Wednesday, 17 March 2010

The middle of another week

I can't believe how quickly the weeks pass. the weather has definitely got warmer. On Saturday we decided to walk down to town. Then it was still quite cold. We did our normal shopping, and had lunch in M&S. husband decided that we should walk back up the hill, so he carried the heaviest bags, and we kept up quite a good pace. The only problem is as I haven't  been sleeping every night, when we got in I was so tired I could not even take my coat off. I flopped on the sofa, and whilst husband pottered a bit I dozed off. I had a horrible night on Saturday, waking with palpitations several times and a terribly dry mouth.
On Sunday morning I did not have much to do before church, and afterwards we drove to our Daughter's flat  as she had invited us for lunch for Mothering Sunday. She had also bought me a mug, which is the same as I picture I have in the spare room, a terrier type dog wearing a hat, who appears to be grinning. It is so like our old Peppi.
We had Roast Beef and all the trimmings and some  'Nigella' chocolate mousses with fresh fruit They were delicious. Now remind me when does the diet start? My daughter is such a good cook.
I had a text followed by a call from Son, who had been entertaining friends for the day.  They are moving next week, back to nearer here, and he wanted to tell me the revised arrangements.
Sadly I did not have a good night on Sunday, and on Monday I was looking up palpitations on the internet, whilst trying to get through to my GP. The nurse's words,'we must get this sorted out' going through my mind.
Suddenly I saw the words on the computer screen, palpitations under 180 beats a minute are anxiety. I put the phone down, and began to think. When did these 'loud' heartbeats start up?  I had had a couple of higher BP readings when I got my new cuff, so, as we were going away, I had started back on the diuretics that I had abandoned because of horrible side effects. It was soon after this that I started to get a faster pulse and the sensation of my heartbeat keeping me awake. Dehydration can cause palpitations, and my mouth was permanently dry, especially at night, no matter how much I drank.
I resolved to drop the tablets again as I have always found them too harsh. The nurse had said my monitor was ok ,and my BP is normal. To be on the safe side, I have been taking Kalms at night, but for 2 nights have slept much better, with only my previous problem waking me. My heart is beating quite quietly.
On Monday I tackled the ironing pile, changed bed linen, vacuumed, went for a walk, tidied the kitchen, and popped over to see a neighbour for a catch up. She is in the middle of having her kitchen done, so has much reduced sitting space. I remember it well. I vowed that next time I had my kitchen done I would move out for the duration.
Yesterday I visited a couple we have known almost as long as we have lived here, the wife does not enjoy good health these days, but we always manage to find something to have a good giggle about. I can remember once or twice us getting dirty looks in church meetings in the past. Last evening husband was watching a Shakespeare play, and I, too tired to concentrate was attempting a crossword. I felt my eyes closing, and after a few minutes opened them and looked at husband.  He had switched the DVD off and had his eyes closed. The next thing we knew we both woke up together at 9.15 pm.
I have obviously been disturbing him at nights too.
Today has been quite normal. Sainsbury's and my last parent and toddler's for this term.  I can't believe it is Thursday tomorrow! Oops  have got italics and can't turn them off. One day I will get the hang of this blogsite.

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