Sunday, 20 December 2009

A very good Sunday

Today did not start well, husband did not switch his alarm off before he went, a radio/cd alarm. I was woken by wailing women at 5.30 am. Pressed all the buttons, it went off, only to come on 5 minutes later even louder. Sat up and tried to focus, ended up pressing volume reduction till annoying wail disappeared, sorry dear, made sure my own alarm would wake me at respectable time.
Got up and had another go at sorting out chaos caused by weeks of card making,dumped most stuff in son's old bedroom. Got veg ready, got me ready, meat in oven and out early for church. Car behaved despite roads near church being dodgy, enjoyed service, but how soon I forget what is preached on.
Arrived home tried to put car in rented garage, wheels spun and spun. Gave up and parked in garage area probably to annoyance of neighbours who have 3 cars and don't use their garage for cars. Daughter and son-in law arrive, daughter offers to help tidy, watch in dismay as stray card I had mislaid, and found disappears into heap again!
Husband and Mum-in Law arrive, hurrah, attempt to settle everybody, listen to stories of journey, finish peeling carrots, and peel fruit for forgotten desert. We were so late sitting down to eat, but so lovely to have family together. We sat and chatted, then woke husband grabbed mince pies and cards and headed off for carol service. I just love our carol services, I sing my heart out. We have a group of children from Sunday School/ club who came and sang for us, and handed round mince pies. May God be pleased to save these youngsters, they are sometimes noisy in the services but they come every week and our pastor does not preach short sermons. Had my 2 favourites, Oh Little Town of Bethlehem and Joy to the World. husband tried to sing latter, despite not having had a voice for 3 weeks.
Pastor preached a wonderful gospel sermon leaving no doubt to why Jesus came, and what we must do to be saved. I felt really uplifted. Mum-in-Law enjoyed service too, she hasn't heard our pastor before. I have a recipe request, but will post tomorrow. Talking of post, our promised Sunday delivery did not come. It is so frustrating, what if the bad weather continues? Don't really like Sunday deliveries, but the post must be really piling up. It's late so I'm off to bed.

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