I must admit that the hydrotherapy session which I had on Monday was the best so far. The Physio was not the one whom I normally see on dry land as they take it in turns in the pool. This one explained to me why I still get pain. Apparently , because I had the condition for over a year, the muscles were compensating for it. Now they have to be completely retrained. I went home feeling much happier, and felt better the day after the treatment too. That evening I baked the first Birthday cake that I have made in ages. Usually these days they come from M&S, or sometimes Sainsbury's. I had difficulty in getting the tops of the layers level, despite hollowing out the mixture. However I chose the best 2 out of 3.
Tuesday morning was spent levelling, icing and decorating the cake, then later I was wrapping parcels, writing a card and blowing up balloons. My shoulder was feeling much better, and I felt bit more lifted in spirits. I had quite along walk, which tired me out, but I do need the exercise.
On Wednesday, after I had been to Sainsbury's, I loaded the car with balloons, parcels, card and cake and drove up to Daughter's. Natahniel was asleep when I arrived , but I soon got him up when he woke, and changed his nappy, and said 'happy Birthday'. I took him downstairs and we opened his present from his Grandad and me- a Fisher Price 'Little People' garage. It differs from the old one that we had, and Daughter and I had a struggle to assemble it. I had wondered why the box was so small! Baby was quite taken with it -until the next, far noisier gift was opened! He does play with the garage though and has great fun shoving things down the lift shaft, and hurtling cars down the ramps.
We decide to take him to a local children's farm, where there is lots to see and do. After lunching in a crowded cafe with a noisy play area, Nathaniel tried out the soft play area for a while, then we went outside to look at some of the birds of prey and non farm animals and birds.
Nathaniel has his first jelly |
We then saw some farm animals, and had a ride on Tristan the runaway tractor, (actually squashed into a trailer on hard wooden slatted seats, driven through at least two lots of water, and stopped so we could admire lots of scarecrows). After that we looked at yet more farm animals, Nathaniel tried the bouncy castle, safely held by Mummy, and then we admired some piglets, looked in amazement at the gawky alpacas, and then Mummy and Natahaniel spent some time in the sandpit
. Naturally, the exit was on the other side of the
expensive and well stocked with toys shop, but we didn't buy. we popped into the farm shop, found that they also had a cafe with a better menu, and vowed that if we ever return , that will be our lunch venue.
We got back to daughter's house without getting too much tangled in the rush hour traffic, and waited for Grandad to arrive. Unfortunately Son in law had a deadline to meet, and had everyone standing around his desk, so he couldn't get away in time for the candle blowing.
well time has run away with me again, I'll have to complete this later.
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