Thursday, 31 December 2009

The last days of December.

Well, I did not blog yesterday as it was a fairly ordinary day. I finished making Birthday cards and husband and I went to Sainsbury's. The weather was not good rain and more rain. Late afternoon I ventured out to the Post Box, hoping bro-in-laws cards would reach him, as we will probably not have post again till Monday. Walked to washing machine repairers shop to return screwdriver he had left behind last week, then walked to Sainsbury's as I had forgotten carrots, arrived home soggy and wet.
Daughter called in, and ran out of petrol (again) so had to have lift home.
Today Husband was at work, so Mum-in-law and I walked down into town, she did not recognise bits of town centre, they moved away from the area 7 years ago.
We went to sort out some cash, and when that was done I suggested M&S for lunch, so for once we were ladies who lunch. Got news that Son-in-law had passed his theory test, hurrah, he got all questions correct.
We came home by bus and went the whole of the circle at this end. lazy or what? It did mean we were on the right side of the road for our stop. Daughter and Son-in Law also came back, with full petrol can, and after chatting for a while got the car started, and went.
We are not celebrating this evening. I long ago got disillusoned with New Year celebrations, even before I was converted. Husband is not a party person, but we will be unable to get to sleep as usually there is someone letting off fireworks till at least 1.30 am, unless they have been hit by the recession that is.
To me the New Year just means a change of date. Nothing else changes. I do not make new year resolutions, because I resolve every day to be a better Christian, better wife, better Mum. I always fail because I am human.There is only one person who can change lives,and although he cannot be seen he can be known.
I find it sad that people go out, get drunk, wake up with a headache, feeling more miserable than they did before. Resolutions are soon forgotten, and everyone wants to kick themselves for being weak willed. I'm not really a cynic, just a realist. On a positive note a New year can be a fresh start, if we do not expect too much of it. Of course all the papers are full of it being the end of the first decade, despite the fact that it is not until the end of 2010.
I hope that I do not sound too negative,and I do really sincerely wish everyone who reads this blog a Happy and Blessed New Year. Think of those alone, or bereaved or sad at this time and you will realise we have a lot to be thankful for. Praise the Lord.

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