Thursday, 24 December 2009

We're almost there.

Well I was up early again today made the decision of how to decorate cake, just a few simple Christmas roses. Hmm they are supposed to dry over 24 hours, stick them on plate on radiator and pray no-one knocks them off.
I have to go out to take presents to daughter and Son-in-law as they are away for Christmas. Our car parking area is like a skating rink, the rain must have frozen. Manage to stay on feet,(just) Sainsbury's car park nearly as bad. Find Son-in-Law needs to go out so ferry him to where he wants to go.
Get home no post again, decide to ring sorting office, no local number in book; ring 0844 number. automated voice, by the time I reach a human being,, she is not a lot of help, but gives me local number, hang on for ages then get a grumpy male who tells me it depends where you live whether you get post today, some roads are too bad, it's health and safety. Suggest they issue staff with crampons, the post has never not been delivered before. Remind him of card sent by Royal Mail promising evening and Sunday deliveries, he growls we don't deliver on Sunday from here. Remind him of card's promise-he growls we don't get volunteers. Strikes me that mangement and staff are still at odds and Royal Mail promise worthless. Wonder what the legal position is?
Chase up Son's extra present, advised no delivery till 6th Jan, cancel, check Amazon, delivery 2nd Feb. Give up and order something else.
There have been periods today when I have felt really happy and positive, but dealing with these individuals thoroughly depresses me.
After lunch, finish cake. Listen to Carols from Kings, join in when not too high (the notes I mean).
Relax with papers, then make mince pies oops I nearly typed mice (Could make a few of those with my Fairyland sightings). Son-in-law and Daughter arrive to say 'bye'
Son-in-Law quality checks mince pie!
I have wrapped the final parcels, filled the final stocking, but have mislaid 2 cheques. I wonder where the safe place is?
Looking forward to our church service at 10am tomorrow, then a quiet day till our guests arrive. I know all the arguments about Christianity hijacking a pagan festival, but I know in whom I would rather put my trust. It doesn't really matter what month Jesus came, His birth is not the most important event, but we mark it because he came and came willingly. That is what is so humbling that He left the riches of heaven and for our sakes became poor. Do I deserve salvation? no I do not!Tomorrow I will lift my voice in thanks and praise for the one who died for me. Happy Christmas to everyone who reads this blog.

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