I got the bus up the hill, had a cup of coffee, and rang the odd job man, who said he hoped to be here on Wednesday. Whilst in town I'd had a phone call from the carpet shop, the message hadn't been passed on, so I confirmed the order, and was told that they could fit it Thursday afternoon. So that wouldn't leave much time for me to paint the skirting board, oh well! I got stuck into the furniture removing, and junk removing, Soon our Son's old bedroom was piled high with stuff . I removed stuff from his old bed, then dragged Daughter's old bed through, piled that on top, then piled more stuff on top of it.
Later I collected my car, it had passed its MOT, and I'd had one advisory job done. the list of advisories in total comes to probably more than the car is worth, but the guy who did the MOT said that probably only one of those would make it fail its MOT next time. One thing that I like about Ford's is that they clean my car inside and out,(except where the junk is, tissues, spare waterproof, local map and GB atlas). I also get Nectar points, and Nectar had sent me a voucher for 900 point to use at Ford.
On Tuesday I set about vacuuming the old carpet, then getting it up. It had to be cut into 3 pieces to take to the dump. then I vacuumed the old underlay, which had a fine dust all over it, something from the carpet backing had obviously broken up over the years. I had to vacuum everything to reduce the effect it would all have on my asthma. Try as I might I couldn't shift the Ikea wardrobe which Daughter had left behind, it didn't seem to have any bits to grab. I went to Homebase for something and spotted some beautiful variegated Dahlias, which I thought I might buy later.
First thing on Wednesday morning I rang the odd job man to ascertain when he would be coming, he said around 2 pm, so that was good. it meant I could go to Weight Watchers, and stay to the class. I also loaded all the old carpet bits, and some other odds and ends I had found, to take to the dump. I had lost one and a half pounds, so am back to what I was 2 weeks ago. I visited the dump, emptied the car, came home and had lunch, then later went to Sainsbury's for the weekly shop. Then over to Homebase for some paint and a pack of those dahlias
Dahlias |
gazania planted last week |
Husband helped me to move the Ikea wardrobe and we left it in the doorway of the back bedroom. so that room was completely blocked off, but no one could see the junk piles.
Whilst I was sorting through the built in cupboard I found this:
The morning on which our Daughter was born, (31 years ago tomorrow), husband set off on a high to look for a toy for her. When he visited that afternoon, this was unwrapped and tied to the cot. It has a long digit on each limb, and corresponding holes in mouth, ears and nose!
The odd job man arrived late, but did a pretty good job, and didn't charge the earth. However as there was glue needing to set, I couldn't start to paint the skirting board, it would have to wait till after carpet was laid. My elder sister phoned whilst he was here, she was off to visit the other sister the next day in North Wales, too far for me to join them. Daughter phoned to say Nat wasn't well, he seemed hot and lethargic, and she was going to make an appointment online for the Doctor, did I prefer Dr P or Dr D. I said Dr D, he is the one who retired last year but is doing part time atm, the next morning she still wasn't sure about leaving him, but she went off to work and he threw a wobbly for a short while, but then cheered up. I got him to my house and he was clingy and hot, so I had to cuddle him, but then persuaded him into the buggy so we could go to the Doctor's. Dr D was very good with him, and declared he had a red throat, a virus as his tonsils were ok, and he would have a fever for 3 days and get a cough, which he was already showing signs of. He gave advice on how to deal with high temperatures, then I went to the pharmacy and bought children's Nurofen to alternate with Calpol if that didn't deal with it. He fell asleep in the buggy and I nipped into Sainsbury's, then came home and left him asleep in the buggy. when he awoke he was grumpy, and hardly ate any lunch. the afternoon was spent alternately cuddling and playing, and he wanted to watch In the night garden on iplayer, but found it difficult to stay upright
The odd job man arrived late, but did a pretty good job, and didn't charge the earth. However as there was glue needing to set, I couldn't start to paint the skirting board, it would have to wait till after carpet was laid. My elder sister phoned whilst he was here, she was off to visit the other sister the next day in North Wales, too far for me to join them. Daughter phoned to say Nat wasn't well, he seemed hot and lethargic, and she was going to make an appointment online for the Doctor, did I prefer Dr P or Dr D. I said Dr D, he is the one who retired last year but is doing part time atm, the next morning she still wasn't sure about leaving him, but she went off to work and he threw a wobbly for a short while, but then cheered up. I got him to my house and he was clingy and hot, so I had to cuddle him, but then persuaded him into the buggy so we could go to the Doctor's. Dr D was very good with him, and declared he had a red throat, a virus as his tonsils were ok, and he would have a fever for 3 days and get a cough, which he was already showing signs of. He gave advice on how to deal with high temperatures, then I went to the pharmacy and bought children's Nurofen to alternate with Calpol if that didn't deal with it. He fell asleep in the buggy and I nipped into Sainsbury's, then came home and left him asleep in the buggy. when he awoke he was grumpy, and hardly ate any lunch. the afternoon was spent alternately cuddling and playing, and he wanted to watch In the night garden on iplayer, but found it difficult to stay upright
The carpet fitter rang to say that the van had broken down, but he would be along later, he was going to collect the carpet in his estate car. He arrived so late that I had to ring Daughter and ask her to collect Nat, which she didn't mind. Husband was also home just as the carpet fitter left, so we all trooped up to see it.
The colour is actually duck egg |
On Friday when I collected Nat they'd had bad night with him, and he wasn't quite ready. however, he was ok, and when I got him home here I gave him some grapes and raisins as he hadn't had breakfast. His temperature went up, despite the calpol so I sponged him down with tepid water, I'd managed to get the cot back up, he'd been quite perturbed at not being able to find it the previous day, wandering round upstairs saying 'Cot, cot'. He wanted a nap, so I settled him, and then came down and vacuumed all downstairs then washed and polished the kitchen floor. When he woke up, he was still very hot so I gave him nurofen, and a drink. We went out for a while and there was a downpour and I got soaked, he was ok as I deployed the raincovers. He did try to eat some lunch, but was more keen on the fruit than the bread course.
The he felt better and whilst I sat on the sofa longing for a nap, he played and asked to be read to. Eventually Daughter rang to say she had been let out of work early due to an office changeover, so she would come and collect him. I had been contemplating doing his dinner, but he had flaked out again on the sofa, so she came and cuddled him for a while here.
Then he insisted on Grandad carrying him to the car. We were rather late having dinner, but as it was chicken livers with bacon it didn't take too long.
Saturday was bed changeover day, but as husband dismantled Son's old bed we began to have misgivings. There were gaps in the frame in which Nat could possibly get his head stuck Eventually we managed to contact Daughter, they were running late, so we drove up there, and they were having lunch, Nat wasn't eating his though. So eventually the guest bed was loaded up to take to our house, so we all came back here, decided to add Son's old mattress to the stuff for the dump. He'd had the same mattress for a few years before we bought the low bed, and he'd not been too careful with his soft drinks, so the mattress had got coke stains. Daughter and husband had stuff to take to the dump, so after a quick confab, we laoaded the buggy into our car. called back at Daughter's and picked up a jacket for Nat and his nappy bag, and we took him into town with us. One of the first stops was M&S cafe for lunch. Nat managed to eat most of a cheese and ham toastie and some fruit, so is obviously getting his appetite back. By the time we got to the fruit and veg stall they were closing up, so I only got apples and pears. Nat was asleep in the buggy, and husband and I met up again in M&S, where I bought some veg and our usual assortment of their food.
Back to the car, husband had been chuffed to find a space in the parent and toddler section, some people parked there seemed to have very large toddlers, about 6 or7! As we loaded Nat on Board he awoke. We got home, unloaded the shopping and Nat, went indoors and after a while husband tried to doze in his computer chair, whilst Nat busied himself with toys including the xylophone!. His parents were so late coming to pick him up, they'd had to go to the dump at Watford, then later return the van to Watford, Daughter phoned to say they wouldn't be long, and we got Nat ready for home. He found one shoe, then spoke his first full sentence, 'Where's the other shoe?', he's heard Daughter and me say it so many times.
Sunday has been relatively peaceful and normal, but this evening we had 3 torrential downpours, one when we were in church. It was quite noisy.
Well it's after midnight now, so it's happy Birthday to my Daughter.
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