Thursday, 4 October 2012

No autumn leaves drift by my window

Autumn is late starting here

Just a few yellow leaves

Are these from last year?

Just an update on my humdrum life. Last week began with me trying to move some of the clutter from our bedroom, as it was getting on for 4 weeks since the bed was ordered. The boxes began to pile up in the front bedroom, but I was able to wield the Dyson in corners that were previously inaccessible. Bits of the carpet which hadn't been seen for some time hove into view, and so did the dust. I just hope no one wants to come and stay for a couple of weeks. Ideally, I would like husband to go through the boxes and sort out what he can chuck out. I unearthed 3 pairs of binoculars, plus a largish monocular type, not sure what to call it. He thought he had donated that to Son in law. He bought that in St Ives, when we stayed at Coastguard cottages, which had arguably one of the best panoramic views in the world.
On Tuesday I had a call from daughter, could I possibly look after Nathaniel for a couple of hours whilst she went to a bible study preparation meeting. She had asked me, but I didn't realise it was so soon. However I abandoned any thoughts of visiting a friend, and she dropped him off here, and he rediscovered my toybox.  Afterwards I had my usual walk to pick up the newspapers.
It wasn't my usual leader at Weight watchers, but I had managed to lose one and a half pounds, then went and spent a fortune at Sainsbury's.  When I got home, I had missed a call from the furniture store, saying that the bed had arrived and would it be convenient to deliver it on Saturday. I had to turn that down, but arranged delivery for Wednesday of this week. Later I got stuck into some ironing, I don't know how two people produce so much washing and ironing. I know some of the younger generation don't iron, but I can't bear to wear a creased t shirt, and husband wears proper shirts for work.
I made it to Women's hour, the speaker was our Pastor, so I didn't want to miss it. I'm still not sleeping too well, and I'm sad to report that my right shoulder is now getting painful and stiff like the left one did. When I got home I had a phone call to say that the bible I had ordered from Dunstable had arrived. So that meant another trip to Dunstable.
Friday morning my progress was hampered slightly by phone calls, but I managed to get to Dunstable by lunchtime. This time the A5 was clear. Of course it began to rain. I had missed the McMillan coffee morning at the bookshop, and so set off to look for somewhere for lunch. West street church have opened a coffee shop, but I couldn't see a menu, so set off for the main shopping area. Sadly there are as many empty shops there as in most towns these days, including what was a very nice ladies'  clothing shop. I managed to find a Costa, and had a panini, but they never seem to be hot, just lukewarm. Afterwards I had a quick tour of the shops, but as it was raining I'd soon had enough,  so drove back over the Downs again. Not the weather for stopping for the view, and I didn't have a camera.
Later I walked down to Sainsbury's for some fruit and veg for the harvest, we haven't anything in the garden to take, the tomatoes are tiny. Our flowers aren't the sort to put on display either. So Saturday morning, I took the stuff down and the church was actually open. No one seems to have known in the past who should open it, and the pastor's wife said their porch got piled high with stuff in previous years. I picked up the papers on the way home, one less thing to carry up from town.
Nat's parents dropped him off here, at about 11.30, they were off to a wedding, and no children were invited. He went through the 'Oh pleeeease don't leave me' routine, just enough to make them feel guilty, but as soon as they were out of sight he was fine.
It was a sunny day, sorry to the folks who had floods, but we had sun and  wind mostly last week,
so we took him to town in the buggy. Husband took him off on a tour of charity shops whilst I shopped, and when we met up Nat was fast asleep. We went into M&S cafe for lunch and  ordered his favourite toastie, then when it arrived, gently woke him up. After lunch, we decided to try and walk up the hill, distributing the shopping around the  buggy handles,and some in the shopping  tray underneath. We took it in turns to push up the hill, but once we were on the level it was fine.
 We played with him read to him, cooked dinner for him,  but he only ate a few mouthfuls.Thinking he was tired after only a short nap, we took him home, only for him to begin to gallop up and down the sitting room!
I got him ready for bed, did his bedtime routine, cleaned his teeth, but he insisted on taking over, and
put him to bed. Within moments he was fast asleep, so we dozed, and read papers till the wanderers returned.
Sunday was harvest, a lovely display, some good hymns and 2 good sermons. I ended the day with a phone call to Mum in law. A humdrum week, maybe but there is good in the everyday stuff.

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