wasn't he?'. Well he was about 80' me thinking 'In dog years?', then as J said he had been retired for over 20, bells rang. 'Oh J,' I said 'you are talking about your Dad. I'm so sorry to hear about that, but I was actually asking about the dog'. Doh! Fortunately he saw the funny side of it updated me on the health of the dog who is still alive. Obviously his Dad was on his mind, as he'd had to arrange the funeral.
 I saw his wife a few days later, and she too was amused by it. Good thing as we've been friends for ages.

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