Friday, 26 February 2010

the end of another week.

Well when I first started this blog, I wondered if anyone would read it. At the time I had a lot going on and really I saw it is a safety valve where I could moan about life's idiosyncrasies, people's incompetence and the general foolishness of life, but it is always an unexpected pleasure when someone reveals that they actually read it.
Life has taken on a bit of a slower pace in some ways just recently, although with 2 doctor's appointment and other things going on, this is one of those weeks when I feel that I have been chasing my tail all week.
I will never make housewife of the year, partly due to getting on for 30 years of accumulated clutter, and a hoarding husband. As One of my neighbours remarked about her home 'all I ever seem to do is move the clutter around'
The spare room is mostly de-cluttered and ready for the weekend visitors, just a pile of towels to move. Fair dos, I did get rid of a bagful of plastic bags today, they went for recycling. The end of the ironing basket may soon be in sight, and I have to vacuum downstairs.
I am little bit later today as I went to St Albans to our former church for another thanksgiving service. One of the former Elders went to be with the Lord a couple of weeks ago, a lovely, kind, gentle man, with a marvellous sense of humour and very approachable. Again it was a good service, tinged with sadness, but as his widow said to me before the service, 'We wouldn't want to bring him back from Glory would we?'
After the service I grabbed a cuppa, and set about catching up with old friends, some truly lovely people, and I also met some grandchildren born since we came back to worshipping in our own town.
Unfortunately I had a very bad night on Wednesday, I could not get off at all. At 5.30 husband woke full of concern, and remarked that I was so tense, so he talked very soothingly to me and I managed to relax and eventually got a couple of hours sleep.
A friend had recommended a herbal supplement to me for a problem I have,and I wonder if this could have been aggravating the problem. I have decided not to take it again,it could well be interfering with one of my meds, and I also cut out another supplement I take.
I deliberately avoided napping yesterday; organised myself to be in bed for 11, took Kalms, sprinkled lavender oil under my pillow, and slept really well. Husband had had a dental appointment about his other nerve problem, so had worked from home in the morning. Unfortunately our normal dentist doesn't agree with the private dentist to whom he was referred about the treatment for this tooth, so he has yet another prescription, for emergency only, for antibiotics. Husband has started eating yoghurts and drinking probiotics. He hadn't had antibiotics for years, but has had so many for these dental problems just lately.
Well I had better move, the jigsaw I started has been coming on bit by bit, but I seem to have got to the stage where nothing seems to go anywhere, so I will leave it for a while, and try and come back to it with a 'fresh eye'later. I promise I will post a pic when it is completed, I've never had one beat me yet, that's including 3 LOTR circular puzzles.

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