Monday, 8 February 2010

Weekend over, hello Monday

It wasn't a bad weekend, I got everything back in the cupboard but the door would not shut. No matter how many times I clear out that cupboard it still ends up a mess.
On Saturday we went over to Berkhamsted for a change. We quite like Berkhamsted, there are lots of little shops, not all big chains. We lunched in Waitrose, no Mummys chatting and leaving kids to their own devices like last time, but patently understaffed. I had to go ask for our table to be wiped and go back to the counter and demand my panini which was just sitting on a grill. As there was a supervisor there, I mentioned the understaffing, so she said she would see to it.
We did some shopping there and then parted company for a while, husband to browse bookshops and charity shops, and me to spend a voucher I had for a ladies shop. I got 2 tops suitable for when we go away as they have a dress code for dinner.
We met up in a fascinating shop. They sell antiques and 50s and 60s furniture and fashions. There are several floors but husband does not cope well with stairs so he stuck to the ground floor and basement. The beautiful old clock he would have liked to buy last time had gone. I don't know where we would have put it, so I'm thankful it had gone.
On the way home we went to the garden centre, mostly to look for peat for the front garden, but were told peat is a no-no these days. Husband bought soil and manure, but on arriving home when he dumped them in the front they looked like a drop in the ocean. We also bought gardening 'shoes' and something to treat the remaining patch of lawn at the back. I phoned my sister, then we dined on steak. Mine was terribly tough;in fact inedible in parts. If Waitrose were in this town I would have gone back and complained.
We had a lovely day yesterday, our Pastor is still away lecturing in the Philipines, and we had a retired pastor who used to be at Dudley Baptist. During the morning service he gave a 'plug' for a book which was out of print and he had arranged to have reprinted. It is called 'Amazing Conversions' John Ashworth and his Strange Tales. Apparently he had a chapel for the Destitute.
Some of the stories are heart rending, and show that these days we do not know real poverty or struggling and suffering. By the end of the day all 29 copies he had brought were reserved for members of the congregation.
During the morning service I realised that once again I had not put the meat in the oven, but my combi microwave came into its own again and produced an edible half leg of lamb in 25 minutes.
The evening sermon was on why most evangelical churches today would not want Jeremiah for a pastor. It was very good. I wish I had taken notes. I got to bed earlier last night after phoning Mum-in-Law to check on her; couldn't sleep for a while and then woke up with indigestion. I should not have had that piece of chocolate cake, or was it the Horlicks?
I was up and about earlier today too. Husband had gone to London on a course, so I borrowed his car to go and visit a church friend for coffee. Much nicer than doing housework.
It was snowing quite heavily as I came back, but thankfully has not settled. I have a funeral tomorrow afternoon, and am having my assessment for redoing my root canal filling on Wednesday, I must try to fit my fasting blood test in too. Must go and finish tidying the kitchen. Will catch up later in the week.

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