So once again a very mixed week, the weather was hot, very hot. I don't want to seem as if I am complaining but if when you walk into your bedroom at night you feel immediately as if you have walked into a thick blanket, and when you lie down the thick blanket seems intent on smothering you, you will understand what I mean. I don't usually sleep with windows open, as I have problems with pollen, but it was so stifling last week that I had to leave them open. I keep an inhaler by the bed anyway.
I slept badly all week. I took the duvet off and put a pure cotton sheet to go over us, with a small cellular blanket we could pull up if necessary. This enabled us to stay a reasonable temperature, even if it didn't allow me to sleep properly.
The odd job man finally called on Monday, looked at the job, gave me a reasonable price and said he would fit me in. Yes I could go ahead and get measured up for a carpet. On Tuesday I drove over to the big garden centre for something husband wanted, arrived just about lunchtime, so went in their cafe and had a salad. I couldn't find what husband needed, but had to buy a substitute. Then I bought some more verbena, as the few left which I was going to put in the left hand bed were looking the worse for wear. I cut back some grass by that bed and got those in and also some yellow flowers, Gazanias I think. I also replaced some petunias in my pots as they were getting leggy and almost finished. Gazanias come form South Africa and like the sun.
On my return from the garden centre, I had difficulty in opening the car door, in fact it wouldn't open, great! I had to clamber over the gear stick and out of the passenger door. I remember this happening a couple of years ago, and I had visions of having to climb out through the window. It wouldn't open from outside either. So I couldn't put it in my garage as the passenger side is too close to the garage wall.
Next morning, I still couldn't open it from the outside, but went in the passenger side, I did manage to open it from the inside however. I began to wonder if it was the heat. Idrove to Weight watchers where once again I had gained, the leader inspected my food diary pronounced it fine and we had a discussion on why I always hit a plateau, whether this is meant to be my correct weight and should I have it as my goal weight, I said 'No I want to lose at least another stone', which would take me down to the weight I was in 1991, but is still more than when I was a lot younger.
I was excused staying to class, as I had to get my car fixed. I drove it to Ford's, they inspected it and I waited, I read through three newspapers as I waited, eventually they had fitted a new handle, so I paid up, and drove to the carpet shop to look at their carpets, they had the exact colour I wanted. Then I drove to Sainsbury's to do the weekly shop., When I got back to the car it was baking hot, so I quickly loaded up the shopping, got in, turned the blowers on, and drove home. I couldn't get out of the driver's door again! Aaaaaargh!
So I managed to get out of the passenger side, took the shopping in, and phoned Ford's. They were baffled, but said bring it straight back. I put the cold stuff away, and went back out to the car, going in through the passenger side and climbing over again. When I got there I warned them that the car was red hot, and the chap said he would move it into the workshop to cool it down. I got the bus home, it was hot and sticky, but at least the heater wasn't on as it is in some.
I tried to get on with some work after unpacking the rest of the shopping, eventually I rang to check on the car, as husband needed it for Thursday.they said they had stripped the door down again, greased it oiled it, and couldn't recreate the non opening situation, so I could go and pick it up. So I missed one bus, which was then delayed by the temporary lights, and I was wondering if I could cheekily go up and knock on his door, when the lights changed, and he was off. I stood there wilting, and the next bus came down at speed, the driver had one eye on the lights which were green, and seemed reluctant to stop for me. The bus was completely empty, and as I got on the lights changed to red. However in town he picked up more passengers, I was only too glad to get off at Ford's, and there was no charge for the car. They did say one or two people who came in after me had complained of difficulty in opening their car doors, and could only think that the heat was drying them out. Thankfully, it has been fine ever since.
So Thursday I picked up Nathaniel in Husband's car, and we came back here. I never seem to be able to catch up on myself during the days when I don't have him, but I try to do odd bits whilst he is eating, or napping. I sleep so badly though, that I often nap when he does, but for not as long. When we went out I called in at a more local carpet shop, but they didn't have quite the shade of carpet that I was looking for. By the time I had reached Sainsbury's he was fast asleep in the buggy, so I left him asleep in the hall which is probably the coolest part of the house as the sun doesn't come around till afternoon. When he awoke he ate a good lunch, and then got up to his usual mischief. He rediscovered the rockng 'horse' which has mislaid its head and proceeded to stand up in it. I did tell him it wasn't a good idea, so he compromised.

When it is hot he loves to have the fan on, but hasn't learnt the word yet, just points at it, although the vocabulary improves every day. He ate a good dinner too, he seems to like cottage pie. I took him home, Daughter was home early, she is counting the days to maternity leave!
On Friday the chap from the carpet shop was coming to measure up, so I moved the travel cot again. I thought that Nat had fallen asleep on our walk, but he kept on jerking awake. I took him out of the buggy when we got home, and he cried and wanted to get back in. The terrible twos are fast approaching, and he is having little tantrums, or paddywacks as we used to say. I took him up for a nap, he refused to stay, so when the carpet fitter came, Nat was ensconced on the sofa engrossed in' In the night garden', so I could nip up and show the fitter which room it was, then I hovered between living room and hall. The fitter said if I called in at the shop later that day the estimate would be there. Nat picked at his lunch, and I took him for a nap which dipleased him. I concentrated on some ironing, and gathering stuff together for packing. When I got him up he also objected, but I said we were going out and he calmed down after a nice drink, and let me put his reins on. I drove over to the shopping area, then let him walk a bit, as I had a card to post. The chap holding fort in the shop told me the estimate, and I said what I wanted, he said he would pass the message on. back home and time for Nat's dinner. Daughter was collecting him, to give me more time, husband came home early, and after a while went upstairs for a snooze.
Daughter stayed longer than she had planned, and I had to excuse myself to do some tidying in the kitchen I went upstairs to pack after she had gone, that didn't take long, and husband woke up and started his packing. Unfortunately we didn't leave as early as I had planned, the traffic was a bit slow on parts of the M25, and we didn't reach the services till 9.45, which meant we had a rush to get served with food and coffee before everywhere but Burger King closed. I tried to sit in the Costa area, but was ushered into the main area as they were closing. There was a TV blaring, but I was sitting facing away from it. I was dismayed to hear that a fair part of the opening ceremony involved pop music, the lowest common denominator, including the Sex Pistols! Pop music has nothing to do with Britain being great. Why does it dominate everything? I also got an 'ear worm' from one of the tunes played.
We didn't stay long, and hit the road again arriving at Mum in Laws at about 11.20 pm or so. She had the TV blaring, it made me worry that she is losing her hearing as well as her sight. The boom boom of the music accompanying the flag procession was giving me a thumping head. I commented that I found the parade a bit tedious, so Mum in law switched the TV off. Husband had already gone to bed worn out after driving 100 miles on top of a day's work
Just after we went to bed there was a terrific downpour, we were so glad that it had held off whilst we drove. Husband was soon snoring, but as usual I lay trying to get to sleep. Suddenly there was another terrific downpour, so long and loud that I thought that the bungalow might float away!
Saturday morning was slow, I didn't wake till after 8.00am, after breakfast we ran Father in Law's computer, which only gets used when family go there now. Husband deserved to recover form his drive, so I didn't nag, consequently it was lunchtime before we drove off to Mum In law's favourite garden centre, she had some vouchers to spend.
We also found some stuff we needed. There is now a small cafe at the garden centre, so we had lunch there. then drove to our usual parking street in Eastbourne. Mum in Law was glad to be able to get things that she needed, we didn'y buy very much, but she hardly goes out these days as she is afraid of falling again.
We bought tea, as she still had the tea Father in Law was using before he died 3 years ago. It always tasted of liquorice to me, I think that it had taken on the flavour of another tea stored in the cupboard.
Back to the bungalow, and I browsed the papers, and used the computer. We didn't eat very early, watched the 10 o'clock news, and were glad that it was cooler for going to bed.
On the Sunday Morning Mum in Law decide she wouldn't go to church, she has had neck problems since her fall as well as shoulder problems. I was relieved to read her letter form the consultant about the possibility of a shoulder op. They are proposing to do the same as I had, not the one which would leave her in a sling for 6 weeks. We are just praying that the injections calm things down.
We went to the church where we usually go whilst down there and were pleased to see that there is a new family there. It's always difficult to know who is local and who visiting.
Mum in Law did duck for lunch. only about the third time I have ever eaten it, and I tried not to think of the ducks which waddle around our town centre, sometimes stopping the traffic. I tried to nap, but wasn't too successful, so set off for a walk, it was sunny, but windy, so I wore a fleece. It's about a mile to the sea front and I had decided to walk for 20 minutes, then turn around and go back. I made it to the beach which is all pebbles, then hot footed back.
village centre |
beautiful hydrangeas on a bank |
wild flowers |
hydrangeas grow well here |
Daisies on a bank |
golf course |
Beachy Head in the distance |
a wind surfer in rough seas |
Too rough to swim |
Beach hotel |
Personally I prefer sandy beaches |
When I got back we packed and loaded the car. We set off at about 5.35pm, stopped at the services, and had a reasonable run, with only a bit of congestion. We arrived home at about 8.50 pm. there was evidence of rain here, and some plants seemed to have revived a bit. Unfortunately I had flare up of IBS, and at 2 am, I took an imodium. Still didn't sleep too well. Maybe tomorrow?
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