Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Our new arrival

We were pleased to be back in church a week last Sunday, although our pastor is away at present. We had a visiting speaker, who preached a fairly short sermon, so we were home early for our Roast chicken lunch. We both crashed out in the afternoon after our travelling, and  strange beds.
Monday was spent mainly in washing as usual I seemed to have loads, that is the worst of holidays washing and ironing to get ready, then more when we return. I was contemplating starting dinner, when pouffe! out went the lights and there was an electronic 'sigh' as everything shut down. the only light came from my laptop, as it has a battery. Another power cut, I groped around and husband wound up his torch, and between us we found matches, and candles. Soon I had enough light to see to cook dinner using the top of the stove. I had to use matches to light the hobs, and then we had a candlelit dinner. Not so romantic when it is forced on you. Husband brought down the oil lamps,but was worried we might not have enough oil, there's a parable in that somewhere!
We lit the lamps, and after dinner once again I read the Telegraph by torchlight. Everything started up again after about 50 minutes, so we watched some iplayer .On Tuesday I still had loads I could be doing, but as I like when I can to have Tuesday as my  'Do as I please day', so I went to see C&C, and hopefully cheered the wife up, the husband went out to take a neighbour to the Dr, then did some work in the garden. I came home had a soup lunch, then pootled off to Watford, I  had seen something in M&S and dithered over it, but of course, he who hesitates is lost, and it was no longer in stock. I went into the market to the card stall, and bought a few bits, I also got some new winter clothes for Nat. I called on the way home to take them, they were pleased to see me. Daughter still rather large, and finding the last month the longest, as normally happens. She still had 11 days to go according to the midwives.
At Weight watchers I was half a pound down, but I reckon I had gained 2lb whilst away, so my 'special effort' of Monday and Tuesday had paid off. I didn't stay for the talk, as I had a busy day. Off to Sainsbury's for a big shop ,then a quick lunch, and off to parent and toddlers. It was very busy, we seem to have a whole lot of 'new' Mums this term. H came with her twins, they are still quite small, but they were born early. I held one for while. but then had to get on with the refreshments. I actually managed to make the right number of teas and coffees this time. It's difficult making a list when people are constantly moving about.
The lady who does the singing wasn't there so as I have aloud voice I was asked to help. Old Mcdonald's farm, row row row your boat, and  the wheels on the bus being the favourites. Then home for a bit of a rest before husband arrived home.
I overslept on Thursday, ran late all morning, but managed to get to Women's hour. It was book reviews again, and as I hadn't read any lately couldn't possibly comment. There were plenty reviewed though, quite diverse really. On the way home I called on Daughter, she was complaining of feeling grumpy and having backache,and was quite glad to see me.
I was late to bed that night, I kept telling myself to get to bed earlier, so that if I had to look after Nat I would be less likely to need nap myself. On Friday morning husband brought in my tea and said that Son in law had phoned to say the midwives had been, she was 2cm, and they would be back later. Son in law would be staying home that day. That spurred me out of bed and into action. So I was ready when the phone call came. Husband had actually neglected to say I should phone them, but I picked Nat up and brought him here. He was quite happy playing and having a snack. Later I took him into town in the buggy, and after we had been in a couple of shops, I treated him to lunch in M&S. I let him choose a book in Waterstones, then I chose another. We came home on the bus, and Nat was wide awake
He still didn't seem to want a nap, then my eldest sister phoned, she was laughing at the noise she could hear, then my mobile rang. I asked my sister to hold on. It was my daughter to say that the baby had been born at 12.58 pm, a girl weighing 6lb 6oz. I asked when she wanted me to take Nat back, and she was a bit vague. I told Nat that he had a baby sister, and he went back to playing. I asked him if he wanted a nap, and he said 'no'. I would have had to put the cot back up, but each time I asked he said 'no'. Eventually I asked did he want to go and meet his sister. 'Yeah' was the reply, so I gathered up his stuff, got him into the car seat, and off we went. All the way up the hill he was practising, 'Hello sister'. When we got there we had to wait a bit whilst they cleared up, then we went in and Nathaniel met his sister, but forgot what he had been practising. He was fascinated, and very gentle with her. The house was like an oven, it had to be for baby's sake. The birthing pool was being drained in the kitchen, glug glug, it hadn't been used as much as hoped as there was bit of difficulty, with baby being 'back to back', or facing upwards.

Nathaniel was presented with the books for being a good boy for Nanna, we sat and waited for husband to arrive. Son in Law was so tired, he'd been awake most of the night, and at one point he was sitting bolt upright, but fast asleep. As they were both in need of a good rest, we offered to take Nat off their hands overnight, and he was quite happy to come. He didn't get to bed very early, but slept till 6.30 am. I took him home at about 10.am,to find his parents a bit more rested. later we drove into town,and in addition to the usual shopping I ordered congratulatory flowers, bought a card, balloons and a sweet little outfit.
Later I blew up the balloons, tied them together with silver ribbon and took them round with the card and gift. Perhaps the silver ribbon was a bad choice, as one balloon was determined to escape. I
eventually traced it to my daughter's neighbour's garden. Nat seized on the balloons and began to drag them around the house. They have named the baby Lydia Rose Grace, she is tiny but perfectly formed, Nat has been happy to share his toys with her and presented her with the monkey which husband bought his Mum. As for us we thank God for out beautiful grandchildren

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