Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Begnning to pick up?

I forgot to say that on Saturday, when I went to the market they had found a shopping bag which I had lost the previous week. I was glad to get it back I have a few of them, upvc coated cotton, and I always try to take one of them with me when I go out as I hate having cupboards full of plastic carrier bags.
Well I was woken by the doorbell on Monday,7.30am, I hadn't had a good night, but fortunately husband hadn't left for work, so he took the parcel in. It was a large box, about 16x12x8 inches.
There was paper packing in it and a much smaller box, 7x7x7. This contained my light box, which actually measures 5x5x1. Admittedly there is a power pack in it to charge it, but I was left wondering if Amazon don't have any small boxes.
I decided to try it out after breakfast, as I am not a 'lark', the recommendation is to use it in the mornings. I used it at the same time as I used my 'Resperate' which helps control my BP.
I did the usual washing and cleaning, but muppet that I am, decided to clean the filter of my Dyson after I had got the sink sparkling. I can't remember when I last cleaned the filter, but I washed out the drum as well. My old Dyson, which I gave to Daughter and son-in-law had a date thingummy on to remind me when to wash it. There was a fair bit of muck in there I can tell you.
I remember once reading that a lot of people give up on their Dysons because the suction goes, but really what they should be doing is washing the filter. Now it has dried out I put it back together, and used it and the suction is amazing.
I got husband to choose the accommodation for our annual holiday, he chose a bungalow, and for once booked it online. I usually do the booking, so God willing we will be going to Dorset, where he can hunt for fossils when the fancy takes him and I can mooch or sunbathe; although the beach in Lyme Regis is tiny. One grouse, salt lamps are very expensive in Lyme, so I made do with a candle holder, but at Christmas 2008 in St Ives I got a salt lamp for half of the Lyme Regis price.
Yesterday husband worked from home as he had to go to the dentist. I decided to tackle the ironing pile. However he rang me to say that the dentist had decided that the nerve had settled down, so he would 'wait and see'. He had been given another prescription for antibiotics, his fourth, so popped into town to get that. He is relieved in a way as he has to have a root canal filling on Friday at the clinic in Borehamwood where he was referred when the dentist thought it was a gum problem.
I got through a fair pile of ironing, did a bit more knitting, and in the evening feeling restless, I started the jigsaw I mentioned in an earlier blog. It wasn't easy getting comfortable, but I managed to complete the outside before bed.
I am still not sleeping well, not so much pain, but I cannot get comfortable somehow.Maybe I should try a codeine tonight.
I used the lightbox yesterday, and this morning before Sainsbury's. it may be my imagination, or a placebo effect, but I do seem to have a bit more energy. Monday was a bright day, but since then it has been grey and dull, with snow predicted.
Whilst shopping in Sainsbury's I was thinking of two of my pet 'hates', neither of which I have seen for a while.
One is the people, male and female, young and old who open a zipped bag of grapes, stick their mucky mitts in shove a few grapes in their mouths and zip up the bag and leave it. This is not try before you buy, it is stealing. Another is mothers, who presumably have not given their kids breakfast give them bread or open a pack of crisps, or other snack and feed it to the child in the trolley. I know some do produce the empty packet to pay, but they are teaching their kids it's ok to eat something you haven't paid for. Our son sometimes had to do shelf filling, and would often find a sandwich wrapper and an empty drinks can tucked behind something on a shelf. Obviously someone had had lunch at the supermarkets expense. Are people not taught these days that stealing is wrong? My kids were taught that if they took anything that did not belong to them they would be marched back to where or who they took it fro, made to hand it back and apologise. It's quite a good deterrent.
Well I had better get down off my soapbox, and pop out. I have had a phone call to say some replacement radiator caps I had ordered are in at our local plumbing suppliers. I hope that they fit without using brute force.

1 comment:

  1. glad the lightbox id working - its already getting lighter and the days longer and wil lsoon be summer - hang in there.
