Friday, 26 February 2010

the end of another week.

Well when I first started this blog, I wondered if anyone would read it. At the time I had a lot going on and really I saw it is a safety valve where I could moan about life's idiosyncrasies, people's incompetence and the general foolishness of life, but it is always an unexpected pleasure when someone reveals that they actually read it.
Life has taken on a bit of a slower pace in some ways just recently, although with 2 doctor's appointment and other things going on, this is one of those weeks when I feel that I have been chasing my tail all week.
I will never make housewife of the year, partly due to getting on for 30 years of accumulated clutter, and a hoarding husband. As One of my neighbours remarked about her home 'all I ever seem to do is move the clutter around'
The spare room is mostly de-cluttered and ready for the weekend visitors, just a pile of towels to move. Fair dos, I did get rid of a bagful of plastic bags today, they went for recycling. The end of the ironing basket may soon be in sight, and I have to vacuum downstairs.
I am little bit later today as I went to St Albans to our former church for another thanksgiving service. One of the former Elders went to be with the Lord a couple of weeks ago, a lovely, kind, gentle man, with a marvellous sense of humour and very approachable. Again it was a good service, tinged with sadness, but as his widow said to me before the service, 'We wouldn't want to bring him back from Glory would we?'
After the service I grabbed a cuppa, and set about catching up with old friends, some truly lovely people, and I also met some grandchildren born since we came back to worshipping in our own town.
Unfortunately I had a very bad night on Wednesday, I could not get off at all. At 5.30 husband woke full of concern, and remarked that I was so tense, so he talked very soothingly to me and I managed to relax and eventually got a couple of hours sleep.
A friend had recommended a herbal supplement to me for a problem I have,and I wonder if this could have been aggravating the problem. I have decided not to take it again,it could well be interfering with one of my meds, and I also cut out another supplement I take.
I deliberately avoided napping yesterday; organised myself to be in bed for 11, took Kalms, sprinkled lavender oil under my pillow, and slept really well. Husband had had a dental appointment about his other nerve problem, so had worked from home in the morning. Unfortunately our normal dentist doesn't agree with the private dentist to whom he was referred about the treatment for this tooth, so he has yet another prescription, for emergency only, for antibiotics. Husband has started eating yoghurts and drinking probiotics. He hadn't had antibiotics for years, but has had so many for these dental problems just lately.
Well I had better move, the jigsaw I started has been coming on bit by bit, but I seem to have got to the stage where nothing seems to go anywhere, so I will leave it for a while, and try and come back to it with a 'fresh eye'later. I promise I will post a pic when it is completed, I've never had one beat me yet, that's including 3 LOTR circular puzzles.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

A bit of a setback.

Well it seems that I spoke too soon about sleeping better. On Friday night I didn't sleep at all well as my heart seems to beating loud and faster than normal. I felt rough on Saturday morning, but we walked into town for the shopping for the first time in a couple of weeks.
Husband spotted the pasty van, so that was his lunch sorted. I waited till I got home, and was very good, having a prawn salad. Whilst we were in town the sun shone, and it felt hot to those of us in our winter gear, but it did not last.
We got the bus up the hill, and had a very quiet day. When I went to bed, I slept a bit better thanks to some herbal tablets.
Sunday was a normal Sunday, it was good to have our pastor back. We feasted on roast beef and Yorkshires after the morning service.
After a short doze, I decided to go out for a walk and took something that Son-in-Law had left here, to leave in their letter box. It was quite a pleasant afternoon, quite a few people out walking, but the canal bank was pretty muddy.
I got to bed relatively early, but again had an awful night, so much so that I decided a trip to see my GP was in order.
I prayed hard as I phoned,it's always difficult to get through, but I managed to get in to see the very person I wanted to see,who has a background as a registrar in cardiology.
I drove down there as it was snowing again, and the pavements were slippery. I must confess to breaking down in tears, but the GP was very helpful and kind, and he thought I had got overtired and was in state of anxiety. He did a quick quiz and decided I wasn't depressed, listened to my heart, and said he would organise an ecg to reassure me.
I managed to get that booked in for today, and walked down quite briskly, but was stopped by someone to ask directions! Do I have 'please ask me' tattooed on my head, along with 'Do tell me about it'. (husband was amused on Saturday, when an Irish lady started talking to me at the bus stop)
I digress, I managed to arrive on time having walked up a steep hill at a fair pace.
The ECG was done before I knew it and then soon I was back in the doctor's chair.
He studied it and said that there was a very slight change, which could indicate a problem, so I am being referred to a cardiologist (again). I will most likely have to have an echocardiogram (walking on a treadmill whilst attached to wires).I am also to ignore the nighttime loud heart beats.
I suppose I should be grateful, as if I hadn't had the problem, then I wouldn't have gone to the doctor and would not have known. I am still allowed to walk, but not to push myself. No up and down cliffs for the time being.
I did sleep better last night,and fell thankful for that. I have spent time catching up on ironing, and getting the hide-a-bed put together for our visitors at the weekend. Well other half will be in soon, and will want his turn on the computer.
BTW my blood tests were all OK, something to be thankful for!

Friday, 19 February 2010

Feeling better all round.

Well still not much happening, the weather has been up and down and so have I. My cold didn't get too bad, but seems to have settled in my sinuses, and I've had signs of tracheitis, which usually manifests itself by an itching at the front of my throat, before the irritating cough begins. Also the Zovirax helped with the herpes, and it wasn't a big one anyway.
On Tuesday I decided on a trip to Aylesbury. I went into House of Fraser (used to be Beatties) and managed to find the skirt I wanted for going away. I also went to M&S and found another skirt and top, suitable for hotel dining, and much cheaper.I was very good and did not lunch out, not too much fun alone.
On Wednesday I had Son in law and daughter here, he working from home and she on a day off, they had another appointment somewhere, and SiL doesn't get much leave, so it's easier for him to work from home. I did my usual Sainsbury's run, and spent so little for once that I thought there must be something I forgot. I did - ice cream. So as I'd a had a Tesco points voucher, went there and bought ice cream.
Yesterday I took a BP reading and it was up. That probably sent me into a panic and made things worse. I am blaming my recent lack of sleep, caused by overstimulating my brain before bed for several evenings. I've had 2 good nights, and despite waking too early today, I managed another hour and a half. My BP is ok today. Not sleeping can send BP up, and helps put on weight too! The theory is that you crave carbs for energy, but not good carbs.
I popped on the scales this morning and seem to have lost the extra I gained since leaving WW. I was so disorganised yesterday that did not make it to the ladies meeting.I seem to be better with a low carb diet, not Atkins, when I did that I lost too much too quickly which is dangerous, and can affect the heart. I knew a lady who got heart disease from using the Cambridge diet.
Son and Daughter in law are hoping DV to come next weekend, they have a Birthday party to attend, so I am back reorganising the front bedroom. it means shifting a lot of junk in the spare bedroom and carting a single bed back in there, so I can make up the 'hide-a bed' into a double. Life is complicated!
If I can work out how I will upload some pics on here, not very exciting, but showing that Spring is on the way, although the forecast is for acold weekend. we have had some snow this week, but non settled for long.

Monday, 15 February 2010

Not a good start to the week

Well not a lot has happened again really, on Friday I went out looking for a skirt to take when I go away, when I got to the shop I had chosen, I realised they did not have the range I was looking for. On Friday I also manged to stray onto the comment page of a creationist site and was appalled again by the vitriol and scorn poured on Christians and Creationists. Husband put a DVD on, Amadeus, he is a fan of Mozarts' music. I occasionally looked up from my jigsaw, which is not progressing well, pic on my home page.
On Saturday I woke up withe beginnings of a cold sore, we drove into town as husband is still feeling the effects of his blisters. We did not stay in town long, just long enough to do the shopping, and decided to have lunch at home. It snowed as we came home. Husband picked up some rather nice Focaccio in M&S, and he had a lasagne and I had soup. I was surprised when I drew some cash, how much the account had gone down, must do some internet banking. In the evening he watched the rest of Amadeus and I kept half an eye on it. I do not know if Mozart's life was as bad as presented in the film, he was certainly an alcoholic, but he was buried in a pauper's grave.
Yesterday was a normal Sunday, I remembered to put the chicken in the oven. We were home earlier for lunch, as the sermon was a bit shorter. Another visiting speaker, but one who spoke at top volume with not much modulation. Our own pastor returns this week.
I went out for my usual walk, but ended up quite breathless. I think it was the damp. I took both inhalers before the evening service, but then ended up with a more rapid heart beat.
Gardener's Question time this week came from Lacock, where we spent our wedding anniversary last year. The first questioner was the lady at whose B&B we stayed.
No invasion from daughter and Son-in-Law as they were visiting his parents, but phoned Mum-in-Law after her favourite programme was over.
At some time I realised I was starting with a cold, so used my Vick's First Defence. I don't know why, but it made the inside of my nose feel raw. It was so painful. worse than when you fall in the sea and inhale seawater. My eyes were running and my nose!
I am still sleeping badly, but have deliberately not napped today.I have got more housework done than normally, which is good. Daughter is popping round this evening as her husband has a driving lesson. My cold isn't too bad, bur I have hit the vitamin C just in case.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Is it Thursday already?

I've been busy outside the home this last couple of days. I arrived at pathology at 8.35 am on Tuesday, the number on the board was 37, and the number I took was 54. I had stopped off for the newspapers on the way down, mainly to get some change for the car park, so at least I had something to do. They have taken the water away, which is a bind, I wasn't really hungry, but very thirsty and only sips of water are allowed. I passed the time by reading the paper, and they seemed to be getting on quite quickly.
After about 45 minutes my number was called and I went in. She took 4 phials, to quote Hancock, a whole arm full. The cafe didn't have a toaster, so I broke my fast with a teacake and tea.
On the way out I met our Son's old primary teacher. I used to go to a tap dancing class with her, until I damaged my disc. We had a little catch up, and then she and her husband went off to get their fasting tests done. I went into the local Asda where I had parked, and bought a few essentials so that I could redeem my parking fee. It costs £3 at the hospital.
It was a cold day and I debated whether to go to the cemetery for Albert's burial, but decided just to go to the thanksgiving service which was afterwards. I arrived early, and managed to find a place to park, not easy in King's Langley. As I went in and sat down I discovered that those who had been to the cemetery were thawing out with hot tea.
It was a good service, someone spoke about the camps he helped with till he was over 80, we had a resume of his life, he had a struggle when younger, and had many sadnesses even after his conversion. There were 4 good old rousing hymns, including 'It is Well With My soul'; there were a lot of people there.
As the sermon had been a tad on the long side for a funeral, I chatted briefly with some friends then had a much needed cuppa,and came home. Husband was home early from his course. I had barely got in and switched the computer on. In the evening we watched a DVD he had bought, a documentary called Expelled No intelligence allowed. It is about how biology lecturers in the States have been sacked for daring to suggest that there may be an intelligent designer. This is where Darwin's theory is leading. Apparently Hitler was quite keen on the teachings of Darwin. I must admit I dozed through some of it, tiredness rather than boredom.
Yesterday I had trouble finding the details of my appointment at the private dental clinic, then remembered I had put it in a cupboard. I hate being late so I dashed off quite early, then when I arrived and parked realised I had forgotten my specs. I had a quarter of an hour to spare, so quickly found a Superdrug, and found some cheap reading specs. Good thing I did as the first thing they did was give me a form to fill in. I could read the questions, but was having a bit of trouble, when I realised that the lenses had little sticky labels on. Oops! I peeled then off and soon had the form completed. The endodontist, a lady, called me upstairs. She asked a few questions, the prodded, poked, blew cold air, put cold fluid on my teeth and got me to bite on something. She also took Xrays
In her opinion it is not the root canal filling that is the problem, but the tooth next to it. Like my dentist, she said there could be a problem beyond the root canal, but she wants to take out a filling in the next tooth, dress the hole and see if it settles. I have also to pay attention to which tooth I actually get pain in.
They offered me an appointment for whilst we are away, but in the end we managed to fix a date for the investigation.
I came home with throbbing teeth, calling in at Sainsbury's on the way, for my weekly shop. When I got home I could not find my mobile phone, I rang it several times, then took a spare mobile out to the car and rang it. I couldn't hear anything.
I had some lunch, then rang the dental surgery. No, I hadn't dropped it there. I was in tears of frustration, I am still not sleeping well, am overtired, fed up of not being believed over my tooth, and hadn't used my lightbox. I was on my way to the car to retrace my steps, when I decided to do a last check and opened the passenger door. There it was between the door and the seat, it must have slipped from my bag, though why It had not rung audibly before I do not know. Thank you God for answering that prayer.
I came back indoors, sat down to read the paper and promptly dozed off. I awoke with a start, made some tea and sat down to drink it. The doorbell rang 3 times! It was husband, I had left the key in the door, which meant he could not use his key. His course had finished early and the trains had been on time for once.
We a had a relaxing evening, But then I got really bad indigestion. I think I had eaten too much fibre. Today has been quiet, a nice brisk walk to Sainsbury's, but the wind was bitter, and lazy. I dug my hat out of my bag on the way back. After lunch, which gave me toothache in the root canal filled tooth, I phoned Mum in Law, as I heard they'd had snow; four inches she said. Then I went to the ladies meeting where we made text cards for South Africa. We chatted as we worked. Our youngest member is about 22, the oldest 94. It was a good hour. Well, husband will be home soon, and I still haven't started the ironing, oh well as they say 'tomorrow is another day'

Monday, 8 February 2010

Weekend over, hello Monday

It wasn't a bad weekend, I got everything back in the cupboard but the door would not shut. No matter how many times I clear out that cupboard it still ends up a mess.
On Saturday we went over to Berkhamsted for a change. We quite like Berkhamsted, there are lots of little shops, not all big chains. We lunched in Waitrose, no Mummys chatting and leaving kids to their own devices like last time, but patently understaffed. I had to go ask for our table to be wiped and go back to the counter and demand my panini which was just sitting on a grill. As there was a supervisor there, I mentioned the understaffing, so she said she would see to it.
We did some shopping there and then parted company for a while, husband to browse bookshops and charity shops, and me to spend a voucher I had for a ladies shop. I got 2 tops suitable for when we go away as they have a dress code for dinner.
We met up in a fascinating shop. They sell antiques and 50s and 60s furniture and fashions. There are several floors but husband does not cope well with stairs so he stuck to the ground floor and basement. The beautiful old clock he would have liked to buy last time had gone. I don't know where we would have put it, so I'm thankful it had gone.
On the way home we went to the garden centre, mostly to look for peat for the front garden, but were told peat is a no-no these days. Husband bought soil and manure, but on arriving home when he dumped them in the front they looked like a drop in the ocean. We also bought gardening 'shoes' and something to treat the remaining patch of lawn at the back. I phoned my sister, then we dined on steak. Mine was terribly tough;in fact inedible in parts. If Waitrose were in this town I would have gone back and complained.
We had a lovely day yesterday, our Pastor is still away lecturing in the Philipines, and we had a retired pastor who used to be at Dudley Baptist. During the morning service he gave a 'plug' for a book which was out of print and he had arranged to have reprinted. It is called 'Amazing Conversions' John Ashworth and his Strange Tales. Apparently he had a chapel for the Destitute.
Some of the stories are heart rending, and show that these days we do not know real poverty or struggling and suffering. By the end of the day all 29 copies he had brought were reserved for members of the congregation.
During the morning service I realised that once again I had not put the meat in the oven, but my combi microwave came into its own again and produced an edible half leg of lamb in 25 minutes.
The evening sermon was on why most evangelical churches today would not want Jeremiah for a pastor. It was very good. I wish I had taken notes. I got to bed earlier last night after phoning Mum-in-Law to check on her; couldn't sleep for a while and then woke up with indigestion. I should not have had that piece of chocolate cake, or was it the Horlicks?
I was up and about earlier today too. Husband had gone to London on a course, so I borrowed his car to go and visit a church friend for coffee. Much nicer than doing housework.
It was snowing quite heavily as I came back, but thankfully has not settled. I have a funeral tomorrow afternoon, and am having my assessment for redoing my root canal filling on Wednesday, I must try to fit my fasting blood test in too. Must go and finish tidying the kitchen. Will catch up later in the week.

Friday, 5 February 2010

A quick update

Well this is just a quick update to say how things are going. The last 2 nights I have slept a bit better. Yesterday morning I had a doctor's appointment for a review of my meds. She wants me to have a cholesterol test, which the other doctor said I didn't need as mine is always low. I have to have vitamin check and iron levels checked too. She accepted my BP readings as it is always high in the surgery, but said I have to take my machine in to have it checked against theirs.
I made it to the ladies meeting and coped without a snooze. The speaker talked about Anne Bronte, and we sang one of her hymns. It was 2 ladies' birthdays this week,so we had cake. I have left WW for the time being as I wasn't getting anywhere and with our anniversary coming up I will not be able to stick to it.
Last night just before bed I found water under the sink again, on checking I realised that the overflow pipe was not actually connected to the overflow! I despair!
Today I took the pipe out and it turns out it was too short, That pesky plumber! He didn't say anything. I suppose I should have called him back, but although he is very cheerful he is also a know-all, and delights in telling me I have paid too much for things. I have been unable to buy a replacement hose, but dug around in my understairs cupboard, and found one that will fit. I don't know where it came from, probably when we had the kitchen done. It's not a perfect fit but a lot longer than the other bit. I wonder if the plumber cut the original bit too short? I left everything out of the cupboard, and went off to St Albans, to look for something. Now I am home and husband has come home early and I still haven't put it all back. Shame on me! It was sunny today, I used my lightbox anyway, and have been feeling tons better. Who would believe that a lack of sunlight could make such a difference?
Now it's the weekend and I hope I can enjoy it more. Have a good weekend all.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Begnning to pick up?

I forgot to say that on Saturday, when I went to the market they had found a shopping bag which I had lost the previous week. I was glad to get it back I have a few of them, upvc coated cotton, and I always try to take one of them with me when I go out as I hate having cupboards full of plastic carrier bags.
Well I was woken by the doorbell on Monday,7.30am, I hadn't had a good night, but fortunately husband hadn't left for work, so he took the parcel in. It was a large box, about 16x12x8 inches.
There was paper packing in it and a much smaller box, 7x7x7. This contained my light box, which actually measures 5x5x1. Admittedly there is a power pack in it to charge it, but I was left wondering if Amazon don't have any small boxes.
I decided to try it out after breakfast, as I am not a 'lark', the recommendation is to use it in the mornings. I used it at the same time as I used my 'Resperate' which helps control my BP.
I did the usual washing and cleaning, but muppet that I am, decided to clean the filter of my Dyson after I had got the sink sparkling. I can't remember when I last cleaned the filter, but I washed out the drum as well. My old Dyson, which I gave to Daughter and son-in-law had a date thingummy on to remind me when to wash it. There was a fair bit of muck in there I can tell you.
I remember once reading that a lot of people give up on their Dysons because the suction goes, but really what they should be doing is washing the filter. Now it has dried out I put it back together, and used it and the suction is amazing.
I got husband to choose the accommodation for our annual holiday, he chose a bungalow, and for once booked it online. I usually do the booking, so God willing we will be going to Dorset, where he can hunt for fossils when the fancy takes him and I can mooch or sunbathe; although the beach in Lyme Regis is tiny. One grouse, salt lamps are very expensive in Lyme, so I made do with a candle holder, but at Christmas 2008 in St Ives I got a salt lamp for half of the Lyme Regis price.
Yesterday husband worked from home as he had to go to the dentist. I decided to tackle the ironing pile. However he rang me to say that the dentist had decided that the nerve had settled down, so he would 'wait and see'. He had been given another prescription for antibiotics, his fourth, so popped into town to get that. He is relieved in a way as he has to have a root canal filling on Friday at the clinic in Borehamwood where he was referred when the dentist thought it was a gum problem.
I got through a fair pile of ironing, did a bit more knitting, and in the evening feeling restless, I started the jigsaw I mentioned in an earlier blog. It wasn't easy getting comfortable, but I managed to complete the outside before bed.
I am still not sleeping well, not so much pain, but I cannot get comfortable somehow.Maybe I should try a codeine tonight.
I used the lightbox yesterday, and this morning before Sainsbury's. it may be my imagination, or a placebo effect, but I do seem to have a bit more energy. Monday was a bright day, but since then it has been grey and dull, with snow predicted.
Whilst shopping in Sainsbury's I was thinking of two of my pet 'hates', neither of which I have seen for a while.
One is the people, male and female, young and old who open a zipped bag of grapes, stick their mucky mitts in shove a few grapes in their mouths and zip up the bag and leave it. This is not try before you buy, it is stealing. Another is mothers, who presumably have not given their kids breakfast give them bread or open a pack of crisps, or other snack and feed it to the child in the trolley. I know some do produce the empty packet to pay, but they are teaching their kids it's ok to eat something you haven't paid for. Our son sometimes had to do shelf filling, and would often find a sandwich wrapper and an empty drinks can tucked behind something on a shelf. Obviously someone had had lunch at the supermarkets expense. Are people not taught these days that stealing is wrong? My kids were taught that if they took anything that did not belong to them they would be marched back to where or who they took it fro, made to hand it back and apologise. It's quite a good deterrent.
Well I had better get down off my soapbox, and pop out. I have had a phone call to say some replacement radiator caps I had ordered are in at our local plumbing suppliers. I hope that they fit without using brute force.