Sunday, 21 March 2010

Oh it's Sunday 2

Hmm, I've taken so long to blog there is no time for a walk. I got home safely from Brent Cross on Friday, but didn't start the baking as I was feeling pretty tired.  I did it after dinner. The recipe used bought pastry, and the tin was marginally bigger, so first I had a job to stretch the pastry to fit. I  tipped in the apple sauce and then re-read the recipe. It said chill pastry for half an hour in tin. Oh great! rule one read recipe first! scraped out apple sauce and shoved tray in fridge. Had to bake pastry with bits of apple sauce sticking to it 'blind'. Husband said I was too tired to be doing it, but before bed managed to produce a reasonable looking apple tray bake.
Got up later Saturday, husband and I walked to Sainsbury's and Homebase, I  picked up papers and odds and ends, then walked to Homebase to find husband. Ever since we had fence done in October  I have had no clothes line. Well I still do, but decided not to attach it to fence, so we bought a tall fence post so that we could attach line and one of husband's aeriels to  it. He is a radio buff.
Husband walked home with long post over shoulder, I walked behind, not too close. It was time for lunch, so I did jacket potatoes and  helped husband by holding post in place whilst husband hit it.  After lunch I sat down for a while, but then realised  I had sat too long. Hastily made a loaf of  salmon mayo sandwiches, shrieking when I discovered husband had started on the butter I had bought for sandwiches. I was sure I had more, but thankfully there was enough. Quickly got changed, got car out, shoved food in boot, and prayed all the foil would stay in place till we got to church.
I got out, and took food in whilst husband parked. Why is the church hall door always shut when I have hands full of food? Balanced traybake on sandwiches, praying I would not drop the lot and got them in one piece into the kitchen, Phew!
 We had the Christian Institute speaking to us,there were many there from other churches, but as in most churches there was plenty of food and  to spare, There was even some apple traybake left, so that was today's dessert sorted. After the mountain of washing up, ( I'm sure we do it all twice) we went in for the 6 o'clock meeting and reports on the current cases they are dealing with. There was much literature to take, One booklet I picked up was about Josephine Butler, who campaigned for an age of consent in the 1880s. Girls of twelve were being sold into prostitution by their parents, and there was a British white slave trade with the young girls being sent to Europe. There are those these days who seek to lower the age of consent to 13. After reading this booklet you see what madness this is.
We came home via our local M&S at Shell, buying an evening meal for husband, and of course butter.
Today I have been to church, had a doze, blogged and after a cup of tea will be off to the evening service. Sabbath, not the name of a day, but meaning rest - hope yours was restful. Son and Daughter in Law  move tomorrow DV  another exciting chapter in their lives begins.

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