Sunday, 21 August 2011

Is it the middle of August already? (Part 2)

Thursday was a really miserable day. we have had some rain on and off, but this was solid non stop, a steady downpour. I trudged to Sainsbury's in the morning having forgotten a couple of things on my list. Why is lamb so  expensive? I can't believe that the farmers get paid that much for it. Up till quite recently, most of the lamb available was from New Zealand, and according to what I have read it is halal slaughtered, so I refuse to buy it. Even the black faced Border lamb had gone up by about £4 for a joint this week. No wonder people are sheep rustling.
On Thursday afternoon, I took some more stuff to the charity shops, I have discovered that one in town has a back entrance which I can drive to, which is useful.  Friday was a better day, but a day involving some mishaps. As I had been sleeping so badly I was feeling really grumpy, but as I was on my own, I wasn't tempted to grump at anyone.  The weather was a lot better though. I took a longer walk in the morning which tired me out, I remembered I had  a cushion cover to wash,  which I had managed to get covered in hand cream. So I sprayed it with stain slayer, and popped it in the washing machine. Much later I decide to wash some of my pristine white undies, along with 2 nighties, and 2 white T shirts. When I went to get them out they were all dyed a delicate shade of pink. I also pulled out the deep red cushion cover. Oops! Three washes with colour run remover, and an ordinary wash produced pristine t shirts, but every bit of elastic in the other clothes still has a pink tinge. Then some descaler fell out of the cupboard, and the top came loose, so I was basically mopping up acid. I must get the child proof catches put on the rest of the cupboards. The cushion cover is completely stain free.
On Saturday we decided to go looking for a baby car  seat. We will need one next month DV. I had found a place previously unknown to us, in Berkhamsted, which was advertised in the local free paper. So off we drove under bright blue skies, to check this place out. We were discussing the  merits of  Isofix, rear facing versus front facing, when we realised there was a lot of swishing going on outside Yes it was raining, and the cars were swishing through the puddles. I spotted a stroller. I had been planning to buy the Silver Cross Pop, as it is lighter than Daughter's pushchair, and with my back and shoulder problems needed something I can easily manage. I had never heard of this make (Uppababy), but was so impressed when the features were demonstrated to me, that I made an impulse purchase. I chose the snazzy turquoise,and they had it in stock. I was even more impressed when I got home and read the internet reviews. What attracted me most was the padded seat. Many strollers don't have padded seats, and the covers are washable. If you are not bored by baby equipment talk check it out. It's the GLuxe. I am looking forward to trying it out. The wheels are narrower than our front steps which is a bonus. I am to get a phone call about the availability of the car seats tomorrow.
We drove back into Berko town centre, had lunch at Waitrose, then did some shopping. Then we wandered in and out of shops, brollies aloft between shops. We wandered into Home and Colonial, and met some folk from church. We chatted for a while, then came out again into bright sunshine and blue skies! What an odd day! On arriving home we unpacked the shopping, unpacked the buggy, tried out it's folding mechanism, found out that its 'freestanding whilst folded' is a bit unstable, but were generally quite pleased. It even has a velcroed cover over the buckle to stop little escapees.
I made a spag bol, phoned my sister and relaxed with the newspapers. Saturdays seem to go by so quickly and we never seem to get the jobs done, gardening was a no no anyway, because of the weather.
So now it is Sunday evening. We have had a good Lord's day, an excellent sermon this morning taking in the reasons for the recent riots, a good Sunday lunch, a doze, and a good evening sermon in Acts 13  on the preaching in Cyprus. Then home, and something to eat and a phone call to Mum in law. Her friend who I mentioned last week is still heavily sedated, but has opened her eyes, and spoken, and is quite confused. She also has a crack in her pelvis and a 'chip' in her neck, (presumably a bone chip). The family have been warned that she will be in hospital for some time, but at least she seems to be out of immediate danger, but still in need of prayer.
I have hydrotherapy appointment tomorrow. I wish I could say that I am a lot better since my op, but I get some awful twinges if I make quite simple movements. I don't know if this is because of the tear, or whether the tissues haven't settled  still.  An operation to repair the tear is out of the question if I am to continue to look after Nathaniel. I have more mobility in the arm, but it still catches at certain points. Oh well, 2 months till I next see the consultant, time for it to heal a bit more. Must go now and make husband's packed lunch for tomorrow. Have a good and blessed week.

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