Well it was good to see Son and Daughter in Law at the weekend,even though we did not see too much of them as they had things to do,and a party to attend.We don't mind being a hotel really
Friday I had an awful night managed one hour's sleep, Saturday was a little better, but obviously the measures I took haven't worked. I have gone back to the herbal sleeping tablets which seem to help.
I am trying to get to bed earlier, to see if that helps. I was thinking of what my dear Mum used to say 'You need to get out and get some fresh air. Maybe I should walk more, but it's not easy pounding pavements,and the canal can be so muddy. Actually, one Christmas we stayed with my Mum, and all caught the Norovirus. Husband and I had been taking it in turns in the guest loo all night,and when we were lying half dead in armchairs, her suggestion of fresh air didn't go down too well
I saw a heron yesterday, they always strike me as being big ungainly birds, and oh so lonely looking. I've often wondered what they did for a mate, but I recently read that herons had been gathering at the reservoirs at Tring,for the mating season.
Unlike us, now married for 30 years. We had a lovely meal last evening, We both chose the same starter and mains, which is unusual for us, but we had different deserts. Diet starts back next week! Actually I had lost 7lb,so maybe it's not too bad.
well done on the weight loss