Well still not much happening, the weather has been up and down and so have I. My cold didn't get too bad, but seems to have settled in my sinuses, and I've had signs of tracheitis, which usually manifests itself by an itching at the front of my throat, before the irritating cough begins. Also the Zovirax helped with the herpes, and it wasn't a big one anyway.
On Tuesday I decided on a trip to Aylesbury. I went into House of Fraser (used to be Beatties) and managed to find the skirt I wanted for going away. I also went to M&S and found another skirt and top, suitable for hotel dining, and much cheaper.I was very good and did not lunch out, not too much fun alone.
On Wednesday I had Son in law and daughter here, he working from home and she on a day off, they had another appointment somewhere, and SiL doesn't get much leave, so it's easier for him to work from home. I did my usual Sainsbury's run, and spent so little for once that I thought there must be something I forgot. I did - ice cream. So as I'd a had a Tesco points voucher, went there and bought ice cream.
Yesterday I took a BP reading and it was up. That probably sent me into a panic and made things worse. I am blaming my recent lack of sleep, caused by overstimulating my brain before bed for several evenings. I've had 2 good nights, and despite waking too early today, I managed another hour and a half. My BP is ok today. Not sleeping can send BP up, and helps put on weight too! The theory is that you crave carbs for energy, but not good carbs.
I popped on the scales this morning and seem to have lost the extra I gained since leaving WW. I was so disorganised yesterday that did not make it to the ladies meeting.I seem to be better with a low carb diet, not Atkins, when I did that I lost too much too quickly which is dangerous, and can affect the heart. I knew a lady who got heart disease from using the Cambridge diet.
Son and Daughter in law are hoping DV to come next weekend, they have a Birthday party to attend, so I am back reorganising the front bedroom. it means shifting a lot of junk in the spare bedroom and carting a single bed back in there, so I can make up the 'hide-a bed' into a double. Life is complicated!
If I can work out how I will upload some pics on here, not very exciting, but showing that Spring is on the way, although the forecast is for acold weekend. we have had some snow this week, but non settled for long.
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