Well I reported the misdelivery of the parcel on Saturday, was given a reference number, and have heard no more. It was Friday when o realised that I was developing a cold. I was quite annoyed by this as usually I am on the ball and use Vick's first defence to try and stave it off. On Saturday morning I was less than happy, we didn't manage to leave the house very early, and I did not feel up to walking. So we took the car. The upside was that we bought M&S sandwiches, and drove over to Ashridge to eat them.
Actually we ended up almost at Ivinghoe beacon and we sat looking over to Dunstable Downs. I remarked that there were no kite flyers to be seen at the Downs, maybe the previous week's fatality had put them off, or perhaps it was just not windy. We drove home via Aldbury. Sunday was an even hotter day than Saturday, apologies to those of you who live in places where there was no heatwave, we ate lunch in the garden, but soon came back inside it was just too hot. When it is as hot as this our bedroom becomes unbearable. I draw the curtains to keep out the sun, but as soon as I lie down at bedtime, with no duvet on, I feel as of I have been enveloped in a warm blanket, thus I tend to put off going to bed in a heatwave.
On Sunday afternoon I popped up to see the family, they had invited me despite my cold. They had got home fairly late on Saturday and were very tired. Baby was up to his usual tricks, grabbing everything in sight, he can now stand on his own for a few seconds, ie to clap hands, or transfer something from one hand to the other, so his balance is improving. After the evening service we popped up with some teatime treats for them, as they had had little time for shopping.
Monday was my physio appointment. I had been saying to husband that the physio didn't actually do much in the way of treatment. I should have kept my mouth shut! This time I was on the couch with my poor shoulder muscles being pummelled and massaged. Ow!! There had been a misunderstanding over how much hydrotherapy I should have, so I am now booked for another session, my band has been increased in strength I also had some ultrasound. I suspect she has been waiting for the tissues to heal before putting me through the mill. I have a fairly good range of movement, but still get 'catching' when I move in certain ways. It is an unbelievable 5 weeks today since the 'op'. I felt sorry for myself, and treated myself to a M&S sandwich lunch which I ate sitting on a bench in the sun in Harpenden. I was looking for a nice Birthday card, but didn't find one I really liked.
I then had to go into our local town, I continued the search for a card, but didn't find one I liked. I didn't have a lot of time left on my parking ticket, but wanted to close a bank account. Through no fault of our own we had ended up with 6 accounts between us with a certain Spanish bank through takeovers. This account didn't have much interest, so I had found an account which did. You would have thought I was asking for the Crown Jewels. I got the full works, how safe our money is, how wonderful their interest rates are, in the end I felt like standing up and screaming 'Just give me the money'. However being British, I didn't, and eventually escaped with my cheque, which I promptly deposited in our current account to await transfer. I was summoned to Daughter's where I found that a certain young man had found away to keep cool. after my afternoon I felt like joining him!
Ah Bliss |
Now where did I put that ball? |
Can I get that without falling in? |
This is the life |
enjoying a 'post pool' rice cake |
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Not much has happened since then I have seen baby again, we have had the hottest day of the year, and I have been to Watford. I still haven't found the 'perfect card' but have one that will do. Talking of hot days, I can vouch for the fact that on this day 30 years ago it was the hottest day for 5 years. I was very heavily pregnant, 39 weeks, and had burst into tears the night before. Being so heavy and uncomfortable was getting to me, and I sobbed ' If they take me in tomorrow I shan't be sorry, I've had enough' As it happened I felt fine on 5th August, but when I got to the ante natal clinic, my BP was high and I had lost 2lb. 'Sorry Mrs Y, but you can't go home, we will have to induce you' I haven't enough time to go into detail, but next morning, I very groggily greeted my Daughter to the world, Happy 30th Birthday daughter
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