Monday 2 December 2013

Bits and bobs

I've got so far behind that I really just need to do highlights. The first week in November was a bit busy, on the Monday we went out and bought another car seat. The chap in Halfords was quite helpful, said he used the one which we chose, and apparently it should last sizewise for years,as it converts into a booster seat. He was a long time collecting it for us, but when he returned explained that he'd had to go outside, and someone had shut him out!
Tuesday was bonfire night, so I baby sat for Lydia, whilst the parents took Nathaniel to a fireworks display at the school to which his nursery is attached. He was full of excitement when they got back, describing the sights and sounds, and the hot dog he had eaten.
On the Wednesday, I was in Sainsbo's and I got a phone call asking for help, Daughter's husband had gone off to work with the car keys in his pocket, and she had to get Nat to His gym class, could we help? I explained that husband was in the midst of fitting both car seats, and it largely depended on whether he had finished. When I got home, she had phoned him, and he was going up there as he would have to adjust the straps to fit. I had to put my cold stuff away, but when I had, went up there in my car. That way we could swap cars and I could go and take them to the gym lesson.
So that is what happened, I wasn't allowed to take pictures of him doing gym, and I found it all a bit slow. He certainly seems to be the youngest in his group.
I was glad to get home and have some lunch, I'd grabbed something to fill a gap, but it wasn't enough.
I tried to get to bed early on the Wednesday evening, but was unable to sleep. Thursday morning we were up early, and arrived at daughter's before 8 am. Her husband goes in to work later in this job,so there is a bit of an overlap. Husband decided to walk Nat to nursery, then walk home. I took Lydia home in our car. When we first got indoors she cried, but soon settled down. Husband came home and later I took Lydia for a walk in the buggy, thinking she might drop off, no chance! She isn't used to a front facing buggy, so was busy looking around and making little exclamations at what she saw.
Husband collected Nat whilst I gave Lydia her lunch,and she took a nap in the afternoon.
That weekend husband felt unwell, a slightly upset tummy, bloating and dizziness, so no church for him on Sunday. He refused a roast dinner! that was the Sunday I had forgotten to defrost a chicken, so did it in the microwave. It had to stand for an hour before roasting, so I had to leave instructions on when it should go in the oven.
He did manage to eat some old crunchy roast potatoes later though. He was poorly for about a week, not eating much. Totally off coffee, and on the Friday morning, when we walked into town, with Lydia in the buggy, he said he felt like getting the bus back up straight away. Whilst I did the things I had to do, he bought some Thomas DVDs, second hand to help entertain Nat. He's also been buying him some second hand toys more suited to his age. I could tell he still wasn't right when he walked past the pasty shop without a second glance. We got the bus back up, and he was so tired that I collected Nat.
Husband came to church last Sunday, but by about Tuesday evening was complaining of a sore throat. He managed a trip into town on Wednesday, and came back with a pasty, so he must be feeling better in the digestive department, but the sore throat has progressed to a cold and a horrible hacking cough like he had in Cornwall, when he felt so ill.
On Monday afternoon I walked down to the hospital for my repeat blood tests, and phoned for the results Friday. I am pleased to report that they are within the normal limits.
We are coping with the childminding, despite my lack of sleep. There is no set pattern, the second Friday Daughter had to collect them as they both fell asleep within seconds of each other on the sitting room carpet. Lydia's naps vary, and Nat is mostly good with using his potty, but occasionally forgets. I now have a step in the bathroom, so he can reach the wash basin to wash his hands. We spent part of one afternoon watching Muppet clips on our computers, Nat's favourite was Mnah Mnah, which he insisted on watching 3 times!!
Yesterday I had to do the weekend shopping alone, as husband wasn't well enough. I took the car, didn't spend as much, and didn't met anyone I knew to get distracted.  In the last couple of weeks I have had 2 walks which took me over the other side of the railway, and the second slightlyy longer into the grounds of the local manor house. As I returned from the second, I passed the local parish church, and their Christmas fayre was one, so I popped in for a natter with our son's old primary school teacher. I was able to show her pics of the grandchildren from my camera.
On a good note my mammagram was ok.
Saturday walk near the manor

Looking over to ski slope

the trees are so slow at dropping their leaves this year

Above the church

Approaching the golf course

Looking over to the girls' school

Crossing the golf course

The station husband travelled from for many years

church Chritmas fayre
when will they put the clock right?
After a bad summer I have started losing wight again, must be the soups and the extra exercise.

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